571. 571 Chapter Mining Corporation Major Shareholder

The next morning, Elena went to rehearse the dance and perform in the afternoon. Kirilenko, as a member of the delegation, naturally attended. Feng Yu went to Yang Tai and looked at the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Evening program. By the way, I gave some suggestions for the Spring Festival Gala.

In the evening, Feng Yu sat with Kirilenko again. Kirilenko wanted to have a serious chat with Feng Yu. Can Ye Liqin really be re-elected, won’t he be beaten halfway?

The reason why Russia came to China was mainly because at the beginning of last year, Ye Liqin and the former President of the Republic of China signed a treaty on the reduction of strategic weapons. The two sides stopped the arms race and the relationship eased.

In July last year, the relationship between the country of rice and China was suddenly abrupt. This is the first time that Clinton has revealed his fangs to the big country after he has boarded the Presidential Throne of the country.

This incident is called “Galaxy ~ event”!

On the grounds of obtaining accurate information, China believed that China used the Galaxy freighter to transport raw materials for chemical weapons to Iran, and sent warships and planes. On the high seas, the Galaxy was seized for more than a month.

The results were checked twice and all were found. The representative of China said ironically: “Is your intelligence bought for a dollar?”

Although the representatives of the country of Mi are embarrassed, they insist that they are correct. As a result, the country recognized the intelligence and accepted compensation for economic losses, but refused to apologize!

At this time, there was a wave of anti-meter countries in the country. Many college students said that the hegemonism of the country should be cast aside. They no longer want to study in the country.

At this time, Russia looked at it and the opportunity came. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. The relationship with the country is moderated, but it does not mean that you can forget the hatred.

Russia inherited the purpose of the former Soviet Union, and is definitely not a friend, but an enemy. Although the public does not say so, the vast majority of Russia still think so, it is difficult to say that there is no government orientation.

This time, Russia is visiting China and wants to cooperate in many aspects, not only the economy, but also the military. In the period of the former Soviet Union, China was always regarded as a younger brother. Even if the relationship is noisy, the former Soviet Union’s government is still proud that China can only be under the Soviet Union.

But since the disintegration of Soviet Union, Russia’s economic recovery is a major problem in front of Ye Liqin, which he has to solve.

It is undoubtedly the quickest way to cooperate with China, the country with the strongest rising momentum. After seeing Japan’s economic collapse, it’s just relying on the market in China, and it’s coming over, although the Japan Government has also paid a huge profit.

Russia can also, especially Ye Liqin, very much needs the support of China Government. Ye Liqin disbanded the Russian parliament in September last year, and the remaining Russia parliament naturally fought fiercely against the power of the President, even in the parliament building.

In the end, Ye Liqin beat the parliament. As a result, all the “rebels” were arrested. The appointed President of the parliament, the speaker, including several senior military officials who supported the parliament, were also arrested.

At that time, Kirilenko called Feng Yu to ask, because Kirilenko’s father is now only a middle, but the responsible department is very important, and it is not a small force. If he falls to the parliament, it will bring great trouble to Ye Liqin!

Feng Yu tells Kirilenko that the parliament is just a clown, because Ye Liqin has a broad mass base in Russia, that is, the people support Ye Liqin.

This will also affect the soldiers of the army, making Ye Liqin’s orders easier to convey, and the orders of the parliament are difficult to enforce. At the same time, Kirilenko was warned. If the parliament succeeded, then Russia would have lost a strong President. The Kirilenko’s father would also be implicated.

No one will be willing to have a general, who was once the opponent’s front, and then turned against him. Even if you promise to give you a father, you must be an empty position without any rights.

After hearing Feng Yu’s analysis, Kirilenko’s father also wanted to understand. Since he has been labeled as Ye Liqin, he will not be able to pick it up in this life. Naturally, he still firmly supports Ye Liqin. Because Ye Liqin wins, he can get more benefits.

The power of public opinion was firmly in the hands of Ye Liqin. Although the army was half and half, Ye Liqin was promoted as a teacher of justice, and the parliament was promoted to become a counter-moving force. At a glance.

If Kirilenko’s father is in the wrong team, it may not be able to win Ye Liqin. The final result is that Kirilenko can go to other countries for refuge, and then Feng Yu and his minerals invested in Russia will be fully beaten. The water is drifting!

That is Feng Yu’s biggest investment. How can it make it rain? At the same time, Feng Yu also feels that Brother Ki is a good friend. All the words are clearly stated on the face. Such a person deserves to be in contact with him.

Besides, Kirilenko is now an economic force that cannot be ignored. In the future, when Feng Yu fights against the Mexican consortium, he can also make a contribution. Together, everyone will give a deep lesson to the speculators in the country!

After this incident, Kirilenko naturally owed Feng Yu a big favor. His father’s performance in this incident was deeply appreciated by Ye Liqin. It is estimated that it will take a year for Russia to come back. One of the black hats will fall on his father’s head.

This time, the Russian delegation to China, Kirilenko also specifically mixed in. One is to see if there is any cooperation with China. The other one is to thank Feng Yu in person.

The plan to import car next year is to express his opinion to Feng Yu, who will not only sell the Song River car to all parts of Russia, but also to some of the former Union Union’s allies.

“Brother Ki, you can rest assured that you will follow Ye Liqin, and your father’s position will be rock-solid!”

“Feng, if you say this, I will be more worried with my father. Do you have any need for me to help, say it, I promise to do it for you!” Kirilenko said with a slap in his chest.

“After two years, I will have an economic action. I will start a financial war against some of the financial big players in the country. I hope that you can support me and mobilize all the funds to support me.”

“Feng, deal with the country, don’t need you to say that I will also go. Well, we will not lose too much?” Kirilenko clearly lacks confidence.

“Defiance? Do you think I will lose money? Not only will not lose, we will make a big profit, thus hitting the economy of the country and hitting the financial big player. But then, if they are not, the ruble will not be devalued madly. You and I will not develop to the present level. But in any case, they have caused irreparable harm to your country!”

“Feng, since it is taking me to make money, then this is not a requirement. What are your requirements? Say it! If you don’t say it, then what will I give to the mining company’s shares?”

“You don’t have to, you have to give it, 2% is enough.” Feng Yu deliberately quit, then quickly said his request, waiting for the words Brother Ki.

“Okay, that document, look at it, sign it.” Kirilenko pulled out the documents that had been prepared long ago, which happened to be 2%.

Feng Yu looked at it twice and smiled and signed the word. From today, the Mining Corporation, he is the largest shareholder!

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