Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3356: core!

Nowadays, not only are the similarities and differences between the ups and downs of the time direction happening more frequently, and it is more common. Moreover, the worlds where the time flows are different from each other, but they are no longer relatively independent as before!

Judging from the timeline of the heaven and earth group at this moment, the flow of time and the direction of time flow between the many worlds in the group of heaven and earth are completely different from each other, and under the different flow directions of time, the world is different. But it was already unified by the timeline of this world group.

Under this kind of unity, the mutual influence between the direct world and the retrograde world is completely real, the most intuitive, and the most direct!

In other words, the direction of time flows from the birth of heaven and earth to the destruction of heaven and earth, that is, from the past to the future. On the other hand, the direction of time flows in the other direction, from the destruction of heaven and earth to the birth of heaven and earth. That is, from the future to the past, but the creatures in the two can still communicate without obstacles.

Both can influence each other.

Even if the past of the other world is the future of this world, the influence of the other world on this world will continue to accumulate in the past of this world, eventually changing the past of this world.

This situation has completely violated the normal view of time.

After all, the normal view of time is that the past is immutable and cannot be changed, while the future is infinite and can be changed at any time.

But now, in this group of heaven and earth, once the two heavens and earth have an impact, it is the future that has an impact on the past and changes the past.

This is obviously very different from the eternal view of time in the past!

This does not mean that this view of time is wrong, but it just means that this world group has completely ignored all concepts, all logic, and the level of weirdness has surpassed this view of time.

The past, present, and future are completely meaningless in this world of heaven and earth.

Originally there was a very high threshold, traveling through time and space, to the past and the future, in this world group, there is almost no threshold.

Originally, it may take a very high understanding of time to be able to travel to the past and the future, and even if it is to travel to the past and the future, a higher threshold is needed to truly change the past. But now, in this world group, any existence, no matter whether it has power or not, even if it may even run a few steps, the weak who need to breathe for a long time, as long as they know the method, they can easily travel to the past and the future!

And this method may just place certain objects in certain shapes, such as chanting certain syllables, or just fit a certain state of mind and spirit...

Moreover, after returning to the past, you can easily change the past and completely subvert the entire timeline!

Under this circumstance, the many heavens and earths in this heaven and earth group changed almost every day.

At this moment, the world is still like this, the next moment, suddenly the whole world is completely changed. All interpersonal relationships, even the shape and rules of the world, are completely changed!

This situation does not happen occasionally, but frequently.

Under such changes, unless the monk can grow to ignore time, no matter how strong he is, he may be easily solved by an extremely weak weak at some point.

Moreover, even if it is enough to ignore the time, there is a degree of difference.

For example, the cultivation of Innate Da Luo is actually qualified to ignore time. After all, as the cultivation of Innate Da Luo, it is already enough to open up the world. And this means that it is already self-sufficient and does not seek outside demand. Such an existence itself is a timeline, and it is a space-time, and naturally it can be independent and unaffected by external time.

The quasi-holy, false holy, false holy, desperate, supreme emperor, and the power of robbery above this level are advancing step by step, rising steadily, and their ability to ignore time is beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures. .

Obviously, ignoring the time, the quasi-sage is obviously not comparable to the cultivation of Innate Daluo, and the sage, is it comparable to the quasi-sanctuary, and the false sage is not comparable to the pseudo-sanctuary...

In this way, until the monk in the Tribulation Realm, the strong in the Second Tribulation, the strong in the Three Tribulations...

In other words, for the cultivation of Xian Da Luo, although he can ignore time, he can still influence him by changing the past. It only needs to plan enough to exert a specific influence and make specific changes at a specific point in time.

For the cultivation of Congenital Da Luo, perhaps it only needs to exert a very subtle and quite complex influence at a certain point in time after its birth to completely erase it.

As for the quasi-sage, it is obviously impossible to make some changes after its birth. At least, it is necessary to exert influence before its birth to prevent its birth, so that this can be achieved.

The false saints that are higher, the influence needs to be exerted at the front, the false saints are even higher, the desperate, the supreme emperor, the monk of the robbery!

Perhaps, for the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm, this kind of influence may not be possible until the birth of heaven and earth...

Of course, these are just a rough list of the difficulty of exerting influence. It is not true that exerting influence during those time periods can really erase those monks.

Moreover, the influence that is exerted cannot really be as simple as speaking. It requires countless plans, countless coincidences, and even a corresponding intensity of force to truly achieve this.

The reason why the cultivation of Innate Daluo can ignore time is also because it is too difficult to complete this kind of influence, and it is definitely not the reason that ordinary creatures can do it.

As for the Tribulation Realm cultivator, the time he wants to exert influence is already fully advanced before the birth of heaven and earth.

At that time, the heaven and earth group had obviously not been born yet.

This world hasn't become weird yet, so it's the past that the creatures can't touch.

From this, it can be said that the past of the Tribulation Realm cultivator is truly fixed and cannot be changed anymore.

Of course, it's just these tribulation cultivators themselves. For the existences related to this tribulation cultivator, they obviously cannot enjoy this kind of convenience and cannot be protected.

In this way, what the world group will look like, obviously can be imagined.

Although it is very difficult to change the past of the monks below the Tribulation Realm monks and those above the Innate Daluo, as long as it is possible and with a sufficiently large base, such changes will inevitably occur.

In other words, there are bound to be some existence, find a way to put the past of the monks above the congenital Daluo and below the monks of the robbery realm, and really implement it!

And this kind of thing, as long as it happens once, it is enough to put all those monks in danger.

As a result, their desire to become a monk in the Tribulation Realm is obviously stronger.

After all, only the past of the Tribulation Realm cultivator is completely fixed and will not be changed.

In other words, only when you truly become a monk in the Tribulation Realm can you be truly safe, and then you will not encounter bad luck when you are extremely weak and be wiped out abruptly!

In the past, the achievement of a monk in the Tribulation Realm was only the pursuit of the monk himself, and his life was not involved.

It is a good thing, it is enough to excite it. However, even if they didn't get it, they just regretted it. To put it another way, getting it is icing on the cake, and not getting it is just not icing on the cake.

However, nowadays, becoming a monk in the Tribulation Realm really involves life!

After all, once you fail to become a Tribulation Realm cultivator, it means that you may be completely erased in the next moment at any time!

Even if it is, I may be just one step away from the Tribulation Realm cultivator, even if I can destroy the world with just a hand, even if my enemy is just a small ant...

In such a situation, what is acceptable to the monks? !

So, obviously, compared with before, the cultivation power of those monks is many times stronger.

Under the threat of life, the potential that those monks could excite was also stronger than before.

Therefore, the monks of the Tribulation Realm, in the following time, appeared faster and faster, and more and more.

Let the number of powerhouses in this world group rise with the tide.

However, this also brought about a problem, that is, among the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm, many crooked ways have also appeared!

The quality and strength of the newly-appearing monks in the Tribulation Realm are much worse than those of the previous ones.

After all, those who were able to become cultivators of Tribulation Realm in the past were those who had extremely high dreams and cared about their own future. For such monks, they are never willing to stop at the first realm of the robbery monk, the robbery strongman.

In this way, their practice will naturally follow the normal path of practice as much as possible. During the course of practice, they will not ruin their own future for a little bit of petty gain.

But, obviously, for these newly-born cultivators, their mentality is obviously different.

For the newly born monks in the Tribulation Realm, what they are looking for is not a future, but survival!

Perhaps, some will be eager to go further, eager to keep advancing at the level of the tribulation realm, and eventually even become true. However, most of them are just for their own lives, for their complete safety in that practice, and for their past to be completely fixed, so that they will not one day die unclearly!

Under such circumstances, for them, the achievement of the Tribulation Realm monk is their ultimate goal.

As long as you can become a monk in the Tribulation Realm, your future is nothing, nothing!

Under such circumstances, they will naturally come in how they are convenient and how they have a high success rate. Something like using magic weapons, some secret methods of cultivation to temporarily improve oneself to break bottlenecks, some completely distorting one's own worldview, etc., etc. It is really the Eight Immortals who cross the sea to show their magical powers. The ultimate goal is to cross that boundary and completely fix one's past!

As a result, naturally there was a large number of parallel rob realm monks appearing in this world group.

Of course, although this seems to have a lot of drawbacks, it also makes the world of practice in this world group flourish. There are countless paths of practice that have not appeared before, and countless strong practitioners that have never appeared before .

Among them, the most special are the monks who have grown up directly with the help of the strange characteristics in this world.

This kind of monk may already be powerful enough to be comparable to that of the six or seven calamities in some respects, but on the other hand, they are even inferior to ordinary people...

All these changes have increased the dangers of this world group by countless.

Even those monks in the Tribulation Realm who have fixed their past and will not be erased because of the changes in the past, it is difficult to truly and completely settle down.

After all, in addition to changing the past and erasing the opponent, there are too many ways, too many ways to solve the opponent.

And these methods, these methods, even the Six Tribulations powerhouse cannot ignore.

According to the time dimension of this world group, tens of thousands of years passed by in a flash.

During these tens of thousands of years, the world of information technology has remained the same, still surrounded by numerous dense halos.

However, the situation in that halo is completely different from before.

In the past, there were only those Tribulation Realm monks in the halo, and more of the Six Tribulations Powerhouse and their power. But, nowadays, every halo is like a world, a world!

In it, there are endless living beings that can share the pressure of information!

These creatures are almost all in the way of ethnic groups. Although they are different in species, ethnic groups, and even completely different images, they have one thing in common, that is, weird!

Unimaginable weird!

The weird collection of this piece of heaven and earth!

It can be said that the creatures living in every halo can be regarded as the strangest creatures in this world!

These countless weird gatherings made those auras become weird.

At first glance, it seems to be the same as before, but if you look closely, you will find that every ray of brilliance is a strange manifestation, a strange incarnation!

The gathering of countless auras like this makes this place completely the weird core of this heaven and earth group!

Become an indescribable place in this world group!

Any creature, let alone seeing these auras, even if they hear or think about it, may produce all kinds of weird changes, or get infinite benefits, or suffer endless disasters!

Over these tens of thousands of years, there are billions, billions, billions, billions of trillions of creatures who have been changed because of hearing and thinking about this strange core.

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