In the early morning on campus, students got up early as always, carrying textbooks and walking in twos and threes to the classrooms, showing a carefree appearance in an ivory tower.

Carlin, who had just come out of the library and walked towards the alchemy laboratory building, was carefully watching the pedestrians on campus.

After opening the path of the Holy Spirit, his perception underwent a qualitative change.

Not only were the sounds of whispered conversations within twenty meters extremely clear to his ears, but also some insignificant footprints on the ground were clearly visible, and even a few dust particles on some people's clothes could be felt.

And he also observed some more detailed things from the spirituality of these students.

Through the spiritual brightness, color, and shape, the person's physical condition, life span, and even emotions can be roughly analyzed.

‘Is this the spiritual vision of an extraordinary person on the path of the Holy Spirit? Through these observed details, a mortal can hardly hide his emotions at all.

Through these external emotions, actions, and spiritual information, you can roughly see through what is in his heart. It's really scary! ’

At this moment, a young male teacher appeared in Carlin's field of vision.

His spirituality was calm and unruffled, but it was more dazzling than those of those students. Carlin could not see many details for the time being.

At this time, he poured his spirituality into his eyes, and immediately the other person's spirituality became colorful, and many hidden details were discovered one by one.

Karin just watched with relish for more than ten seconds.

Perhaps because he had been looking at it for too long, the teacher felt something. His spirit suddenly shook, and he huddled up like a frightened hedgehog, hiding many details.

He turned his head and looked around in confusion, as if he was looking for something.

Karin quickly turned his gaze aside and continued to move towards the alchemy teaching building with a normal expression, acting like an ordinary student passing by.

The teacher was confused for a while, then shook his head and took another step forward.

"Maybe some guy is joking with me on purpose.

No, we must talk to Grandma Salier and ask them to restrain themselves. It is really outrageous for those guys who have become True Seeers to peek into other people's spirituality all day long. "

Listening to the other party's whisper, Karin also fell into thinking.

'It seems that I used too much force. I have to be more careful in the future. When I peek, I should pay attention to my method and strength, otherwise I will be noticed easily.

The quill pen is more convenient. That guy Holden can just write whatever he wants to see with the quill pen. As long as he is careful enough, even the professional level may not notice it. ’

Thinking of this, Carlin thought of that guy Holden who hadn't come to school for a long time.

Since the last time he vomited blood in front of him, Holden has not been seen again, and there is no further story about taking the pharmacy class with him.

But it’s best not to come. Carlin has made up his mind. As long as Holden dares to come to school to pester him, he will directly kill this annoying boy.

Soon Carlin arrived at the alchemy laboratory building and started today's lesson with Birmingham.

The day passed quickly, and it was time for the fantasy to open.

Except for finding a box at the door when Carlin returned to the apartment after class, he didn't encounter anything special.

Inside the box were his trophies from last night. When talking to Grandma Salier, he did not forget to ask her to help him search for the trophies at Nice and Rhine's house.

Carlin didn't dare to stay outside the academy at all now, for fear of being tricked by Holden again, so he could only ask the Rangers to help him search for loot.

Knowledge among all the spoils was shared, and the others were divided half and half. The two's extraordinary items, potions, some antique artworks, stocks and bonds, and Carlin also requested to be directly exchanged for gold pounds.

So he gained two secret books and 3114 gold pounds.

Both secrets are only for the apprentice level, and Nisi's is an ordinary animal trainer's secret, which can train birds as one's animal companions.

Although the crow yesterday was not very powerful, some of its auxiliary abilities were pretty good. However, it was killed by Carlin with an arrow before it had a chance to be used.

And Rhine's secret transmission made him slightly interested. Rhine's profession is a relatively rare sage path profession - enchantment master.

Normally, extraordinary beings on the sage path cultivate objects that are closely connected with themselves, which are called life tools. The life tool of the Holy Blood School is the marionette.

The enchantment masters are special. They burn various ritual enchantments on the formation disk and use the formation disk as a life weapon. This way, they can omit the tedious arrangement process and directly start the ceremony.

Rhine was only a trainee, and due to lack of money, the formation disk was not cultivated to be very powerful. It only carried an auxiliary purification ritual. Yesterday, Karin's fog was dispelled by the ritual.

However, his skills in the field of barrier are very solid, and now this knowledge has become Karin's trophy.

And he temporarily put the two secret transmissions aside, waiting to learn or integrate them when he has free time in the future. What he needs now is a secret transmission that can greatly increase his immediate combat power.

For example, the secret biography of the black-clad killer of the Essin clan.

As long as he kills the three-sword-style rat, he will not only get its secret information, but also get all his combat experience and integrate it into the first marionette he will make in reality with the human body's extreme rat body.

If he succeeds, it will directly increase his strength. By then, except for the four professional levels in Wayne City, almost no one will be his opponent!

The secrets of sub-professional professions such as boundary master and beast tamer can be digested later.

In the alchemy room, Carlin directly chose to enter [Sage] after getting ready. After waiting all day, he couldn't wait to kill the rat.

When Karin appeared in the ruins of the ceilingless lobby, he acted quickly.

‘Miss 75’ and her ammunition box were taken out from the album by Carlin, with the muzzle facing the door.

The Skaven are on the shorter side, and the door is much shorter than the door to a human room, but this will not affect the trajectory of 'Miss 75'.

Ignoring the three swordsmen who were killing people outside, Carlin began to adjust the direction and height of Miss 75 so that the muzzle faced the opposite side of the street.

After a while, the three-sword-style rats killed the group of blue-clothed rat men and led a group of red-clothed soldiers into patrol mode. The next step was to wait.

Karin pulled the trigger cord and stared nervously at the door.

Time passed minute by minute, and the atmosphere in the ruins of the lobby was solemn.

When the figure of the three-knife rat finally appeared, Karin couldn't wait to pull the trigger rope.


The cannonball instantly passed through the gate and rushed towards the target, and the three-sword-style rat reacted very quickly and immediately entered the invisible state the moment the cannonball rushed out of the gate.

But it's a pity that he is only a trainee now. No matter how fast he is, it can't be faster than a cannonball that is far faster than the speed of sound. The street is less than ten meters wide and he can immediately become invisible. His reaction is super fast.

After the shell hit his body, he crashed directly into the ruins across the street and exploded.

Everything ended when Karin pulled the 'Miss 75' button. Before he could observe the results of the battle, he saw two books flying towards him.

The information was transmitted piece by piece. The two secret transmissions were from the rat soldiers and the three-sword-style rats.

When Carlin accepted the secret message, his expression became more and more alarmed.

One of them is just the basic general secret transmission of Skaven. All Skaven will practice it after birth to distinguish their own qualifications and talents. They can later transfer to other secret transmissions of Skaven.

And the other one is really amazing.

The contact level, the trainee level, the professional level, and finally the demigod level ended. He was extremely surprised by the high secret transmission level.

Karin originally thought that the three-sword-style rat was just a professional or mentor-level killer from the black-clad killer group, but after receiving the secret transmission, he realized that he might have caught a big fish.

So quickly check out the new memory books in the memory library.

This is a large black book, and the amount of information surpasses Nice and Rhine's pitifully thin booklet by countless blocks.

Then he saw the name "Snitch" written on the cover.

Karin's expression first turned to shock, then turned to ecstasy, and finally he laughed crazily in the ruins.


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