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Chapter 501 Inner Disciple Competition!

(Don't look. The work and rest time has been changed back these days, but I ignore that this is also breaking the original work and rest rules, which caused the time to write novels to be exhausted. I really can't write tonight, and I owe four chapters emmm)

Zhonghua Dao Zang: When you enter the mountain, you should know the secret blessing of Liujia. The blessing said: 'Those who are fighting in battle, all go forward in array. Also. (Original source: Taiqing Department of Orthodox Dao Cang in Ming Dynasty. Reference version: Wang Ming: Explanation of the Inner Chapter of Baopuzi)

The rough jadeite here is directly supplied by the mining area, without middlemen, and one piece is also at a wholesale price


Nine-character sword seal formula:

Chant the mantra in the air: All those who are facing the battle will march forward in formation, and draw four vertical and five horizontal. The left hand is placed on the waist in the shape of a martingale symbolizing a sword, and the right hand is in the shape of a sword; like a sword out of its sheath. To read a character, use your right sword to point horizontally or vertically in the air, odd numbers are horizontal and even numbers are vertical. Squeeze the Sword Jue with your right hand, and then use your strength to read the Jiuzi Zhenjue and make gestures in front of your chest. The index finger and middle finger of your right hand are straightened, the ring finger and little finger are bent to the palm, and the thumb clasps the nails of the little finger and ring finger. When the thumb clasps the nails of the little finger and the ring finger, the nails of the two fingers must be tightly pressed so that the nails are not exposed. This is called Tibetan Armor. Whether this technique can be effective is one of the key points. When you can't tell the direction due to the darkness, first make a posture of drawing a sword out of its sheath, then close your eyes, keep calm, sincerely pray to the god you believe in most, and then type out the nine-character formula, and then it will be effective.

Function and method:

The Nine-Character Mantra can be used to defend oneself against demons, but this mantra is only effective when combined with powerful thoughts. Generally speaking, it is best to practice meditation. If you can’t do it, you can only use this method. Go to Practice and gradually strengthen your mind.

First of all, calm down, take a few deep breaths, then make a sword finger print with your right hand, make a fist with your left hand and wrap the middle index finger of your right hand like a scabbard, pull your right hand out with a little force like drawing a sword, and follow the picture below in the air To create the Nine-Character Diagram, you have to practice more every day, and soon you will feel the existence of mind power. It is useless to have a messy mind or a silly blank when drawing, you need to have extremely firm confidence and boldness, and it is the same when you use it. When encountering difficulties, draw out the nine-character diagram, and at the same time recite the nine-character mantra silently in your heart. At the end, you should add: win, win, win, cloud. End with doing. It can not only protect the body, but also relieve pain, and more uses, it depends on oneself to sum up in practice. Only in this way can what you have learned truly digest into your own. You must be courteous in everything you do. You must know that with great power comes great responsibility. Helping others is something you cannot shirk. Only in this way can you make more progress.

The above-mentioned all those who are facing the soldiers march forward in formation belongs to the strange formation method, which was later used as the suppressive method. In fact, it is the Big Dipper and nine stars, and it is performed according to the steps. There are static method and dynamic step method in air distribution technique.


The seven-character talisman, the Beidou body protector specializes in breaking evil spells. This talisman is used in conjunction with the Liujia Secret Mantra, and even snakes, rats, insects and ants are shunned.

Liujia Secret Mantra: All those who are facing the battle will march forward in formation. If you feel inexplicable discomfort, afraid of walking at night, etc. before engaging in dangerous activities, men left and women right, hold the kit with the two fingers of the middle index, recite the mantra three times, and everything will be avoided.

This talisman cannot be placed below the waist.

finger name

There are too many finger codes in the scriptures. Today, it is used in travel notes.

It is said that the two hands are named Eryu, and they are also named Full Moon.

The arms are also called the wings.

It is also named ten degrees, also known as ten rounds and ten peaks.

The right hand name is Prajna. Also known as view, wisdom, wisdom, etc. The name of the left hand is Samadhi. Also known as Zhi, Ding, Fu, etc.

Ten degrees. Starting from the left little finger and counting above, they are Tan, Jie, Ren, Jin, and Zen. Counting from the right little finger, namely Hui, Fang, Gu, Li, Zhi.

The same is true for the five rounds of secret numbers. Counting upwards from the left and right little fingers, that is, earth, water, fire, wind, and air.

Pro: Stand up with the index fingers of both hands, and bend the other fingers together.

Bing: The index finger of the second hand is upright, the middle finger overlaps it, and the little finger and ring finger are bent and combined. Thumbs upright.

Bucket: ring finger, middle finger, thumb upright, little finger, index finger bent combination.

Patient: index finger, thumb upright, other fingers meet at the nail.

All: Fingers are all bent outwards. Array: All fingers are bent inwards.

Array: Stand up with the index finger of the left hand, hold it with the right hand, and put the thumb inside.

Front: The thumb and index finger of the second hand form a circle.

Line: circle the thumb and index finger of the left hand, lightly make a fist with the remaining fingers of the left hand, and wrap the left hand with the right hand.


Excerpt from (Baidu Encyclopedia)

The nine-character mantra has a wide range of uses, and it is also a commonly used technique. The combination of four vertical and five horizontal lines can be used for exams, traffic jams, finding parking spaces, finding people, enhancing memory, supplementing sleep, etc.

Ninety-nine common techniques:

1. Before drinking or fighting wine, draw the word water three times on the palm of your hand, grab the back of your head three times, and put the hand with the word water in your pocket as much as possible, such as a trouser pocket or a clothes pocket. A thousand cups are not drunk.

2. To entertain guests, to eat lunches or lunches while traveling, etc., draw the word Ming on the palm of your hand before eating, nine times, you can prevent food poisoning, unclean diarrhea, etc.

3. When visiting a sick person or going to a funeral, draw the word Qi on the palm of your hand once, and hold this invisible Qi word tightly, so that you will be safe and sound.

4. When the child was frightened, he said silently: Zhang Tianshi came to stop the fright. Draw three souls and seven souls return to the body once on the child's head.

5. When the child cries continuously at night, read silently: Ye Tiao Lang once, put a P on the baby's limbs, read it four times, P four times, then write the word quiet on the child's face, and put it on the baby's mouth. Don't cry now. All the actions above, such as drawing symbols, words, marking, dots, circles, etc., are all done with the sword finger.

6. If you are afraid that it will be dangerous for children to play outside or have accidents, or if elementary school students are afraid of accidents when they go to school, etc., draw An on the back of the child every morning, and silently say: Master's Order.

7. The child sleeps at night and grits his teeth, draw a ? on the child's whole body, tap the temple left and right, and tap twice.

8. The same goes for children or adults, who sleep at night and often have nightmares, and are awakened for a long time. Before going to bed, draw the symbol ??? Dirty ghost on their foreheads. In addition, if you draw a talisman by yourself, it will be 亖佄荣派荣荣?, all once.

9. Walking alone at night, or passing through the cemetery, cemetery, draw the symbol I am a ghost on the palm once, open the palm, and say silently: Everyone is a ghost, don't be afraid of the sky, don't be afraid of the earth, return to the destination safely.

10. When crossing the river for safety, draw the word Dragon on the palm of your hand and hold it tightly. If you are afraid of seasickness, say silently: I am the Dragon King of the Sea, and keep saying it.

71. To treat men who are lovelorn, you can draw Female Butterfly Flying on their backs seven times for seven consecutive days, and they will no longer be unrequited love.

72. To treat a female lovelorn, you can draw Male Bee Walking on her back seven times, for seven days in a row, and no longer have unrequited love.

73. If a woman encounters a pervert or her boyfriend wants to rape her, she can silently recite Master has orders in her mouth and draw the three characters: dominatrix in her hand, and she will be fine.

74. When encountering hooligans and villains fighting, beating, killing or infringing good people on the road, silently recite Master's Urgent Order in mind, and draw the word 节 on the palm of your hand, grab and release, and do it many times in a row, and the beating and killing incidents will naturally be eliminated.

75. Seeing someone drowning, I can't believe it myself

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