128. the road opens

A group of people appeared through a dark mountain road.

Their clothes were engraved with the emblem representing the Church of the Earth.


The man at the front stopped the crowd and opened his mouth.

“Ambassador. You have arrived at your destination.”

A young man in the middle of the group stepped forward and took his word.

“thank you for your effort. Captain Knox.”

The one who received his words was none other than the High Priest of the Church of the Earth, ‘Arthur’.

“Where can we go now?”

“As I said, the road is already open. Look around and find traces of divine power.”

“Shouldn’t it be possible to find divine power instead of black magic?”

“Yes. Find traces of divine power.”

“Look around everyone, find traces of divine power.”

At Captain Knox’s words, the surrounding priests spread out and began to search for traces of divine power.

When everyone was looking around to find traces of divine power.

Only Captain Knox was looking at the high priest.

‘Did God really open the way for us… … .’

Even he, the leader of the paladin, couldn’t believe it. If it wasn’t for the high priest who pushed this forward, I would never have agreed.

‘What on earth can he see?’

At that moment, the high priest turned his head and looked at the leader. The captain was startled and tried to look elsewhere.

“Are you confused?”

The high priest did not allow that. As if seeing through everything, I threw a question at him.

“… … sorry.”

“no. I’m not sorry. It is understandable to be confused.”

The High Priestess was confident and had a relaxed expression just like ‘then’.

“Captain Knox. Do you remember what I said back then?”

Knox knew right away when the ‘at that time’ the high priest asked.

The day the High Priestess of the Church of Earth was changed.

It refers to the day the high priest came to him.

“Yes. He said that he would establish the church of the earth right away.”

“you’re right. A lot of people were in despair at the appearance of the church that could not stand upright, and I reached out my hand.”

For Knox, that day was an unforgettable day. He was one of those whom Arthur reached out to.

“thank you. If it hadn’t been for the high priest then, I would have lived forever as an animal.”

He saw the ugliness of the Church of the Earth, and he was the one who put that ugliness into practice.

He was a paladin, but what he did was like a hunting dog.

Knox was disappointed in himself and despaired of the true nature of the Church of the Earth.

“no. There were more people stained with ugliness, and more people who didn’t know their faults.”

The high priest is changed, but there is no way it could have ended peacefully and quietly. A lot of blood was shed where you can’t see it.

“However, there were those who tried to set the church right again. You did it, and they did it.”

Arthur looked at those who were searching around.

“You made a way for me. It has put the church back on its feet.”

“You mean us?”

“Yes. The fact that the Church of the Earth was rightly established was not because God gave them strength. It was only possible because of you.”

I thought it was possible because the high priest was excellent. He thought he was just following the high priest.

But, it wasn’t.

The Church of the new land was being made together.

“Since the religious denomination on earth is standing upright, and our faith is standing upright, a new path has been opened. You were the beginning, and because of that beginning, the current path has been opened.”

Everyone who was searching was listening to Arthur with the same expression on their faces.

“Everyone look around. You will see the way.”

At that time, a priest shouted like a lie.

“Hey, there are traces of divine power here.”

Arthur nodded and opened his mouth as if he knew that.

“The blemish of the Church of the Earth, the black magician who made us and the world sick. I will sort it out here today.”

Arthur said as if declaring.

“Destroy all the demons on the land, and spread the will of God over the land.”

After saying that, Arthur approached the place where the divine power was and touched the divine power.

“go. I will not tolerate even a single demon.”

Soon, like magic, a passage appeared.

“I accept the order of the high priest.”

With those words, the priests of the Church of the Earth poured in.

to destroy all demons.

* * *

There was a man who was spying on it from deep in the ground.

‘Kya! Well done Arthur! I must have been scammed for nothing?!’

It was none other than Leon.

‘I think everything came in? Bixby, disconnect the outer connection!’

[Yep! I will sever the connection with the forest that was connected by the power of the world tree!]

This was possible because it was in the woods.

Lyon, hiding in the ground, was able to get in touch with the roots of the trees and observe the situation outside.

‘What’s the inside situation?’

[The Church of Earth has safely entered the interior!]

The passage through which the Church of the Earth entered was not a passage through which warlocks came and went.

It was a pre-dug passage that allowed direct access to the center.

‘I never thought the digging skills I received from the fishermen would be so useful.’

I was wondering where the heck to use the ground digging, and it was really helpful.

Now it was time to move on to the next step.

‘What is the original entrance for black magic?’

[I’m going to close the entrance right now!]

With Bixby’s words, the ground felt a slight vibration.

[Closed complete! You won’t be able to come out through the original entrance!]

Now the warlocks could not escape.

‘It’s not my style to miss it.’

To make sure the seeds had to be dried. The belated return was an envoy from this side.

‘How’s the inside?’

[The energy of the black magicians is rapidly disappearing.]

‘I laid the board like this, but if you make a mistake, that’s not human.’

It was natural.

The elite of the Church of the Earth caught the black magicians off guard with the Heretic Inquisitor.

‘Shall we go to remove the unknown danger? Bixby!’

[Yes! We will move quickly!]

‘great! Rush at full speed!’

With the word rash, Leon’s body moved forward at a high speed as if swimming underground.

‘The king of fairies is a real blessing.’

It was a change that occurred after learning how to handle the power of the world tree from the king of fairies.

Soon after, we arrived at our destination.

[We have arrived at the Werewolf. Do you want to enter right away?]

‘Where is the location? You know I shouldn’t get caught on the side of the Church of the Earth, right?’

It would be difficult if this place was in the middle of the aisle.

[it’s okay! Priests, let alone warlocks, are few and far between. It is judged to be a prison-like place.]

I did, but luckily it didn’t seem like that.

The warlocks were holding the wolves hostage. This arrangement was natural.

‘How many warlocks are there?’

[There are three guarding this place.]

‘Let’s get closer and listen to what they’re saying.’


Leon’s body moved slightly, and his senses began to maximize. Not only hearing, but all senses were expanded.

Soon after, voices began to be heard from inside, along with the thick smell of blood.

“The dungeon entrance is blocked!”

“Experimental data!?”

“I didn’t have time to pack everything. Except for what I took, everything else was discarded.”

“Are you saying they scrapped it!? How did you collect the data!”

“sorry. We decided it was better to destroy it than to fall into the hands of our enemies.”

After a moment of silence, the conversation started again.

“What about the test subject?”

“sorry. I ordered it to be dealt with, but I’m not sure how it turned out.”

“Huh. Not too long ago, everything was perfect!”

That perfection was made by Leon.

“But with Werewolf in our hands, we can overcome this crisis.”

“Do you have a way?”

“All you have to do is make that Werewolf go wild and clear the way. I don’t know if I’ll beat the Heretic Questioner, but I’ll give it enough time.”

“I will prepare right away.”

I don’t know how to make it go wild, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be a very good way.

‘It’s time to leave soon. Give the werewolf a signal.’

[Yes. I will slightly move the moonlight energy!]

‘Thank you for making him, but he’s mine now.’

I never thought of giving it up.

The black magicians began to move busily as if preparing something.

‘Let’s go! Don’t forget that!’


It was so fast that it jumped out of the ground, but it seemed as if it had arrived in the cave by teleportation.

“Who, who are you!”

One of the warlocks who saw it shouted.

“Where is the tower owner?”

A voice that resonated harshly with a rustling sound. Even Leon’s face was covered with a mask made of clay.

“Identify yourself… … Top lord?”

The tower lord stopped the black magician from trying to find out the identity of Leone.

“This is my guest.”


Top lord slowly walked towards Leone.

‘Wait for the signal so I can start right away.’

[Yes. All right.]

[Yep! master!]

While Leon was preparing the children, the head of the Black Tower opened his mouth.

“I don’t think anyone saw it then.”

Rion didn’t appear wearing a mask for nothing. It was prepared just in case, but it was the correct answer.

There was only one attitude that Leon would take here.

“You broke your promise.”

First of all, I’ll try and see.

After thinking for a moment about Leon’s words, he opened his mouth.

“her. What did we break? I sent you the data, and I transferred some of the test subjects.”

I had to gather information from now on.

“Don’t play with words.”

After that, Leon stared at him.

‘Those who have long excuses have something to say.’

After facing Leon for a moment, he opened his mouth.

“Didn’t you really say that this place would never be seen?”

“I told you to put a stop to the pun. wouldn’t have noticed If only you hadn’t made a mistake.”


Top-ju didn’t say anything else and kept his mouth shut. He realized that it would be useless to judge the right and the wrong now.

“Help me.”

“under. help?”

“If this crisis is overcome, the broken circle can be restored. I will continue the forced evolution research that you have so longed for.”

It was surprising that the circle was broken, but it was even more surprising that there was a way to restore it.

‘There are many wizards who live like a dead person after the circle is broken… … That it can be recovered?’

In this case, the story is completely different.

“Circle… … .”

Leon muttered softly and pretended to be lost in thought.

Then Topju, who was in a hurry, opened her mouth first.

“The demon of gluttony is complete. Time to port this! Just buy me that time!”

Only then did Leone know the reason why the black magicians did this. Greed is the evil spirit of gluttony. Each wanted something different.’

We were just cooperating with each other to get what we wanted.

‘Well, this isn’t important right now. The important thing is what I can bring.’

I thought the only thing I would get here was a werewolf, but there was one more.

“Show me. The demon of gluttony that has been completed.”

Perhaps thinking that Leon had crossed over, he took out a jewel the size of a fist from his bosom.

“This is it.”

An ominous black smoke billowed from the jewel.

It was a terrible object, no different from an assembly of evil spirits.

‘of course. It’s like a treasure to me.’

It seemed like this would make things easier.

‘Hey Siri. Connect!’

[The bond of faith. We share the power of one person.]

[Rental Skill: You have obtained the Book of Apostle Berod.]

[Rental Skill: Activates the Book of Apostle Berod.]

[The Book of Berod, chapter 4, verse 7. The Savior is the Lord of all souls. At his beckoning, all souls bow their heads.]

It is impossible to command all spirits like this myth.

However, it is possible to make it move a little.



The moment the tower owner’s arm disappeared.


[Assorted sets (bodies) are given to wolves.]

[I will grant you a small amount of rage!]

[Break the black magic that binds the wolves with holy power.]

[Sends a signal to the werewolf.]

Divine power erupted from Leon’s body and washed away the dark magic around him, and the wolves were released.



It’s hunting time.

Well, it seems to have ended at the same time as it started.

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