149. Make sure everything works!

Leon went straight to the nearest hideout.

“The clouds and the fallen spirits have been dealt with. Please spread the news to the other shelters and ask the big willows in the area to come.”

The news quickly spread to other hideouts, and soon all the spirits gathered together.

The first thing Leon did was apologize.

“First of all, let me say that I am sorry. I decided how to deal with the fallen spirits.”

Leone pointed to the fallen spirits sleeping under the tree.

Of course, it was nothing to worry about.

‘Because this is the spirit realm.’

As Leon had thought, there was no opposition from the spirits at all.

The highest-ranking spirits just gathered and had a conversation, and then only asked one question.

“I would love to hear what your decision was. Hope.”

“Their sins are great, but I didn’t think they were sins that could be extinguished. If it wasn’t for the spirit of madness, I would never have made that choice.”

Everyone nodded and agreed.

“The spirit of madness is the only spirit that has disappeared. The rest of the fallen spirits were punished by being tied to a tree and falling asleep.”

It was punishment, but it was also atonement.

“They will help rebuild the spirit world while asleep. I thought rebuilding the spirit world was a suitable punishment for those who ruined the spirit world.”

The highest-ranking spirits admired Leon’s words.

“This is a wise decision indeed. We don’t want to destroy them all either. Thank you for making the right decision.”

“no. I’m glad you like the decision you made.”

Now it’s time to get to the real point.

“Rather than that, aren’t you curious about how they help rebuild the spirit realm?”

“I was going to ask that anyway. What the hell is that spirit?”

As expected, the highest level spirits were different. I saw through exactly what a tree is.

Leon mixed a little fraud.

“It was made by splitting parts of my soul and body. He’s in a spirit body now, so he must have appeared as a spirit.”

“… … Did you separate the body from the soul?”

Rion had a gentle and benevolent expression on her face.

“I am the hope you called. To make your wish come true, this level of sacrifice is nothing.”

The scam continued naturally.

“… … Hope.”

The highest level spirits looked at Leone with emotion and admiration.

“I’ll explain right away how to rebuild the spirit realm with this tree.”

“no. Hope made a lot of sacrifices, but how can we judge after hearing the explanation?”

It was worth cheating.

“If you tell us what to do, we will do so. We believe in the hope shown by hope.”

“thanks. Even if you give hope, there are many cases where it doesn’t come through, but you guys are different.”

Leon told them what to do.

“Everyone move under the branches, please.”

First, after calling the spirits around the tree.

“We will proceed with the process of connecting with trees. Please don’t be surprised if the branches move.”

“Everybody, leave your body to the tree! Hope prepared with great effort!”


Leone called Siri.

‘Hey Siri! Move the tree!’

[Connect all spirits to the tree.]

Soon after, the branches moved, and the branches began to seep into the minds of the spirits.

[Connection ended.]

Before long, branches were attached to the heads of all the spirits.

‘Then, I’ll have to start soon.’

[Wood Wide Web. I will activate it.]

At that moment, the tree started to glow. The light from the tree moved to the branches and finally to the spirits.

Through the tree, all the spirits were connected as one.

‘What do you think? Do you think you can control it?’

[Impossible. The thoughts and minds of the spirits gathered in the tree are too vast.]

The problem was that although the spirits of the spirits were brought together, it was impossible to organize and control them.

‘I did it, but I can’t help it. Send a message to Sergeant Yoon.’

[All right.]

You don’t have to hold on to what doesn’t work and suffer. It was something to be passed on to someone who could.

‘Smartphones are cheap to solve this problem.’

It was not for nothing that trees and smartphones were forcibly converged. In the first place, I planned to ask Inspector Yoon to finish it.

After a while.

[Internal cleanup is complete.]

‘Wow. Isn’t that a joke, Captain Yoon?’

[We are having a meeting with the highest level spirits. He asks if he can share the administrative system.]

‘it’s okay. But, do the spirits need an administrative system?’

[You seem to have a plan.]

After thinking for a while, Leon soon stopped thinking. It was about managing one world.

‘I didn’t call an expert for nothing. Please feel free to proceed. Be sure to send thanks.’

[I will deliver it like that.]

This was something that could be left to Inspector Yoon.

‘It will take quite a while to proceed to the meeting?’

[It’s almost over.]

‘uh? What do you mean?’

The meeting just started, but it’s already over. I didn’t understand.

[It seems like a way to deliver information using an internal system.]

‘… … Is that even possible?’

[It looks like a method using the Prisoner Spirit, but I’m not sure of the exact principle.]

‘He said CPU and what, it seems to be really helpful.’

As I was organizing my thoughts like that, light radiated from the tree once again.

[The wireless system is running.]

One of the other reasons why smartphones were essential was this wireless capability.

[Cuts off a branch.]

Soon, the branches connected to the spirits were cut off.

‘It looks like a ponytail.’

As if their heads were tied together, a severed tree branch could be seen on the back of the spirits’ heads.

‘I think it’s more because the leaves are golden.’

Even the leaves were golden, so it looked like a ponytail made by tying up blonde hair.

[Checking the wireless system.]

[Complete normal operation verification.]

[Wireless Wood Wide Web in action.]


Well, now I just need to check one last thing and it’s over.

“how about it? Do you like it?”

Leone approached the place where the highest level spirits were and asked a question.

The highest-ranking spirits, who had just come to their senses, glared at Leone.

“Hope. I heard that you were active in the spirit world.”

“… … Yes?”

“Deputy Chief Yun told me everything. The spirit world said that it was all thanks to Hope that helped us. Thank you again.”

I don’t know what the story came from, but looking at the reaction, it didn’t seem bad at all.

“no. Deputy Chief Yoon is a really nice person, and he would have helped me if he had the opportunity, even if it wasn’t for me.”

Gongchisa wasn’t important right now.

“Rather than that, did you learn well? I didn’t know how to manage the world, so I had no choice but to ask Inspector Yoon.”

“Captain Yoon was an amazing person.”

At those words, the other top-ranking spirits around them also nodded.

“He knew exactly what we were going to do.”

“okay? That’s fortunate. I was worried because the spirit world and the spirit world are completely different.”

“no. It was strikingly similar. Thanks to this, we were able to learn systems and methods that we do not have. Then would you like to take a look?”

“Yes? Can I see it?”

“Yes. Establishing a system is coming soon, so you can see it.”

If so, it was impossible not to see it. Leon nodded.

“Please take good care of me.”

“Please wait a moment.”

* * *

fire, water, earth and wind. People call the four elements the roots that make up the world.

‘I thought he was just saying… … .’

I could understand why these words were floating around like the truth when I looked at the situation in front of me.

The spirit realm, which seemed like a post-apocalyptic world, was changing in real time.

[A shot of fire. An artificial sun is born.]

The sun rose over the willows.

The sun began to spread the energy of fire. The warm sunlight wrapped around Leon’s body.

This alone was surprising, but the change was only just beginning.

[Total sum of water. A rain cloud is born.]

Rain clouds began to appear around the trees. It was not a cloud that sowed an uncontrolled storm, but a cloud that brought down rain to moisten the parched land.

Rain began to fall on the land of the spirit realm, which had been cracked because it could not dry up.

‘… … Are rivers made?’

The rainwater collected in this way became lakes and rivers. As the warmth of the sun and the addition of water to quench thirst, the land began to revive.

[Purification of the land. The land of life is born.]

With fire and sunlight, life is conceived on the ground and helps the cycle of nature.

It was the wind spirits who made the final climax.

[Cleansing the wind. The cycle of nature is born.]

The wind helped all of these things to circulate as one.

cool raindrops. warm sunlight.

Earth and wind that contain life.

Everything came together as one, forming the spirit realm.

[A new law is imprinted in the spirit world.]

This was how the spirit world survived.

The king disappeared, and he created a new law that could be maintained even without a king.

‘Such a law also appeared in the spirit realm.’

This is just the beginning, but this cycle will continue and strengthen the spirit realm.

“Hope. The seeds you sow have created miracles.”

All the spirits, including the highest level spirits, bowed their heads toward Leon and paid their respects.

“Everyone raise your head. It’s not made by me alone. It’s all made by you. I just gave you a way.”

The spirits raised their heads one by one and looked at Leon. Their eyes were full of respect and admiration.

The problem was that the reaction was a bit overdone.

‘Is this okay?’

It was partly because he was really admiring it, but it was also because of that tree branch hanging from the back of the spirits’ heads.

[It cannot be said that there is no influence of fanaticism, but it is not greatly affected.]

That tree was a tree that condensed the power of fanaticism. I put a branch from a tree like that in the back of my head.

The spirits couldn’t be normal.

‘I’m not sure how much I was affected by the spirits’ characteristics.’

Read at noble mtl.com

Moreover, because of the purity of the spirits, it was not possible to predict how much that would be.

‘Well, once I knew it was effective.’

[That’s right. I was able to confirm that fanaticism is definitely different from faith.]

This meant that many people who were already connected were also affected by this fanaticism.

‘Sometimes I’m excited about what the outside will be like, and sometimes I’m worried.’

Of course, now wasn’t the time to think about this.

‘Then, let’s proceed with the last step.’

[I will send you a message.]

It seems that the reconstruction of the spirit realm is over, but it is not yet.

‘It’s not my style to leave a risk.’

Not only the spirit world, but also the spirit world. It has been restored now, but it could be attacked by an outsider.

So it is natural to take other means.

[A reply has arrived. I got a call asking if I could run the firewall system.]

So what I found was this guy called the firewall system. It is to build a firewall to prevent intrusion from the outside.

Originally, it was impossible, but it became possible when the spirit world and the spirit world shared power.


[The firewall system that protects the spirit world and the spirit world is activated.]

Leone said to the gathered spirits.

“Then, lastly, I will activate the firewall to block outside intrusion.”

“Yes. I heard from Chief Yun. I wish you well. Hope.”

The long, long finale was drawing to a close.

[The firewall system is running.]

Light emanated from the tree.

[Mission: Cleansing the spirit world]


[Destruction is delayed.]

The spirit world mission was also naturally cleared.

‘I couldn’t catch the completed evil spirit, but it’s enough that the spirit world and the spirit world are excluded. The match can be seen in the takeover.’

Rather, it was time to check the mission clear rewards.

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