184. He said to strengthen the ghost ship!

<What do you mean by that? Did I understand correctly?>

The dark guy said as if he didn’t understand.

“You understand it right.”

<What understanding is understanding!? I don’t understand a thing!>

“Think carefully. What you want is to retrieve the treasure or subdue the ghost ship.”

<Of course, retrieving the treasure is more important, but… … .>

Oren cut him off.

“So we have to make the ghost ship run amok.”

<No. I don’t understand that part. If you only need to defeat the ghost ship, why are you helping me run amok?>

The reason why the dark guy was making such a fuss was simple. The ghost ship sent to bring back the stolen treasure, but it does not make sense to say that it helps the ghost ship.

<What is the relationship between treasure recovery and ghost ship support in the first place?>

As I said, the two seemed completely unrelated. Actually, the two are not related. The quickest way is to just destroy the ghost ship and retrieve the treasure.

The problem is that the captain of this ghost ship is Black. So I had to hit it with fraud and come up with an answer that everyone would be satisfied with.

“It is very important. You have to think about why the ghost ship plundered the pirates in the first place.”

<Ah. I also wondered about that.>

“If I had come, things would have been very complicated. They are vengeful.”

<Ghost? What is it?>

“It means a soul with a strong grudge. They will not disappear until the grudge is resolved.”

<Yes? Is that possible?!>

Of course, that’s impossible. However, knowing something, Killika’s words are the same as law when it comes to the soul. Killika’s Purifier was the only black magician who survived.

“According to the stories of the Purifiers, yes. Even if you defeat the ghost ship and rob the treasure, they will not disappear.”

<… … Until when?>

“Until the grudge is resolved.”

It seemed that he now understood the seriousness. If you leave it like this, you will continue to get in trouble. This was something that had to be addressed.

“So, if you want the East Sea, you must first get rid of this ghost ship.”

<Hmm. So you’re saying you’re helping to resolve that resentment?>

“Yes. That’s what Leon-nim’s judgment looks like.”

<From what’s going on, you seem to have a grudge against the pirates, is that right?>

“Looks like your head is spinning now.”

The guy followed Oren’s guidance well. I recognized that I needed to wipe out the pirates in order to release my grudge.

<So Oren-sama is saying to get rid of the ghost ship and make a new plan to seize the East Sea?>

“Accurate. I thought what you guys were aiming for was the treasure and the East Sea.”

It’s a pity that the pirates I’ve raised so far are being swept away, but it has become necessary to seize the East Sea.

<I can’t help it. I couldn’t even imagine the variable called a ghost ship.>

“If such a variable came out, I would have been taken aback. According to the letter that Leone gave me, the ghost ship is amazing.”

<Hoo. Is that so?>

“Lion-nim’s judgment is that the Pirate King deserves it.”

<Hey. Then there really is no other way. So, please proceed.>

“It is in progress.”


“I thought you were smart enough to understand the need for this. It’s already in progress, so don’t worry.”

Soon after, the sound of his laughter came from behind the mask.

<Haha. It’s been a while since you reported, so I wondered why this was approved, but it was a notification, not a report.>

“You may proceed as it is if it is something I will allow.”

<Did you acknowledge me?>

A mischievous boy’s voice. The boy seemed very happy with the situation.

“Sounds useless.”

Let Oren dismiss the situation with one shot.

<Haha. Okay. What are you angry about again? Mr. Oren brought this result, so I’ll prepare something interesting.>

“Don’t expect it.”

Of course, Oren didn’t really acknowledge the darkness. I just figured out his behavior patterns.

What the guy enjoys.

What a guy wants.

All I had to do was dig into them and move him.

<Look forward to it. I’ll surprise you.>

It is the skill of a fraudster to make Hogu happy while working.

* * *

The conversation with the darkness ended smoothly, but the reinforcement of the ghost ship flowed in an unexpected direction.

“… … Didn’t you say you were strengthening it?”

“That, I don’t even know!”

Of course, the hull of the rag-like ghost ship was perfectly repaired, and the crew members thought of the direction to become stronger.

It went in a slightly different direction than I thought.

“Why is it growing?”

As if the ghost ship gave birth to a baby, a ghost ship slightly smaller than the original ghost ship appeared.

Read at noble mtl.com

Medium sized sailboats and speedboats.

Black created a fleet with the god given to him to strengthen.

“I didn’t do this on purpose. At first, we tried to strengthen the ship itself.”

It wasn’t Black’s fault.

“If you look, the original ghost ship has been repaired quite a bit.”

As he said, a significant portion of the ghost ship was repaired, and the crew’s momentum also became stronger.

“I thought it would be perfectly repaired thanks to the new water, but it wasn’t reinforced beyond this, as if it was blocked by a wall.”

It was a ‘wall’ felt by Black, who was no different, but who brought about a miracle.

“So, in order to break that wall, I added my energy to the energy of the divine and infused it. However, the wall is not broken. It was as if humans were not allowed to.”

Although he usually looks naive, Black has an excellent sense that even Lyon’s acting can be noticed at a glance.

If he felt this way, it couldn’t be just because of his mood. Besides, Lyon had felt something similar before.

‘The realm of transcendence.’

Repairing the ghost ship perfectly didn’t seem that simple. That is the realm of transcendence for the ghost ship.

“understood. It can’t be helped.”

“… … Do you know what I felt?”

When Leon reacted calmly, he was taken aback.

“I don’t know the details either. I just call it ‘transcendence’.”


Black needed an explanation about transcendence.

“Among the things I’ve done so far, there are things called miracles.”

“Yes. I know.”

“Even that miracle is not the power of transcendence. It is the same power as half a penny imitating transcendence.”

“… … .”

The guy didn’t say anything. I was just deep in thought.

“If you face a wall that you can’t overcome, that would be ‘transcendence’. It cannot be overcome by ordinary means, and it is a power not permitted by humans.”

“Is the parish priest using that kind of power?”

“There are times when I suddenly don’t see you for days, right? It’s not just about hiding. It’s the aftereffects of using that power. I’m not qualified, I just use it.”

“… … How are you using it?”

Leon pointed to the sky with his finger.

“I only imitate him with his power.”

“… … The price will be high, are you okay?”

Leon didn’t say anything and just smiled. The more he did, the more Black’s eyes began to change.

“You are a very difficult person.”

The black guy muttered quietly, almost inaudible. Leon pretended not to hear that.

“I know what happened. What are you going to do now?”

“ah. I intend to do it the way it was.”


“Yes. However, will you leave this subjugation to me?”


“I set the standard for subjugation, but you may not tolerate this.”

The more I look at it, the more I feel it, I raised it really well. Teaching in the form of Oren was rewarding.

“Let me ask you one thing. Did you set clear standards without personal feelings?”

“That’s right.”

If so, that was enough.

“I will delegate. I won’t intervene in the subjugation, so you can do it comfortably.”

“thank you. The parish priest.”

The boy bowed his head deeply.

“Then, in the meantime, I’ll have to fulfill Lord Oren’s request.”

“Did the heir make a request?”

“Yes. He said he needed something among the pirate king’s treasures.”

“You can take whatever you want. However, could you please leave a little bit? It was intended to be used as a relief fund for those who were victimized by pirates.”

The moment he heard those words, Leon’s head felt bright.

“What a great idea!”


“I will tell you about the arrangement of the goods and the relief funds so that they can make a plan and move it in Killika.”

“ah! thank you.”

Respect bloomed in Black’s eyes.

Of course, Leone didn’t do this out of pity for the victims.

I thought I could draw an interesting picture.

‘Because this is fun.’

* * *

Even though it was broad daylight, the sea was dark. It was as if dark clouds had gathered and blocked the sunlight.

“Why is it a dark cloud all of a sudden?”

“Hey. The atmosphere is also in a bad mood because of the ghost ship or something, but what is this?”

“Still, wouldn’t it be nice to plunder merchant ships?”

These were pirates who hid their ships in the reefs and waited for merchant ships.

A medium-sized sailboat with a pirate flag.

Traces of the battle were left all over the ship. It was proof that he was not a clumsy pirate, but had been active at sea for quite some time.

At that time, the watchman who was watching the surroundings from the watchtower shouted.

“A small sailboat approaching!”

“How is it?!”

“I’m not in good shape because I was attacked!”

At the word that the condition was not good, the pirates’ expressions hardened.

It was because it reminded me of the ghost ship that is spreading in the sea these days.

“Yu, is it a ghost ship!?”

“no! The top flag is hanging!”

“right!? What is a ghost ship in the first place! Are there other ships around!?”

“There is not!”

If so, there was no need to hesitate.

“Business is open! Get ready, fools!”


Pirates began to move busily. The pirate captain waited for the watchman’s report.

“Enter the rocky area! Come in more and we’ll see you!”

“great! It’s a departure!”

Outside the reef zone, it is hidden from view by a huge reef, but when you come inside, what is hidden is immediately exposed.

However, there was no need to worry.

Once you enter the reef area, it is impossible to retreat easily thanks to the wind and reefs.

The pirate ship came out of the huge reef and approached the small sailboat.

“It’s plunder time!”


Then, something appeared in the sea.


It was an extra-large sailboat that emerged from the sea, creating huge splashes of water. That alone was an overwhelming sight, but soon other ships came up from the sea.




Just a moment ago, there was only one small sailboat in front of them, but suddenly a fleet appeared in front of them.


“Hee hee hee!”

A deafening cry came from the ship.

dagrak. dagrak.

dagrak. dagrak.

The crew of the Bone Ghost Ship were watching them.

“Yu, the ghost ship… … .”

The pirates faced a fleet of ghost ships. It seemed as if the dark clouds over the sea were announcing their death.

* * *

While Black was clearing out the pirates, Leon was rummaging through the Pirate King’s treasure.

‘Wow. I really collected a lot.’

Gold and silver treasures, as well as weapons, were really thrifty. Of course, this wasn’t Leon’s concern.

‘Is it over there?’

It wasn’t gold or silver treasures, nor things that could be used right away like weapons, but the place where miscellaneous things were gathered was the destination for Leon.


It was full of blind treasures.

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