202. Ego collection complete

After dealing with the sage Flint’s ego, he immediately called the others together.

The power of the future, Baroque.

The future swordsman, Leodas.

Arthur, high priest of the earth.

I summoned the three separately and entered the mental world. The appearance of the inner image world of the three people was as unique as that of the sages.

‘I was wondering how the three of them are keeping their sanity.’

The guys were maintaining their sanity in a similar way to the sages.

In the future Kwon Seong Baroque, the world of images was burning with anger. The parasitic self was tucked away in a corner, away from the burning wrath.

‘How surprised.’

It wasn’t like the sage did by meditating on his parasitic ego. It was as if the parasitic ego had escaped from the anger that filled the inside.

This was the end if I swallowed the guy who ran away.

Then, the future swordsman, Leodas.

This guy wasn’t much different either. Just as anger was implanted in Kwon-seong’s body before, the holy sword was embedded in the sword-seong’s body.

‘I never imagined that the holy sword would protect the mental world.’

Because of the holy sword, the parasitic self couldn’t get close. Even if left alone in the first place, it was clear that the parasitic self would not have taken over Leodas’ body.

Leodas was able to be fine thanks to eating the holy sword.

‘Besides, the Holy Sword is eventually under my control.’

In the first place, it was a holy sword made with Leon’s divine power. If Leodas was the master of the sword, Leon was like the father of the sword.

‘You are forever in the palm of my hand, sword saint.’

With the Holy Sword, Leodas has no choice but to be controlled by Leon.

The last remaining Arthur was different from these two. Leon had never planted anything in particular, and he had no intention of planting anything.

The reason why he was okay was very shocking.

‘It’s horrifying to even think about it…’ … .’

Leon felt dizzy when he thought of that time.

A huge statue of Leone stood in Arthur’s image world. It wasn’t just a normal statue either. Like a statue of a god, the statue was endowed with tremendous divine power.

The first emotion that came to Leon’s mind when he saw it was ‘surprise’.

‘It was the first time I knew there were such shameful feelings in the world.’

Even the new statue wasn’t even Leon’s face. It was a new statue made with a subtly beautified face.

‘I thought you respected me.’

I didn’t know it would be like this. I didn’t expect it to be like faith, much less that it would work.

The parasitic ego couldn’t even get close to it because of the divine power emanating from the statue.

‘Thanks to that, it was easy to catch… … .’

A subtle feeling of awkwardness wrapped around Leon’s body.

That’s how he absorbed the parasitic ego from the sage and the remaining 3 people. Now, all that was left was the parasitic ego that remained in the body of the 7th prince.

Rion thought about how to retrieve this, and soon made a decision.

‘Let’s go easy.’

What Leon chose was none other than a head-on breakthrough. Of course, I had no intention of breaking through with Leon’s body.

Now it was my turn to become an Oren for a while.

* * *

The place Ouren went to was the Vatican. It was difficult even for Oren to meet the Pope right away.

First I had to meet Natalia.

There was a straight one on this side.

“The Bishop of Leone said he would like it.”

“Please wait.”

When I brought up the story of Leone, Natalia quickly moved on and made it possible for me to meet the Pope.

“I hope I can be of help to the parish head.”

“I will pass on your hard work.”


Thanks to that, I was able to meet the Pope quickly. This was the first question the pope posed to Oren.

“If you come to see me in this way, all your plans can be ruined, so what the hell is going on?”

Oren immediately brought up the matter.

“Something made by the dark side is planted on the body of the 7th prince of the empire.”

“Hmm. Is it really worth it for you to come here in such a hurry?”

The pope was convinced of Oren’s sudden visit. This was a big deal.

Being planted in the body of the prince was no different from having an explosive magic stone at the center of the empire.

If this exploded, the imperial palace would be in ruins.

“Is the request you want me to meet with the 7th prince?”

“That’s right.”

“It’s difficult. Troublesome.”

The pope put on a troubled expression.

He knew he had to get rid of it, but even the pope couldn’t ask for a face-to-face meeting.

“All you have to do is set up a place for the prince and the parish priest Leone to meet. You don’t even need a long time. Five minutes is enough.”

We had already decided how we would meet in the first place. All he had to do was induce the pope in that direction.

“Your mind will be unstable right now. It eats away at the mind and makes people change. Could you make room for the confessional just once?”


The perfect place to meet the priest alone, with no one around.

“I will try.”

The pope made a decision.

Contrary to what he had been thinking about for a long time, the pope quickly promoted the sacrament of confession. Whatever happened, this was a mistake made by the dark side.

‘It changed too quickly.’

He is none other than the prince of the empire. If the prince’s behavior changes, will he stay still around him?

Not at all.

It was natural to try to explain why it had changed. He changed his mind, and the bullshit that he tried to hide himself doesn’t work at all.

‘Humans never change easily.’

Unless it’s a strong traumatic experience, people don’t change with just a decision.

However, the 7th prince, who had been living quietly, suddenly changed. There’s no way the empire didn’t know that. Of course, he was keeping an eye on the 7th prince.

Of course, while the cause was not easily revealed, the offer of confession came, so the Empire approved it.

‘I underestimated the empire.’

Even after Leone returned, he never looked down on the Empire, even if he didn’t know anything else. An empire was an empire, even though it was corrupted and its strength was reduced.

A place in charge of a continent couldn’t be so easy.

Thanks to this mistake on the dark side, I was able to meet the prince quickly. Of course, I didn’t meet Oren in person. With Leon’s body, he waited for the prince in the confessional room in the Vatican.

‘It must be different from the others.’

Others had the power to withstand their parasitic selves. However, this 7th prince had nothing.

Before becoming a sage in the past, like Flint, the parasitic ego must have already polluted the world of images.

When you’re organizing your thoughts like that.


The door to the confessional opened, and a young man walked inside.

“I ask the priest for my sins.”

A nice voice was heard.

Of course, Leon didn’t have to listen to this bullshit.

‘Hey Siri.’

I immediately moved Siri and entered the image world of the guy. There was no conversation with him here.

Natalia and the Pope will take care of the rest.

* * *

As soon as Leon entered the mental world, he immediately exercised the power of vigilance.

‘I want the boundary between me and the parasitic self to be reduced.’

The power of self-suggestion was no longer needed.

if you just wish



Ciri squeezed out the parasitic ego and activated the power of vigilance.

The boundaries of the world shrunk like the chukji of the sergeant yun, and soon the parasitic self appeared in front of Leone’s eyes.

“This is my first time again.”

He could no longer be called a parasitic self. It seemed to have taken over the body beyond the gisaeng.

“What are you? Why do you have a different me!”

As he growled, the entire mental world tried to attack Leone.

But there was no need to worry.

‘Everything go away.’

At that moment, the power of vigilance was unleashed and everything was pushed back.

“Don’t attack. I didn’t come here to fight.”

“… … you guy.”

The guy looked at Leon with sharp eyes.

“It’s his self, so he has memories, right? You can see that the power I use is authority.”

“… … Know.”


There was something strange about his reaction.

“Is this a face you don’t know?”

“How dare you despise me!”

He screamed, but it wasn’t scary at all. There were four parasitic selves on this side that were comparable to gods. The power of the Authority could be used at will.

“Are your memories completely gone? How many are left?”

“My memory is intact.”

no. It wasn’t warm at all.

Every time he tried to recall his memories, he put on a very confused expression.

“driving me crazy. Don’t you know what’s going on outside? He fell.”

“dog sound! I will not fall!”

Judging by its appearance, it seemed to have been planted before entering the gates of hell.

“I was crossing the gates of hell and a dimensional gap occurred and a part of my brain was blown away.”

“… … What!”

Read at noble mtl.com

Maybe it was because the prince and the ego were mixed, so the way he spoke was very old-fashioned.

“Stop talking and listen. The reason I am gathering my ego is to collect your memories and give them to Him. But looking at you, it seems like you don’t remember?”

“Did I give the order?”

“uh. I heard the sword guards the surroundings and told me to go and collect them?”

When I said that, the boy thought it over and answered.

“This is my answer.”

It wasn’t like he had no memory at all.

“Did you hear everything? Then what do you do? Will you come nicely? Or are you going to take me by force?”

“there is a problem.”

Problem? When a problem arises now, it becomes very difficult.

“What? tell me quickly It’s no joke that the organization poured in to retrieve you.”

“I already have more than 80% of assimilation. It is impossible to separate here.”

“You sound impossible. Because I deal with the authority of the boundary. If I had followed him, that excuse would have worked, but it’s a pity.”

Rion immediately opened the boundary between the parasitic ego and the prince’s ego. The dirty parasitic self began to fall from the prince’s ego.

“Ouch! no! I will become emperor!”

No matter how far the distance between the borders was, it wouldn’t fall as long as he didn’t let go of his hand. He was also hiding another ulterior motive.

The problem was that it was too assimilated.

“Oh, it really bothers me.”

Very busy right now. I don’t have time, but it wasn’t the time when I was doing things like this.

“Let’s go quickly.”

There was a quick way to fix it.

‘Hey Siri. Inject one drop of pain.’

[I will inject it right away.]

When pain, a characteristic of demons, was given to the parasitic self. I immediately twisted my body.

“Gagging! Kuck!”

“Now is a drop. If you don’t run out right away, I’ll pour you a cup.”

Pain at its peak destroys all will and resolution. It’s not just the power of the devil.

A dirty black aura was extracted from the prince’s body, and Google swallowed it as if it had waited.


Even the last parasitic self found its way into Google’s stomach.

The prince’s ego fell to the ground as if it had lost its strength. Withdrawal in this way, the 7th prince would suddenly lose all motivation.

‘Let’s plant a tree here.’

It was an opportunity to plant a tree in the prince’s heart.

‘Hey Siri. It’s been a while, Hogang-nim, let’s go.’

A tree was erected over the prince’s body. A tree full of will and hope.

‘Think of it as insurance.’

The tree planted by the prince could one day be used.

* * *

I collected 5 parasitic selves, but I couldn’t get the memories out of them.

Leon decided to take the easy way.

“Can I see the diary?”

Rather than rummaging through other people’s selves for no reason, it’s faster to check the stories the twins have put together.


There was more information than expected there. It was even easier to find with the writing method learned from the apostles.

‘under. This guy in the dark is really.’

There was a story written below expectations.

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