204. real fake

Soon after, the fake history production was completed. It’s just the memories of the dark guy, but it wasn’t because of anything else that it was called history.

“What we chose is the history that was lost when there was a great fire 139 years ago.”

“A lot of data was lost at this time, and we plan to officially announce to the society that we have restored the data at that time.”

It was called history because it was intended to be a history to be officially recorded on the continent.

“I am thinking of doing it with an unknown historical record year. It is a story about an incurable disease that no longer exists.”

The idea was to make it look real by arranging recognizable situations in the dark.

The important thing here was that it had to look plausible.

“I’m going to go with diaries and other casebooks of little notes. If you go this way, your credibility will increase.”

“The specific story has been decided. You can look this way.”

The story they made up was obvious and trite, but that’s why it was perfect.

“Good work everyone.”

Oren nodded in satisfaction. And, he praised them for their hardships.

“You have kept the peace of this continent. No war, no one shed blood, and the mightiest enemy was defeated.”

It wasn’t spears and swords, magic and divine power that changed the world. It was forgery, fraud, and a bit of a lie.

“Destroy all records of working here, and make this history real.”

If even the fact that a fake history was fabricated disappears, that becomes real history.

Everyone left the meeting room, but the apostles stayed seated until the end to see if they had anything to say.

“Looks like you have a business.”

“Yes. That’s right. Can you tell Leon-nim one thing?”

Oren nodded, and Berod opened his mouth as the representative.

“I have written it in the Bible, so you can tell me that you are free to use it.”

“I will.”

With the fake history, it was like adding something to the bible. It was something I had to ask Siri to confirm.

“Then, I hope that all your wishes come true.”

The apostles greeted Oren as if they were greeting Leon, and then left the meeting room.

‘Now I just have to make one more and it’s done.’

Fake history is ready, now what I need to prepare is fake memories.

* * *

Creates a memory to plant in the darkness.

This wasn’t normal.

Considering the endless obsession with survival and the tenacity to remain undiscovered, it was almost impossible.

So how do we do this?

‘I have to make the real one.’

There was only one way.

I had to bring the real thing.

It brings the real thing beyond doubt, and removes the last doubt with the fake history sprinkled in the world.

It was certain that he would fully believe this.

‘If it’s fortunate, it’s fortunate.’

I had to make a fake that looked like the real thing, but this was practically impossible.

However, there was someone who would make this possible.

“Long time no see.”

“I heard that you are busy looking for your parasitic self these days? Aren’t they sprayed in places where it’s hard to get them out?”

What Oren came to meet was none other than ‘Creation’.

“I have already collected all five parasitic selves.”

“… … Yes?”

“I didn’t hear it wrong. It’s what you hear. All parasitic selves are in my hands.”

“Why did you delay reporting?”

Creation looked at Oren with a face that did not understand.

“I have a card like this in my hand, and it would be stupid to bring it right here.”

“… … Can’t you follow the story?”

“It’s not that difficult. Do you know why he wants a self?”

“I heard that some of your memories are gone.”

Oren nodded.

At that moment, Changjo’s expression changed. It seemed that he realized what had happened.

“no way… … .”

“I understand, so the story can move forward quickly.”

“Are you really going to do that? Do you know what this will bring!?”

The guy protested, but backtracked.

It was like I was worrying about something I should have been worrying about a long time ago.

“I am more thorough than you think. I’ll show you the plan how it went.”

Oren took out a document from his pocket and showed it. Everything was written there as to what had happened.

“The word ‘perfect’ is not easily used, but this one is close to perfect.”

“Oh my gosh.”

Changjo muttered softly as he looked at the documents.

“Once confirmed, move quickly. You have to create memories.”

“Can I just make it as written here?”

“okay. When you’ve seen it, burn it and get rid of it. That is the last remaining planning paper.”

“… … Can you trust this Leon?”

After making her own decision, she asked as if to confirm.

“If there is only one person on this continent who can stop him, it is the Bishop of Leone.”

“I see you trust me.”

of course trust

Because Oren was Leon.

Of course, I couldn’t say this.

“More than anyone.”

It was a life that was lived again by returning. If you don’t believe in yourself, that’s the end.

“Stop the bullshit, unleash the power of creation. I will make memories.”

“Can I craft the ego as a material?”

“You sound natural.”

How to make fake like real?


You just need to create new memories with the parasitic ego of the darkness. Then the fake memories will be loaded into the real ones.

“like. I will cooperate.”

“It is natural. Prepare now.”

It’s time to create new memories.

* * *

The unified power of creation.

that was awesome

I could understand why the Empire cut it in half and sealed it.

It was to the extent that ‘Creation’ said something like this.

“When everything is over, I’ll have to ask the angel to retrieve this power.”

The full power of creation was rather like a prison to her. He was so confident that if he possessed this power, he would never release himself.

‘Then it’s me.’

When she retires, the power of creation passes into Oren’s hands. The power to create everything just by paying the price.

‘Well, I hardly ever use it.’

There was nothing wrong with having this kind of power.

“Anyway, this is complete.”

Creation looked at the completed ‘memories’. A new memory created by the power of creation.

“It’s pretty good.”

“Yes? I made it and was surprised. I thought about it while making this, but wouldn’t it be possible to bring him back and rewrite his entire memory?”

Well, even that would be possible in theory, but the Authority only works through his body with his permission.

“There is no way he will allow it.”

“That’s right.”

“Then let’s do the next task.”

“I know. I want to finish it quickly and see what the results will be.”

It was a success until the new memory was counted on the ego, but then it was a problem.

‘I thought the ego would go to the taste.’

I had to come up with a reason why I had a problem with my ego. The reason I chose was this.

“We’re starting to make an elixir.”

“I know.”

An elixir was created with the perfect power of creation. Ingredients were scarce, but that wasn’t a problem.

The power that was lacking was to be squeezed out of the parasitic ego.

“If I told you that my parasitic self became like this while making this, I would understand.”

“I don’t know if it will work.”

“Don’t worry.”

It has already been prepared.

“I need one more answer.”

“Do you still have any questions left?”

I couldn’t ask for the most important thing. It wasn’t important when the darkness was down, but now that I woke up, this question was really important.

“Darkness, what is his authority?”

It was a question I had been procrastinating on.

But now it was possible to deal with it if you knew what it was.

“He has the power of achievement.”

I thought it would have something great, but it was unexpectedly ordinary.

“What kind of power is achievement?”

“The authority itself is simple. When you set a goal and achieve it, the power of achievement is activated.”

When it was literally accomplished, it seemed that the authority was activated.

“When the power of achievement is invoked, the power gives strength to that person.”

“… … You’re crazy.”

“The mission behind the mask mimics the power of achievement.”

Get the mission and get the reward.

This was the power of darkness.

‘Because of this, he must have laughed like crazy when he arrived in Hell.’

It must have been his goal to get to hell and receive something from the devil.

He achieved his goal and smiled.

“How big is the force?”

“I know that hard tasks give me more strength than easy tasks.”

The authority itself was a problem, but there was a bigger problem than that.

‘I must have used the power of achievement for a long, long time… … .’

I couldn’t even imagine how much power I’d gained over those years.

‘I’m glad I didn’t fight.’

I wasn’t convinced that if I had fought strength versus strength, I would have won.

Even if the Empire moves with this side, he will continue to gain achievements and become stronger the more he fights.

‘It’s my worst enemy.’

Even with Black, I thought I wouldn’t be able to win against him. He was able to artificially gain a chance by using the power of achievement.

‘great. I’m feeling it.’

In the first place, he was determined not to fight anyway. Knowing his strength, it was something to respond accordingly.

After the conversation with Changjo, Oren said hello.

“Then, let’s go.”

“Next time come with better news. It is, at least, the news of my liberation.”

“It won’t take too long.”

“I’ll wait.”

Oren came out of there.

It was real from now on.

All necessary elements are in hand. It’s time to wake him up and restore him.

* * *

I met a premonition and darkness and headed for the shelter where he was.

“You’re busy, but you seem to be resting comfortably in the dark, right?”

“I just do what my superiors tell me to do.”

“huh! Why are you here again?”

Unlike the cold words, Yegam’s face showed a glimpse of good feelings. It was because Oren had sensed his power, and now he felt a sense of familiarity rather than ominousness.

“I have gathered all my selves. And this too.”

Oren took out a small bottle from within. A beautiful, iridescent liquid.

There was only one such liquid in the world.

“Is that an elixir!?”

“okay. I was able to make it through luck. Especially the darkness here helped a lot.”

“no. It just became the guard’s hands and feet as the order came down.”

To be honest, I didn’t ask the darkness to do anything related to the elixir.

However, the guy answered skillfully.

“Oh, did you? That’s great. Darkness, you suffered too.”

With the consequences, she couldn’t continue to treat her as before.

“Stop talking nonsense and guide me. memory and body. Because I brought the means to recover both.”


Premonition, as if I had seen him ominously, started running ahead with excitement.

Darkness pointed to the elixir with a surprised face only when the vigilance went ahead.

“Thank you.”

“… … really?”

Oren just smiled. While talking to the darkness like that, I arrived at the door of the room where he was sleeping.

“come in! hurry!”

Premonition hurriedly opened the door.

“Today he will surely wake up.”

“Of course! I will never call you unlucky again.”

The huge iron door opened, and I saw the figure of the black man lying down.

“I will go.”

Oren walked through the iron door.

to awaken the darkness.

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