Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 163 Mizuki Asagiri

Nan Yuxi shared part of the meat in her bento with Chiju Kazumi and Ibuki Yuko.

Biting the meat made by her rival, Kazumi Chiju felt complicated, and she was even more frustrated when she found that the meat was better than hers.

In contrast, Yuko Ibuki was much calmer, and her cooking skills were slightly inferior to Kazumi Senju's. She didn't feel a sense of crisis in the face of Nao Asano's fried meat, which was several chips ahead of her.

Whether the food is well-cooked is not the key point, but whether Yuxi likes it or not is the key point. In the dream, Yuxi did not show a preference for food, that is to say, the card of good cooking skills can be regarded as a three or one card at most Fourth, it belongs to the smallest category, and it is like Duan Yaojiu in Mahjong. It seems to be fooled, but in fact, the winning is very limited.

She even wondered if she could go to Asano's house for dinner after confirming her relationship with Yuki.

She is not interested in cooking, so instead of spending time shopping and cooking, she would rather spend more time with Yuki.

This is a matter for the future, and what urgently needs to be resolved now are two things.

It's the same photo, I'll ask about this later. In comparison, the other matter is more urgent, and that is the question that has baffled her recently.

In the summer vacation in the dream, Yuxi faced the truck and chose to stand still. After being rescued by her, she wandered in dangerous places many times. In her dream, as well as her before in reality, both thought that the young man was disgusted with the world.

However, in recent observations, she couldn't see any gloomy aura wandering around the young man at all.

"What does Yuxi think of the current life?" She asked directly.

Nan Youxi was taken aback for a moment, he quickly thought of his actions in the dream movie, and understood why Xizi asked this question.

He thought that it was necessary for this overactive girl to realize the difference between dreams and reality, and to be mentally prepared.

"Very satisfied." He said, "I recently became friends with Nao-san and Kazumi, and I am very happy every day."

Chiju Kazumi shyly lowered her head.

"Really?" Ibuki Yuko continued to ask.

"Really. Why did Ibuki-senpai ask this?" Nan Yuxi pretended to be puzzled.

"I don't think you're happy enough." The girl straightened her waist, patted her undulating chest, and said bold words with an expressionless face, "After you become friends with me, you will be more satisfied with life."

Her heart was turbulent.

Sure enough, Yuxi didn't have the idea of ​​being world-weary, in the dream, he was just acting!

Ibuki Xiko didn't mind that Nan Yuxi cheated her in acting in the future, on the contrary, after she confirmed that the boy was acting, a broad sense of happiness arose in her heart.

It only takes a little deduction to know that Yuuki acted to get close to her. Is there anything better to prove the boy's love for her than this? For her sake, the young man who was a positive character did not hesitate to pretend to be a negative character!

How can Yuko Ibuki, who knows such a secret love, not feel happy?

She made sure again, and she had a great chance of winning! On the surface, Yuxi treats her ordinary, but actually likes her very much!

"So it was such a tactful request to make friends?" Nan Youxi continued her last sentence, "Then, please give me more advice in the future, Sister Yibuki."

"You can just call me Yuko." Ibuki Xiko paused, then turned to look at Kazumi Chiju, "So is Kazumi."

Chishou Kazumi nodded, Nan Yuxi's words just now diluted the sadness in her heart and gave her courage again.

She thought that at the beginning of the semester, she was not prepared to confess to Yuxi, or even to contact the boy, but just wanted to watch him silently. After seeing him take out the ambiguous bento, she felt impulsive and decided to confess. , she also did not look forward to success, but was waiting for failure.

Now, she and Yuxi have become friends, which is already a great leap towards a teenager, something she could not have imagined a few weeks ago, she should be indulging in this dreamy happiness, how could she be more restless?

She reflected that it was greed at work. Greed is never satisfied. If it is allowed to grow, she will never get the happiness in her heart.

So, she tried her best to get rid of this desire, and looked at Nan Yuxi and Ibuki Yuko again, and she didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

She also thought that when she was in junior high school, she admired Ibuki-senpai who went her own way, and wanted to be friends with Ibuki-senpai for a while. Now, her wish has come true, and what she reaps should be double happiness.

She should even feel happy to breathe!

But is that really the case?

The operation of rationality can never interfere with the growth of emotion. Reason can only be suppressed, but cannot change emotion. Rather, emotion grows with the nourishment of rationality. Reason can give her reasons to worry less, and it can also give her reasons to worry less. Stepping up the reason for worry, it can say that if you are not anxious or worried, you will stagnate, you will be satisfied in the present, and you will miss the possibility of reaching a future with more happiness.

Rationality does not have any natural bias, it is just a mass of nutrition, and only when emotions need it, it will be transformed into power through complex procedures, injected into emotional actions, and put logic on emotions.

Chiju Kazumi thought that the thoughts she had just given birth to that should be satisfied might just be feelings of shrinking, which absorbed nutrients from rationality.

When her mind was in a mess, Ibuki Yuko threw out a new topic and diverted her attention.

Ibuki Xiko said, "Is that photo in Yuki's house a student of Lillian Academy?"

The distracting thoughts in Chishou Kazumi's mind disappeared immediately, she quietly glanced at Nan Youxi's cheek, and listened carefully.

"Yes, and no." Nan Youxi replied.

Moyou was indeed a student of Lilian Private Girls' Academy, but it was Lilian Academy more than 20 years later.

"I'm curious." Ibuki Yuko pressed forward with small steps, hoping to get more news from Nan Yuxi.

"It's a secret." Nan Youxi couldn't reveal the news and refused to answer directly.

He wanted to end the topic when he suddenly thought of two things.

One thing is about Asagiri Moyu's mother. Asagiri Moyou is similar to her mother. Based on her birth in her twenties, her mother should be at the age of elementary school now.

Another thing is about Ibuki Yuko, the girl has shown a strong ability to move in many Sims.

The combination of these two things gave rise to bad thoughts in his mind.

"Does Senior Xizi know the girl in the photo?" He asked tactfully.

In fact, what he was thinking was, could it be that Yuko Ibuki had already found Asagiri Moyu's mother?

"No..." Chiju Kazumi was just about to answer, saying that they had already discussed yesterday, and they didn't know the girl in the photo.

"Yeah!" Ibuki Xiko interrupted her.

"Eh?" Chiju Kazumi was stunned.

Nan Youxi was stunned. Her guess turned out to be true, Ibuki Yuko really found Asagiri Moyu's mother!

"What's your last name?" He looked at the girl.

"Morning fog."

"What grade is it?"

"Senior freshman."

Huh? Nan Youxi thought to herself, how could the grade be the first year of high school?

If it was a freshman in high school, wouldn't it be the same age as him? There is a thirty-year age difference between him and Moyou. Moyou's mother gave birth to Moyou at the age of thirty?

Although the average childbearing age of Japanese women is almost thirty years old, judging from the social class of Moyu's mother in Sims, it should be earlier than average.

"Can I see the photos?" Nan Yuxi was curious.

He didn't ask Ibuki Yuko if she had any photos. The girl must be the suspect locked by the photos.

His reaction confused Ibuki Yuko, the girl took out her phone and opened the picture saved from the Internet.

Minami Yuki and Chiju Kazumi looked at the photo together.

Nan Yuxi looked for the faces in the group photo, and Ibuki Xiko pointed to the corner: "This."

After looking at the girl in the corner, Nan Youxi touched her chin: "It's really similar, what's her name?"


Ibuki Xiko tilted her head, with a rare expression of doubt on her expressionless face.

Why did you ask me back?

"Asagiri Mizuki." She replied.

"What about school?"

"Junior high school is Orange Blossom Academy, and that school usually goes straight up, so high school is probably also Orange Blossom Academy."

"Well done, Xizi-senpai!"

Nan Youxi patted her on the shoulder to give her encouragement.

Seeing the boy's excited appearance, Ibuki Xiko was confused, and realized that she seemed to have done something wrong.

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