Fall in love after simulation

Yesterday's leave note

This is a day late request for leave. There were a lot of things yesterday. I planned to ask for leave after the update the night before yesterday, but I felt that I could still code, so I didn't ask. Now it seems that I overestimated myself.

I have always disliked talking about my troubles in books, even with my friends. I mainly feel that there is no need to pour out my negative emotions to the readers, and I don’t want to mix irrelevant things in the book, even if it is the author’s thing.

Some things I have to say, about the annoying things about the book, I try to say it in a cheerful tone, trying not to affect everyone's reading mood.

But the recent status has affected the update, so I have to give a brief explanation and apology.

This year, one, two, three, and four trifles came one after another and repeatedly. They had little impact on my life, but had a great impact on my mentality. I have always believed that a good creative environment is an environment without trivial matters, and I have been carefully avoiding those trivial matters, but this year I really couldn't avoid them.

A few days ago, a book friend told me that you seem to be very tired recently, but I said you are not tired. I'm not tired, these trifles didn't require much physical strength and energy from me, but they were indeed very tiring and mentally tiring.

Games are the bulk of my entertainment, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that they account for the vast majority, after all, I rarely go out for a trip. But I haven’t played games for two months. My p5r progress is stuck at the claw machine achievement in December. The total game time in these two months is about 5-10 hours, and one or two hours of them are boring. I push a gal to collect materials.

In the past two months, I haven't coded much and lacked entertainment. What do I do in my spare time? The answer is watching pointless posts, pointless videos, killing time.

No work, no entertainment, just killing time meaninglessly, this is the recent state. Unexamined.

The emotions in this can be expanded for a few more paragraphs, but until the end, a person always thinking about annoying things will only make him more and more upset. It is better to look forward to the next plot and improve the power of code words.

Meiyue will go online again in the next chapter, and then officially enter the Meiyue line, and the matter of Nai Xiling has come to an end.

After Mizuki, there are two more heroines who have a more complete idea, but they are not sure in what order they will appear.

A tentative name is Jiuguijing, which is a social animal.

The other one is Chaowu Mozi.

I went to bed, and I still have to fix the house in the morning. I hope to finish it in the morning, set a small goal, and start coding in the afternoon.

In the past two days, the outside of my left eye has been swollen a bit, and it hurts when I blink. I don't know what's going on. I hope I can wake up better.

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