Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 235 The Girl Conspiring

Stopping her unrealistic fantasies, Nan Youxi looked at the simulation interface, and the stagnant text surged again like flowing water.

【When you see Moyou, joy, worry and exhaustion flash in your heart, and various possibilities flash in your mind. 】

[You were mentally prepared for Moyou's arrival, but you didn't expect that she would appear in your studio, and what you didn't expect was that she would appear here through Ibuki Xizi. 】

[Your painting studio has been mainly in charge of two people these years. One is a student who you had a good relationship with in college, he is in charge of the size of the studio, and the other is Xizi Ibuki, who will come to have a look after her work. Look, look through the income and expenditure details of the studio, and help you to be a supervisor. 】

【Moyou is Xizi's little helper. Xizi comes to the studio once a month, and Moyou comes to the studio whenever she is free. 】

【She successfully waited for you. 】

【When you saw her, she also saw you. She had a beautiful smile. Everyone in the studio was working hard to show a beautiful smile. She was not conspicuous. 】

[She didn't come to your side, calling you Yuxi or brother, she was like other employees, keeping some distance. 】

【Her sense of distance erases your tiredness and joy, and deepens your sadness. You think this distance is Moyou's original intention. 】

[But soon, in the observation of this female college student, you found that she always glanced at you, trying to get close to you without overstepping. 】

【You used asking about work as an excuse to call her to your side, and she happily followed behind you. 】

[She's just trying to act like a good employee with discipline. 】

[You brought her and the four main managers of the studio, looked at various parts of the studio, and listened to them talk about the recent work of the studio. 】

[Below your studio, there are several cultural companies. These companies bear your name and cover your reputation, and they have developed well. They are mainly painting tuition schools and related design companies. 】

[The establishment of these companies is not your interest, it is the work of your junior who concentrates on business. When you visited the studio before, you didn't even bother to go to those companies. This time, you looked at Moyou behind you and agreed with your junior brother's suggestion. 】

【Your abnormal attitude made several executives, including the junior, feel nervous. 】

[They carefully took you to the two largest companies. In the evening, you had dinner at the hotel. 】

[After the meal, a manager said that he would arrange exciting activities, and your junior grabbed him. The junior figured out the reason for your abnormality, he looked at you and Moyou with surprise. 】

[In order to prevent them from thinking about it, you took the initiative to talk to Moyu about things outside of work. You asked her about her studies, Sagui and Hongichi, Utashima, and Rinka. 】

[The dinner party is over, Moyou, who is not drinking, will drive you home. 】

[The night view of Misaki is like a long scroll, slowly unfolding in front of your eyes as the car drives. 】

【You look at the night scene, and look at her shadow looming on the night scene. 】

【The things you asked at the dinner table were not the questions you really cared about. You really wanted to continue asking Moyou, but you didn't ask. It's like you have a lot to say to Naxi Remi, but you didn't say anything. 】

【You didn't ask, Moyou took the initiative to say it. 】

A memory scene played in Nan Yuxi's mind.

"Boss doesn't have anything to ask?" Moyou quickly turned her eyes, glanced at Nan Youxi in the passenger seat, and continued to look at the road in front of her.

Nan Youxi turned her head, her gaze left her floating on the car window, and turned to her who was clear and specific.

I haven't seen her for three years, and Moyou still looks childish. She was quite tall when she was a child, but she was a little short when she became an adult. No matter how short she was, she was much taller than Xizi.

The smile floating on Moyou's face reminded Nan Youxi of the smile when Moyou said the word fiance three years ago. This smile was a little narrow and cunning.

"Don't call me BOSS." He looked at the bright neon lights outside the car.

"That's not allowed. It's very disrespectful to call someone else, and you will be fired!" Moyou's voice was cheerful, tinkling like a silver bell.

Nan Youxi heard that the voice of the silver bell was a bit dull. He looked back at this person who had been with him for several generations, and knew that she had some complaints in her heart.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand and patted the top of Moyou's head: "Long time no see, Moyou."

The dust on the bell was swept away by this gentle pat, and the bell rang as clear as before.

"Well, it's been a long time, Yuxi." Moyou put away her smile and said this seriously.

The car fell silent again.

The neon lights outside the window disappeared, and the car drove away from the bustling commercial center and arrived at the residential area. There were only street lights on both sides, casting circular lights one after another.

"I like those paintings very much." Moyou broke the silence again.


"When the rent is due, can I live with Yuxi? Yuxi's house must be very empty. I can use cleaning and cooking to replace the rent." Moyou spoke very fast, as if she was afraid that if she slowed down a little, she would be caught. Something caught up and covered her mouth.

"I have an apartment next to Misaki University, you can live there." Nan Yuxi's answer was also quick.

"Liar, I have seen Yuki's property in the studio, and there is no such apartment at all!"

"It will be available soon. I'll ask them to buy a whole building for me. Moyou can live in whichever one she likes, and she can change one every day."

Even though he knew how huge the assets under the man's name were, Moyou was still shocked by the rich and powerful words.

However, an apartment building next to Misaki University is not cheap. Although Yuki has a lot of properties under his name, it is still a very prodigal job to scrape together the money to buy the building.

Moyou didn't know whether she should be annoyed at Yuxi for not letting her live in her house, or should be moved that Yuxi was willing to spend so much money for her.

Waiting for the gap of the red light, she looked at the man beside her, and the uncertain expression in her eyes gradually became gentle.

She persuaded softly: "If such a large amount of cash is used, the studio will have to cut a lot of projects, and that will be a big turmoil."

"Who said you want to take the account of the studio?" Nan Youxi looked at her suspiciously, "I still have money in other accounts, so it's not a problem to buy eight or ten buildings."

Not to mention the investment made based on future memories, he made a lot of money just by selling songs with vests. This part of the money is managed by Rena and Kazumi.


When the green light came on, Moyou started the car, her cheeks puffed up, she stared at the road ahead, as if she was about to hit the front of the car into the cement.

Nan Yuxi laughed dumbfounded.

Following the mobile phone navigation, Moyou drove to Nan Youxi's villa. She stopped the car and pulled out her seat belt, which looked rough, but was actually very gentle.

Nan Youxi opened the door and got off the car: "Where do you live? Just drive this car back, and just send the car back to the studio tomorrow."

"No, someone is coming to pick me up." Moyou walked out of the garage.

Nan Youxi followed her, and wanted to ask who was coming to pick her up. He looked at Moyou's back and the small suit she was wearing, but didn't ask.

Moyu has come of age.

Under the street lamp, the two stood quietly, surrounded by night cages, no one could be seen, and they were the only ones under the street lamp. There were flying insects fluttering at the nearby lights, making a rattling sound.

"I don't want Yuxi's apartment, but can Yuxi go over and see me?" Moyou turned away, not looking at Nan Yuxi's face. She seemed to be avoiding, afraid of seeing a bad look, afraid of showing a sad expression.

"Is it convenient?" Nan Youxi thought of the doubts just now, and asked tentatively.

"It's okay, I live in a single apartment alone." Moyou turned her head, she knew that Yuxi would definitely agree after asking such a question.

Her smile is very pure now, but before she turned around, the first moment she heard Nan Youxi's words, there was a cunning brilliance in the smile in her eyes.

"I may not be free." Nan Youxi was relieved, but he didn't want to promise too much.

If you follow reason, there should be no room for discussion, but communication between people is often emotional.

Moyou talked about another thing: "After I graduated, my parents wanted me to return to Sakura Hill. They established a good relationship with me and let me join their company. With the resources they have worked hard for half a lifetime as a foundation, Coupled with my ability, at worst I can be an executive, and maybe I can even be promoted to the headquarters of the group!"

Nan Youxi silently calculated that Moyou should be a junior now, that is to say, she will return to Sakura Hill in more than a year.

She can only stay in Misaki for more than a year.

"The car that picked me up is here, I'll go first, see you next time, Yuki."

Moyou held the phone, waved it at Nan Yuxi, and trot to the opposite side of the road. A black car stopped on the side of the road, and she got into the passenger seat.

Nan Youxi stared at the window of the driver's seat, wanting to know who was coming to pick up Moyou, but the window had an anti-peep function, so she couldn't see clearly inside.

When he was sorry, the window was lowered, and the driver stretched out his hand and danced to him.

The wind blew into the car, shaking the driver's feather-like long hair, and the seat belt drew a deep ditch on the driver's chest.

That's Nao Asano.

Before Nan Youxi could react, the wheels started, leaving only the red shadow of the taillights.

Nan Youxi was extremely sad.

Nao can actually drive? Where did she get her driver's license? Can she really drive safely? They won't be in danger, right?

Also, Moyou used Xizi's relationship to enter the studio, and asked Nao to pick her up. How could she have such a good relationship with Naxi?

What about Ling and Mei? Has something to do with her too?

【To your relief, Moyou didn't blame you for the package, she just thought it was an ordinary gift. Even though you all know it's not. 】

[This reunion, both you and Moyou have maintained restraint, she is already a big girl. 】

【You feel comfortable with this distanced relationship. You don't want to stay away from Moyou, nor do you want Moyou to stay by your side. This distance is just right, just like the relationship between you and Naxi Lingmei. 】

【Moyou rejected your apartment. She just wants you to visit her more. You learned from her that she will go back to Sakura Hill after graduation. It is very difficult for you to meet again. 】

[This makes you melancholy, but also makes you feel at ease. 】

[You and Moyou have accompanied each other three times. The first time, you separated because of reality; the second time, you offered to leave; now is the third time, Moyou gave the date of departure when they reunited. 】

【Facing Moyou's invitation, you decide to...】

"1. Reject; 2. Agree; 3. Ignore; 4. Free simulation"

Looking at the options, Nan Yuxi was surprised.

He thought that the story had entered the stage of automatic development, but he didn't expect to be able to choose.

Moreover, this time the options are particularly concise and clear.

What to choose?

He looked at the options again.

Reject, agree and ignore.

Ignoring should be the best option, right?

Ignoring means not caring. In any relationship, ignoring is the end of the relationship. Ignoring directly denies the existence of the relationship itself.

Nan Yuxi raised her hand and paused for a while above option three.

He still clicked option two and agreed.

He was reluctant, not because he was reluctant to leave Moyou, but because this daughter-like girl was sad.

Anyway, Moyou left after a year, and nothing happened.

After clicking, he didn't look at the simulated text immediately, but looked back, trying to see what Moyou was up to.

He still hadn't forgotten the sentence from the simulator that Moyou understood his words better than him.

He didn't find any clues, he thought, maybe he was overwhelmed, even if he understood a person better, it didn't mean he would act, and even if he acted, it didn't mean he could change a person's mind, especially him. He considers himself a bit stubborn, a bit extreme.

Pull the progress bar to the end, Nan Yuxi continued to look at the simulation interface.

[You think, this year is your farewell, and you decide to meet her and leave some good memories for your farewell. 】

【You have some regrets. It would be great if Moyou showed up before you landed on the moon. You can take her to the space center for training, use the moon as your final banquet, and use the footprints on the moon as a witness of your parting. 】

[Then, you can also draw a picture of her in the space capsule for her, she must be beautiful at that time. 】

[Think about it, is there any place you haven't been to, you can bring Moyou with you. 】

[Half your life is spent traveling, so when you think of company, you naturally think of traveling together. 】

[You gave up on the idea, travel is too intimate, maybe not appropriate. 】

[After taking a shower and lying on the bed in the bedroom, you noticed a problem. 】

[You don't know Moyou's mobile phone number, or the location of Moyou's apartment. 】

【You think, this is Moyou's little tease, she must have thought of this, but she won't tell you. 】

[You have two options, one is to ask the studio, the other is to ask Nao and Xiko. The studio doesn't necessarily know, but Nao definitely knows. 】

[You chose to ask Sha Gui. 】

[You attack in a roundabout way, saying that you have returned to Misaki, and asked Shagui and Hongyi if they are free to come for a gathering. Shagui made an appointment three months later, and mentioned his daughter who is studying in Misaki, and gave your daughter's address and new phone number. 】

[Two days later, on a clear afternoon, you came downstairs to Moyou's house. 】

[Moyou just came home from a day of class, she was a little unhappy to see you. 】

[She thought that you would ask the people in the studio, Xizi and Nao, but she didn't expect that you would choose to get information from her mother. 】

【This is not in line with her plan. 】

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