In the original book, Qin Keqing is quite complicated.

She is the daughter-in-law who picked up the ashes in what Jiao Da said.

It can be said that Jia Zhen, an old and immortal person, is so outrageous and lustful that she even cares about her own daughter-in-law.

As Jia Zhen's son, Jia Rong follows his father and has an unclear relationship with his nominal aunt.

All I can say is that we are not a family, and we do not leave the same house.

Back to the topic.

I have the impression that Qin Keqing does not believe in Buddhism, so why did he come to borrow Buddhist scriptures?

Lin Chen, who didn't know why, chose to ask Mrs. Wang if she knew the inside story.


Mrs. Wang was also a person who didn't know anything about anything. She was so frightened by Lin Chen that she almost fainted.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh, and was about to knock him out.


At the moment of waving, he paused.

What if Mrs. Wang lied to him?

Although it is unlikely, there is no guarantee that something will happen.

Soon, Lin Chen thought of a way.

Tear it apart!

Mrs. Wang covered her mouth with a look of panic in her eyes.

Just because a piece of her skirt and jacket had been torn off by Lin Chen, just when she thought the person in front of her was going to do something wrong to her, the cloth suddenly covered her eyes, blinding them.

"Don't look at it. If you look at it, you will die." Lin Chen pretended to be pitiful and said.

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang nodded quickly. Although she was happy, she felt a little regretful for some reason.

If Lin Chen were to know what he was thinking, there would probably be several big question marks on his forehead.

Say it.

Lin Chen restrained Mrs. Wang's hands and controlled her towards Ningguo Mansion.

This nominally collectively called Jia's Mansion is actually two Duke's Mansions next to each other.

Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion.

Mrs. Wang felt the feeling of her body soaring into the air, and was so frightened that the woman leaned towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't expect that Mrs. Wang was still afraid of heights?

In other words, the night wind was too cold and chilled the pampered Mrs. Wang, causing her body to subconsciously move closer to a warm place around her.

Just like a cat wants to sit next to a wood stove.

have to say.

Mrs. Wang is almost fifty years old, but she is extremely well-maintained, and her figure and appearance are similar to those of those in her twenties and thirties.

If Jia Zheng had ignored Mrs. Wang, it would not be surprising that she would do such self-rewarding things at her age.

After is inevitable that everyone will feel empty sometimes.

Lin Chen, who had some inexplicable thoughts flashing through his mind, immediately shook his head and threw these distracting thoughts away.

With his speed, he arrived at Ningguo Mansion in just the blink of an eye.

But Lin Chen looked at the inner courtyard of Ningguo Mansion, which he had never been to before, and was a little confused.

As a last resort.

Lin Chen took off the cloth covering Mrs. Wang's eyes and pretended to be obscene and said: "Show the way."

Mrs. Wang naturally understood that what Lin Chen meant was the way to Qin Keqing's boudoir.

"This, this way."

I don’t know whether it was because of the cold or fear, but Mrs. Wang’s voice was trembling.

After hearing this, Lin Chen followed Mrs. Wang's instructions and came to a courtyard.

"This is?"

Lin Chen heard the sound of a man gnashing his teeth and mumbling from inside the room.

"Damn it!"

"That old immortal thing!"

Hearing the voice inside, Mrs. Wang was a little surprised. Before Lin Chen could ask, she introduced him in a low voice.

"This person is Jia Rong."

What about Qin Keqing?

Lin Chen's six senses swept through the room.

But all I saw was a man with oily hair and a frivolous attitude, drinking wine and cursing something.

After hearing this, Lin Chen's expression became strange.

This Jia Rong is scolding Jia Zhen and his daughter-in-law Qin Keqing.


Lin Chen, who had already guessed why Qin Keqing was not here, had a strange look in his eyes.

"You did it, don't blame me for doing it too!" Jia Rong swallowed a bowl of wine, got up and went out with red eyes.

Lin Chen looked at the direction he was going, and it seemed that he was in Jia Zhenxinna's concubine's room.


Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he stopped paying attention. Instead, he motioned to Mrs. Wang to point out where Jia Zhen lived.

This order left Mrs. Wang a little confused.

Aren't you here to see Qin Keqing? !


Her life was in Lin Chen's hands, so Mrs. Wang also expressed her cooperative attitude to give whatever she wanted.

Lin Chen's figure flashed slightly, like a gap in the sky, erratic.

Jia Zhen's courtyard is the largest in Ningguo Mansion.

Lin Chen looked at the bright candlelight in the room and knew that his guess was correct.

Lin Chen came under the window sill and looked into the house through the gap.


Jia Zhen and a beautiful woman were alone in a room.

Jia Zhen looked a little angry, but she still pretended to be calm and painted pictures of ladies.

Apparently, the template for this painting was his daughter-in-law, Qin Keqing.

On the other hand, Qin Keqing's eyebrows were now full of sadness, as if she had cried before.

"As for what Jiao Da saw, I have asked the people in the house to keep their mouths shut and will never let it out." Jia Zhen persuaded her kindly.

He knew that after Jiao Da's words came out, his daughter-in-law would definitely have a hard time thinking about it.

In this day and age, a woman's reputation is very important, not to mention such harmful things as removing ashes.

If Jia Mu had known about it, Qin Keqing would have definitely died of a cold.

So much so that Jia Zhen's assurance was of no use to Qin Keqing.

At this time, Jia Zhen was equally angry and wanted to cut Jiao Da into pieces with a thousand knives.

He was about to succeed, but his words came to nothing.

"But, please believe me." Jia Zhen said kindly.

As he said that, he would come forward and put his arms around Qin Keqing's waist, pulling her to admire the painting.

Such fun things are what Jia Zhen likes to do the most.

But don't want to.

Today, Qin Keqing was extremely resistant, as if he had sobered up.

That's right.

In Ningguo Mansion, Jia Zhen is the one who talks about everything.

With Jia Rong as her husband, Qin Keqing had nothing to do even if she wanted to resist.

Furthermore, despite Jia Zhen's debauchery, she was proficient in calligraphy and painting, and she also had a lot of rhetoric.

Qin Keqing was less than twenty when she married into the Jia family.

How could it be possible to block such an attack?


Previously, Qin Keqing had a self-defeating mentality.

But after Jiao Da's scolding, Qin Keqing woke up.

If you do such a thing, your reputation will be ruined!

Together with his Qin family parents, they will be stabbed in the back.

"Eunuch, please respect yourself." Qin Keqing, who wanted to understand this, pushed Jia Zhen's hand away.

When Jia Zhen saw this, she suddenly laughed angrily.

The fat meat he had coveted for so long was on his lips, how could he have a chance to escape?

Looking at Qin Keqing's white dress tonight, she looks like the fairy from the Moon Palace descending to earth.

This ignited an evil fire in Jia Zhen's heart.

As the saying goes, the twisted melon is not sweet, but it can also quench your thirst.

Lin Chen didn't know what to say for a moment.

On the other hand, Mrs. Wang's face was dull.

She obviously didn't expect that Jia Zhen would act like such a beast...

Although Jia Zhen was drained by wine and sex, after all, she was a martial artist, and Qin Keqing, a weak woman, could not resist.

Just when Lin Chen took action, he heard a greasy chuckle.

"The matter of my father-in-law taking my daughter-in-law by force opened my eyes, Tian Boguang."

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