News of Zhao Kuangyin's death spread like wildfire.

Reactions from all four parties varied.

When the Liaodong generals heard the news, they were immediately grateful.

Otherwise, when Zhao Kuangyin confronts them, everyone will be embarrassed.

As for the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp, most of them couldn't believe it.

It can be seen that Zhao Kuangyin has a very high status in their hearts.

It was almost equivalent to what Lin Chen himself said to Yu Linwei.


Zhao Kuangyin's death is not good news for the Liaodong war situation.

The Beijing camp had lost most of its combat power under Lao Nu's offensive.

But in Lin Chen's opinion, this Liaodong frontier soldier had different intentions and needed to be careful.

So he ordered all the ministries to repair Du Bridge and march the army across the river.

At the same time, the generals from Liaodong and the Jingying came to visit Lin Chen.

After Wu Sangui saw the ghost-faced general, he couldn't help but ask:

"My lord, may I ask the name of the general?"

"Lin Chenjia."

Lin Chen, who had put on his vest, spoke indifferently, while his eyes swept over the Liaodong generals.

Wu Sangui's heart tightened, as if some little secret in his heart had been seen through.

Seeing his nephew stunned, Zu Dashou just handed him over and introduced himself.

"If General Lin hadn't arrived in time, I would have been in danger!"

"Oh? What I see is that your Liaodong frontier army is fully organized."

Lin Chen seemed to have mentioned this accidentally.


As soon as these words came out.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird.

The faces of the Beijing camp generals who were standing together changed drastically, and they suddenly turned their heads to look at the Liaodong general beside them.

One sentence.

Let the two sides be like fire and water.

"General Lin, you want me to make the decision for us!"

A Beijing camp general covered in blood stood up with a look of sorrow on his face.

Now Zhao Kuangyin is gone.

The one who can support them is the fourth-grade general in front of them, Lin Chenjia!

"Tell me in detail." Lin Chen said calmly.


These Beijing camp generals spoke to each other and complained about the previous war. The Liaodong border troops sat on the wall and watched, suspected of surrendering to the enemy!

"They are all in the army. If you make random accusations, it will be a serious crime." Lin Chen pretended to be furious and scolded the generals in the Beijing camp.

"Don't dare to speak nonsense!"

All the generals in the capital camp fell to their knees.

Seeing this, Lin Chen just turned to look at Zu Dashou and his party.

"Is what you just said true?"

Zu Dashou was shocked when he heard this.

I didn’t expect that this ghost-faced general was not a good person either!

"General Lin..."

Zu Dashou, who had no choice but to go out, wanted to use the rhetoric he had prepared long ago to explain.

It was nothing more than that there were people with second thoughts among the generals of the Liaodong frontier army, so they did not dare to take any action.


Zu Dashou asked his nephew Wu Sangui to take out the heads that had been prepared long ago.

"Take it!"


Zu Dashou never expected that Lin Chen would suddenly change his face.

While a group of Liaodong border generals were astonished, the Yulin guards who had been preparing to stand around were armed with guns and crossbows.

The crossbow arrows were pointed at all the Liaodong generals present.

With such a distance in front of Jinnu, even if the people present have martial arts cultivation, they don't dare to move.

The crossbow threat is second.

What's more important is that if you resist at this time, you may be accused of rebellion!

Forced by the situation, Zu Dashou's eyes were filled with uncertainty, but he gritted his teeth and knelt down in the tunnel and said: "General Lin, what I saw is absolutely true, please be careful!"


Not all people are as knowledgeable as Zu Dashou.

You Lengtouqing was furious.

"A certain family is also an official of the court, Lin Chenjia, maybe you want to shoot your colleagues!"


Lin Chen sneered when he heard this.

"When you sat back and watched the capital camp being besieged by the Jiannu, why didn't you think about colleagues?!"


The generals in the capital camp heard what Lin Chen said.

The expression on his face changed from shock and surprise to anger.

"General Lin is right. It seems to me that your Liaodong frontier army has two intentions!"

A Beijing camp general shouted.

"that is!"


The expression of the Liaodong general who had just spoken froze, his cheeks twitched, but he didn't know how to refute.

Only Zu Dashou knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said nothing.

Previously, they sat back and ignored the Beijing camp.

Now that Jingying was saved, they should have known that this would happen.

It's better to listen to what General Lin in front of you wants to do.

Admitting mistakes and accepting punishment will have to be discussed in detail later. It doesn't matter if you just give in now.

If you really want to make a big fuss, your head will be chopped off by this General Lin, and no one will speak for you if the quarrel reaches the emperor.

Zu Dashou saw it clearly. But it does not mean that all Liaodong border generals are like this, and they naturally want to resist.

"I didn't expect General Lin to listen to the villain and falsely accuse Zhongliang. I forgive a certain family for not accompanying him."

As soon as these words came out, Zu Dashou's mouth twitched slightly.

The Liaodong general who wanted to leave saw the surrounding Yulin guards looking at him as if they were dead.

Without even asking Lin Chen to greet him, Shi Xiu put a cold face on his face and put a fist on his cheek.


Shi Xiu was spat on.

What he couldn't stand the most was such people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, who were in trouble and who were as immovable as a mountain.

Do you really think that your grown-up knows nothing?

Lin Chen had been wandering around here a few days ago, waiting for the water storage to be completed.

Naturally, he knew what the Liaodong frontier army was doing.

Now that he wants to get Da, Shi Xiu won't be polite to him.

"Take them all together. If there is anyone who has been wronged, we will investigate in detail after the master returns to the court!"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Zu Dashou and others were detained by the Yulin guards who swarmed forward.

Zu Dashou finally saw it.

The purpose of this General Lin was to seize their military power.

It's censorship in name, but in reality it's detention.

This is natural.

Lin Chen knew very well what these Liaodong generals would do for their own benefit.

In the original time and space, Emperor Chongzhen was trapped to death by these insects.


He didn't bother to deal with the handling of Zu Dashou and his party, so he just left it to the emperor Li Zhao.

The Liaodong frontier army currently on the expedition is fully organized, and there are still more than 40,000 troops at full strength.

After dealing with the Liaodong generals, Lin Chen looked towards the capital camp and his attitude changed completely.

Lin Chen, who had a smile in his tone, comforted him: "You guys have worked hard for the past few days, so please go down and rest first."

In contrast.

Lin Chen was very kind to Jingying, which made the general in Jingying feel quite flattered.

It is visible.

It will take at least several days for the water on the battlefield here to dissipate.

Before that, Lin Chen chose to withdraw his troops.

First, the exhausted army was withdrawn to the opposite side of the river bank to rest.

Not only Lin Chen was retreating, but Lao Nu was also retreating.

Inside the account.

"Huang Ama, my son and minister have neglected their duties!"

Huang Taiji came to Nurhachi in embarrassment and knelt down to apologize.

He was originally scheduled to ambush Li Tang's army trying to cross the river on the river bank, but he didn't want to be washed away by a severe flood.

Nurhaci was wiping his forehead with a handkerchief and said expressionlessly: "Get up first, this battle is not your fault."

After Huang Taiji heard this, he stood up respectfully.

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