The soldiers of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division moved very quickly.

In less than a stick of incense, all the assassins' bodies were carried away, and even the blood stains were covered and filled with fine soil.


Except for some Beijing residents who witnessed the whole process, they talked about the process with others with lingering fear.

There was no more waves about this matter.

Only some thoughtful people in the capital learned about Lin Chenjia's assassination on the street.

It is said that His Majesty in the palace lost his temper because of this matter.

Mu Guiying's face didn't look good.

She was the unlucky person who was scolded by Li Zhao.

With such an assassination happening at the emperor's feet, where would she, the commander of the five-city army and horse division in charge of public security in the capital, lose her face?

Even the commanders and envoys of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division were as silent as a cicada today, not daring to breathe heavily.

Afraid of getting angry.

Mu Guiying glanced at the commanders of the Five Cities Military and Horse Divisions expressionlessly, and asked coldly: "Has the interrogation come out?"

A commander stepped forward bravely and bowed: "Mu Dutong, these assassins are the assassins on the list of the Blood Killing Pavilion in Wuyou Cave!"

The so-called assassins on the list are the external brand of the Blood Killing Pavilion.

It is said that only those who have completed ten extremely difficult assassination missions can be ranked on the list.

In order to deal with Lin Chen, almost all the signature cards of the Blood Killing Pavilion were deployed.

But what’s the ending?

Nothing more than a cold corpse.

"Haha, are these scumbags from Wuyou Cave planning to jump over the wall?" Mu Guiying thought of something, and her face was full of coldness.

When Lin Chen served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities, he launched a campaign against Wuyou Cave.

However, he knew that the terrain in Wuyou Cave was complex and it was impossible to eradicate the problem.

On the contrary, it will leave consequences.

As the saying goes, if you cut the grass without removing the root, it will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

So Lin Chen had no clue and mobilized an army to go deep into Wuyou Cave.

Instead, all exit nodes to the outside of Wuyou Cave were blocked, preventing any materials from entering or exiting Wuyou Cave.

A person can last up to three days without eating or drinking.

There is no shortage of water in Wuyou Cave, which is the underground sewage discharge place in the capital.

Although the water source is a bit dirty, you can still drink it if you are thirsty.

However, without food, people will really starve to death!


In less than ten days of lockdown.

A large number of rats in Wuyou Cave who surrendered to the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division were all so hungry that their eyesight turned blind.


The two major forces in Wuyou Cave have not yet come out to surrender.

This is normal.

The Guifanlou and Xueshage families have great undertakings, so they must have stored a lot of supplies in advance.


How long can these supplies last under lockdown?

At present, it is obvious that it is reaching its limit.

It’s no wonder that the Blood Killing Pavilion made such an angry assassination move.

After all, Lin Chen is the culprit behind this blockade of Wuyou Cave.

However, the assassination of an important court official in the street was too bad.

Mu Guiying wanted to starve to death these scumbags in Wuyoudong, but couldn't resist Li Zhao's urging.

She needs to give an explanation to the people in the capital.

Mu Guiying thought of this and looked at Lin Chen who had an attitude that it had nothing to do with him.

What made her even more angry was that.

This guy was holding tea from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division and was entertaining an old man with an extraordinary bearing.

"This tea is acceptable." The old man took a sip and said calmly.

Lin Chen thought so.

After all, it is a public property and of average quality.

Mu Guiying on the side:......

As for the old man who had just helped out on the street, Lin Chen inquired about it and learned his name.

Xin Qiji is officially going to be the governor of Liaodong!

It stands to reason that Xin Qiji, who has become an important minister, will definitely have many people coming to visit him.

Why are you wearing a simple blue shirt and wandering around the capital?

Xin Qiji glanced at the person in front of him and asked as if casually: "I heard from your majesty that General Lin recommended me to take charge of Liaodong?"

When Lin Chen heard this, he didn't hide anything and nodded calmly.

This made Xin Qiji interested.

He consciously did not recognize the ghost-faced general in front of him.

Could it be that he is above his father's generation and has an old relationship with him?

Xin Qiji thought that many people were visiting the official residence where he lived during this period, and he went out for a walk in frustration.

Unexpectedly, he met the real owner of something that he couldn't understand.

Lin Chenjia!

Now that he had met him, he naturally wanted to ask clearly.


Lin Chen shook his head and gave an answer that made Xin Qiji's expression quite exciting.

"Does the layman know Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun?"

When Xin Qiji heard this, he frowned slightly. After thinking for a long time, he finally figured out who these two people were, and said with a hint of disgust in his tone: "But those two water tyrants who once did evil in Jiangzhou?"

"Water bully?"

When Lin Chen heard this, he felt a little funny.

If we look at it according to the original book of Water Margin.

Zhang Shun is better, he is the leader of a fish dealer.

That Zhang Heng was a business without capital.

However, Zhang Heng was able to save his life from Xin Qiji, presumably before he started killing people for money.

even so.

It's no wonder that Xin Qiji dislikes the two of them.

In his opinion, these unruly people are disrupting the place and destroying the stability of the people.

Lin Chen had to remind Xin Qiji.

At present, the two brothers Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun are the fifth-rank navy captains with imperial official status.


When Xin Qiji heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes.

After those two people were driven out of Jiangzhou by him, he didn't expect them to become prosperous?

But Xin Qiji still didn't understand that Lin Chen would recommend him.

Could it be because of the one-sided words of these two water tyrants?

But Xin Qiji didn't think that the two brothers Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun would say anything good about Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

Could it be that he was asked to tell Xin Qiji that Lin Chen knew about his original historical deeds?

If this great talent had not been born in the Southern Song Dynasty, he would have become a great husband who will go down in history.

Able in literature and martial arts.

In the Han Dynasty, this kind of person was called Ban Chao.

In the Tang Dynasty, he was called Wang Xuance.

As for the Southern Song Dynasty, Xin Qiji only had poem titles.

Lin Chen once read the biography of Xin Qiji and was deeply moved.

In addition, the situation in Liaodong is chaotic, and a capable person is really needed to take charge.

Among the famous officials in Qing history that Lin Chen knew, the one who could do this well was none other than Xin Qiji.

Even though Xin Qiji was a civil servant, he thought he could only take care of people's livelihood.

In fact, he himself is also a fierce man in addition to leading troops in battle.


Among the generals, he is the best at writing poems, and among the generals at writing poems, he is the best at fighting.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't want to mention it, Xin Qiji took a deep look and stopped asking.

After all, from a certain perspective.

He also had to thank Lin Chen for his recommendation.

"I wonder if General Lin has returned from Liaodong. If he has any knowledge, he would like to talk to a certain family."

Xin Qiji changed the subject.

As the governor of Liaodong, he had to understand the local situation before taking office.

Right now, this ghost-faced general, who had fought against Hou Jin in Liaodong and introduced the military household system, was the perfect person to consult.

When Lin Chen heard this, he naturally had no intention of hiding anything.

"If a layman is in charge of Liaodong, be sure to pay attention to that slave!"

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