"Delicious roasted pheasants, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, full of vitality, 200 yuan a piece! Buy 2 roasted pheasants for your child's body!"

"Great discount, 1 black-haired mouse for 1 yuan..."

After walking for a quarter of an hour.

Qin Feng passed an open-air animal meat market, and there were endless cries of selling around him. Every meat stall was crowded with customers buying animal meat.

In the dark age, animal meat is the most in demand

one of the goods.

The meat of ordinary beasts is not only delicious, but also contains a certain amount of vitality. After a martial artist takes it, it will be of great benefit to become a real martial artist.Of course, animal meat is more expensive.

The children of [Slave] people, even if their talent is good, because they don't have enough animal meat, it is difficult for them to become warriors. In the end, they repeat the fate of their parents and continue to be classified as [Slave].

The children of [Warrior], because of their wealthy family, have been inseparable since childhood, so even if they are less talented, they have a good chance of becoming a warrior.

on animal meat.

There are also extremely rare beast meat,

However, it will not be sold in open-air markets, but in specialized chambers of commerce.


"Little brother, you are just at the age to grow your body. Come and make up for it with a pheasant!"

In front of a meat stall, the owner of the meat stall picked up a fragrant roasted pheasant and shook it in front of Qin Feng's eyes, "Roasted pheasant, 50 yuan a piece, no bullying!"


Qin Feng swallowed his saliva unsatisfactorily. This body has not eaten meat for too long, and it can't resist the temptation of roasted pheasants.

However... I touched my pocket, and it seemed that there were only 5 yuan in it.

That's one month's living expenses!

"Cough cough..."

Seeing Qin Feng's expression of embarrassment, the meat stall owner shook his head in disappointment, his face became impatient, and pointed to a trash-can-like basket next to him, "There are black-haired mice, 1 yuan per mouse, although it is more than 1 yuan. I don't want to go up to the mountain chicken, but mouse meat is also meat, and it can also replenish vitality!"

Sure enough, Qin Feng saw a fist-sized, dirty black mouse corpse in the basket.

Black-haired mouse.

It is the favorite of poor children. Although it looks dirty, it is cheaper. It has a lot of meat and provides a lot of vitality.

many.If you take a lot of it, you can quickly improve your cultivation.

Of course, rat meat is also said to have side effects.

It is said that there are various toxins in mice, and black-haired mice have more.

"Feng Bo said that even if you starve to death, you can't eat rat meat."

Qin Feng thought of something and shook his head.

Not to mention that Feng Bo had told himself, just as a modern person, he couldn't accept eating these dirty mice.Then, he glanced at the roasted pheasant on the meat rack with incomparable nostalgia, patted his shriveled belly silently, and prepared to leave.


"Why does this mouse look so big?"

Also when leaving.

Qin Feng Yuguang noticed that there was a strange mouse in the bamboo basket. The mouse was very big, like a leather ball. The fur was covered with a thin layer of frost. Under the sunlight, the frost reflected a strange green light. .

And with Qin Feng's attention.

On this mouse, out of thin air, a row of translucent words appeared.


【Ice Rat King】(decomposable)

Age: Juvenile.

Value: BB+ grade.

Harvest: unknown.


Seeing this row of words, Qin Feng knew that this was his one-key decomposition system at work.To his surprise, this is not an ordinary mouse, but a young rat king!

From the point of view of decomposition value.

That book of "Combat Skills: Thousand Dances and Flying Butterflies" is only [D+ rank], this young rat king has already reached [BB+ rank].

learned from the system.

The decomposition value of items is roughly divided into: E, D, C, B, A, S.

For each level, there are several subdivisions, such as B level, which can be subdivided into: B level, B+ level, BB level, BB+ level, BBB level, BBB+ level, etc.


"Little brother, such a big mouse is rare. Look at the amount of meat, it's more than a dozen small mice."

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