Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 728: Wind element characteristics

Let me take good care of my sister.

My sister's hidden disease was born, and we have not stopped treatment for these years.

But it turned out...

Today is one week away from my final wind element assessment.

But they didn't expect them to do it in advance.

Without wind, I will soon be driven out of Yunzhou.

"Why not take your sister to live elsewhere."

"Where I went, my parents died, and the ship did not stay."

"I'm only Tier 4, I don't have the wind element, I don't even have the ability to fly."

"Moreover, my sister hasn't practiced yet."

Not to be condensed and stay in the air.

When the corner of the boy's mouth was whispering, he slowly walked to the girl's side.

"Konger, you can try to improve the wind element after your brother changes the medicine at the adult's."

"You are smarter than your brother, and you will definitely be able to condense this strength."

"You can take care of yourself, and my brother feels relieved."

Looking at the two people hugging each other in front of him, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that the purpose of the teenager's exchange of pills with himself is not to take them by himself.

I want to give it to my sister.

I misunderstood this kid...

Having said that, Ye Chen smiled and shook his head, then stepped forward slowly.

"Let me do it."

Talk about it.

With a cyan light spreading from Ye Chen's hands,

The warm spiritual power began to nourish the girl's body.

At the same time, Ye Chen slowly raised his hand and stuffed a pill into the girl's mouth.

The pill entered the body, and the girl's body began to tremble like crazy.

Foam was spit out from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this situation, Mo Xiaobai's face was surprised.

"Wh...what's going on! You! What are you doing?"

Seeing his sister's painful appearance, a anger rose in Mo Xiaobai's heart instantly.

It seems that I have really led the wolf into the room this time!

"Dog thief! Dog thief!"

"I want your life!"

Suddenly, a thunderous light spread from the depths of his brows.

This burst of power made Ye Chen sigh in his heart.

I had already felt the strength of this kid at the gate.

But I didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

How can this thunderbolt reach the level of the fifth-order monster core of the monster.

Shouldn't tell me, although this kid has a very average knowledge of the wind element, he has the power above the thunder element.

Very talented.

"Let go of my sister!"

Endless killing intent was revealed in the ferocious eyes.

After Thunder gathered in his hands, the heart of the target Ye Chen blasted over.

The power is surging.

But the next scene left the young man astonished.

The power of thunder that he should be proud of didn't even play a role in Ye Chen's body.

"This... what's going on?"

And just when he was astonished, suddenly a force of thunder that was stronger than him whistled behind Ye Chen.

Severely fell on the boy's face.

After a flash of white light, the boy fainted.

When he woke up again, he was already in the forest outside the slum.

The first moment when I opened my eyes, I was looking for Ye Chen.

Seeing the figure sitting cross-legged above the big stone.

Anger once again clung to Mo Xiaobai's heart.

"Why, why hurt my sister. Why!"

Ignoring his soreness, the angry young man stepped out again.

Rushed towards Ye Chen in the distance.

Indifferently glanced at the boy who came.

Just when the attack was about to touch Ye Chen.

Ye Chen raised his hand and patted the boy's heart with a palm.

Although no force was used.

But when the billowing air flow spread, it directly knocked the boy to the ground.

When it fell to the ground.

When climbing up again hard.

The scene in front of him fell in the eyes of the young man, making him surprised.

In front of him, his sister was sitting in a spiritual spring with her eyes closed.

The green medicinal flow inside the spring nourishes his body.

The pale complexion has now returned to rosy, and the complexion is obviously much better than before.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's voice echoed slowly.

"Your sister's physical condition is very special, she needs to break first and then stand."

"The hidden disease has existed in the body for many years, and the treatment time is also very long."

Only then did Mo Xiaobai, who had come to understand, raised his eyes to Ye Chen differently.

It turned out that Ye Chen was helping himself treat his younger sister...

Before stepping, kneel down slowly.

"Mo Xiaobai, thank you for your life-saving grace."

Looking down at the kneeling boy on the ground, Ye Chen did not speak, but closed his eyes and began to condense his wind element.

Now that I am in Yunzhou, I naturally start to make up for the wind element value I owe.

With his unique insights into the wind element.

Coupled with the complement of their own medicine. I only spent a short day.

It raised the fifth-order demon core to the seventh-order.

One night passed, and I felt my own rolling and cohesive wind.

The rewards of the system are once again recalled from the knowledge of the sea.

Ye Chen, who had just checked, looked down at his body.

It was found that the boy was still kneeling in front of him.

"Tsk... this kid has a strong character."


Ye Chen's voice directly aroused a spirit of the sleeping teenager.

He did not retreat in the slightest after bowing down all night.

If he misunderstood Ye Chen, he would pay the price.

"My lord! I'm here."

After hearing the sound, the teenager immediately woke up.

"Is there a master?"

The words sounded, and he was slightly confused by Ye Chen's question.


"Do you want to follow me."

The voice of laughing again came from Ye Chen's mouth, and the young boy's eyes suddenly became excited.

Ye Chen's purpose was obvious, he wanted to accept himself as a disciple.

"I.. I. Master is here! Behold the apprentice!"

After the murmur fell, the boy woke up again in a panic. Kneeling down at Ye Chen.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Ye Chen's mouth chuckles.

The kid has a good foundation, and more importantly, he appreciates his character.

For his sister, he took out all the remaining money to buy elixir.

Do it yourself for your sister.

And the most important point, after knowing that he had made a mistake, took the initiative to kneel down in front of him.

Without his consent, he did not get up and stand.

This is enough to make Ye Chenxin affirm that this kid's character is suitable for tempering.

"Your sister's body is weak, and you live in a slum. You can't see the sun all day long."

"In that way, the environment is very harmful to the patient, so I moved him here without permission."

"During this time, you are responsible for taking care of your sister's daily life."

"The potion in the pool is changed every hour. The spirit grass is added for half a day."

"If you repeat this for three days, the medicine will cure you."

Speaking, Ye Chen threw the pill to the boy directly.

After nodding in a deep voice, Ye Chen closed his eyes again.

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