Fantasy: Opening Start to Hundreds of Millions of Modern Arms Martial Souls

Chapter 155: Don't hurt Young Master Yang by mistake


Not long afterwards, a large number of people suddenly appeared in the gorge and mountain pass, all of them rushing on horseback, dragging dust on the ground.

If you take a closer look, you can see that they have a long machete in their hands, reflecting a heart-palpitating sharp chill under the moonlight, with great momentum!

"Assemble all, stand on guard!"

Seeing this lineup, Yang Mo's complexion changed drastically, where he dared to take it lightly and hurriedly shouted.

The surrounding Yang family juniors and family guards, after a brief consternation, the sound of neat and orderly footsteps sounded quickly.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of family guards quickly arranged a defensive formation in a flat open space, while Yang Mo and the others were behind the formation and took out AK47s one after another, ready to fight!

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei nodded secretly. After the last trial, Yang Mo and the group of Yang family's children have improved their combat awareness a lot.

And the movement here undoubtedly alarmed Yang Langtian and many other masters of the Yang family in the camp, and their tyrannical aura suddenly rushed over.


More than 5,000 cavalry are getting closer and closer while running wildly, and the team on the Yang family's side is already ready to go!

When Da Meng saw it badly, in order to avoid misunderstanding between the two sides, he moved his body and hurried to the front, and shouted at the group of friends: "I am Da Meng, all stop!!!"

His roar of luck did have some effect, and soon the huge team that only sprinted to the front gradually slowed down.

It didn't stop completely until the area a hundred meters away.

The leader was a sturdy man wearing leather armor and holding a giant axe. His figure and facial features were very similar to Da Meng.

This person is Da Meng's brother, Daku Shi.

When they had been lurking in the canyon road for a long time, when they saw the signal sent by Da Meng, they immediately rushed out in a violent manner, ready to deter the prey at once.

But now, seeing Da Meng ran up to stop him very abnormally, Daku Shi's brow furrowed, and he couldn't help but wonder.

"These are all...Dragon Blood Warriors?!"

Upon seeing this, Yang Langtian and the others shrank slightly, and their complexions instantly became serious.

With so many dragon blood warriors, if they wait for a war, with their gun firepower, I am afraid it will be difficult to suppress these crazy warriors!

The old Patriarch also looked at Yang Zilei with doubts, wondering why the latter provoke these lunatics.

However, Yang Zilei always stood with the other two dragon blood clan fighters with a calm expression.

"Amen, what's the matter?"

As he spoke, his gaze swept toward Yang Zilei and the others, and the giant axe in his hand was suddenly raised, and his voice sternly shouted, "Are these people threatening you?!"

Hearing this, Da Meng hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, Young Master Yang is a great benefactor of our Dragon Blood clan. You quickly put away the axe, don't accidentally hurt Young Master Yang."

"Great benefactor?"

A hint of doubt passed in Daku Shi's eyes, and he stared at Da Meng puzzled.

In his opinion, humans have always rejected their dragon blood clan, so there is no benefactor!

"You can see my changes."

Da Meng didn't say much nonsense, his body energy rushed into the form of a dragon blood warrior, and his eyes instantly became scarlet.

Upon seeing this, Daku Shi's expression tightened, and when he was about to send someone to hold Da Meng, he was surprised to find that this guy actually grinned at him.

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