The Michuan Mountain Range is extremely vast, with steep peaks towering into the clouds, forming an endless mountain forest.

Vaguely, deep in the mountains and forests, there were a series of ferocious and low beast roars, which shocked the crowd who were swiftly in front of them, and involuntarily converged a little.

In this kind of place, it is perfectly normal for a person to be a little careless and lose his life.

Sure enough, under this kind of aggressive intrusion, it soon attracted the attention of the fierce beasts in the mountains, and they lurked in the dark night waiting for opportunities.

Soon after, the screams of screams and the violent roars of the beasts also spread one after another in the mountains.

Fierce beasts are different from ordinary beasts. They are fierce and powerful. Tonight is undoubtedly allowing everyone to experience their terrible fierceness once again, which has brought a great impact to everyone's pace.

"We just need to follow at the very end, let those who are not afraid of death act as cannon fodder."

Yang Zilei waved his hand and said in a low voice.

"Yes, boss." Da Meng nodded respectfully and slowed down together.

In this way, Yang Zilei and his party followed at the back of the large army without any hurries.

And along the way, even though they encountered some beasts attacking from behind, they were only a few, and they belonged to low-level beasts, and they couldn't cause much hindrance to them. They were killed in twos or twos.

Yang Zilei squeezed the May Fourth pistol and shot a fierce viper sprang from the bushes to the ground instantly.

However, the vitality of this poisonous snake seemed to be very tenacious, and it was still rushing forward. The sharp fangs bit the body guard on Yang Zilei's body, biting out a small gap, and then stiffly fell to the ground and died. .

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei frowned slightly, "It seems that there are more and more fierce beasts. Please pay more attention."

As he said, Yang Zilei raised his head, his eyes swept toward the dense forest ahead, and the sound of fighting was heard everywhere around him.

Vaguely, there was a strong smell of blood gradually spreading in the mountains and forests.

Seeing this scene, the six people behind Yang Zilei also saw their pupils shrunk slightly and looked wary.

They understand that they are still at the periphery of the mountain range, and if they continue to go deeper, they will encounter more and more fierce beasts.

This Michuan Mountain, if there is no person with two brushes, it is really not easy to break in.

Before the beast tide, they were blocked by the impregnable wall, and they were in absolute advantage, but now they enter this mountain range without the obstacle of the city. They must use their bodies to fight against the beasts naked. The cruelty is not difficult to imagine.

For those weak warriors who were being attacked by fierce beasts, Yang Zilei and others did not pay attention to them, and continued to move forward, not wanting to be any bad guys.

Before leaving, Chen Si specially prepared a detailed map of the Michuan Mountain Range, and Yang Zilei also avoided unnecessary exploration in the mountains, and directly moved forward in a straight line towards the depths of the mountains in the northwest.

In this way, as they continued to deepen into the mountains, Yang Zilei and his team finally arrived at the location of the ancient tomb mansion, a huge valley.

Here, it can be regarded as a special area in the mountains, the valley is full of thunder and lightning energy, and there are many fierce beasts entrenched.

Moreover, these fierce beasts may have mutated because of the lightning energy here, and evolved into a kind of beast of the thunder system, not only capable of blowing thunder and lightning, but also fast as lightning.

It seemed more difficult to deal with than the beasts outside the valley.

"It should be here."

Yang Zilei put away the map and raised his eyes to look at the figures that were pouring into the valley in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he muttered to himself.

"Boss, let's rush in, don't be preempted by others." Da Meng said impatiently.

"No hurry, the energy barrier of the ancient tomb may not have been breached yet, let's not waste our energy."

Yang Zilei shook his head, intending to watch the changes.

In this way, Yang Zilei and the others sneaked into it quietly along the edge of the woods in the valley.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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