The contender who locked the sword spirit group, Yang Zilei discovered that besides Lin Yuqing, there were five other figures.

I saw the five warriors, their eyes burning, and at a swift speed, they rushed towards the sword-shaped spirit body that was suspended in the sky.

Yang Zilei glanced sharply at the five people, and then fell on the middle-aged man on the far right.

This guy's methods are extremely harsh, as long as the warriors who hinder the front are slashed into blood and blood, the vigorous spiritual power fluctuations that diffuse from the latter's body are obviously in the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

As for the other four people, their strength was only half the level of the Divine Sea Realm. Although they were not weak, they were not very threatening to Yang Zilei.

"There are many hidden masters!"

Yang Zilei's eyes sinked slightly. Originally, he thought that Lin Yuqing and others from the three major martial arts could reach the level of the Divine Sea Realm. Unexpectedly, there were so many masters in the competition circle on his side.

Obviously, the next battle is undoubtedly very fierce.

With a move of Yang Zilei's mind, he directly aroused the dragon-shaped martial soul in his body, and at the same time he rushed quickly, he suddenly transformed into a double dragon-like form.

The skyrocketing muscles instantly stretched the leather armor on his body, and a layer of dragon scales quickly spread from the palm of his hand to his chest. The surface area of ​​the scales was obviously much larger than that of the first form.


After changing into a dragon blood warrior's form, Yang Zilei's feet spewed out strong power, and his figure suddenly accelerated again, and in the blink of an eye, he shortened the distance by more than half of the sword spirit group.

"Boy, looking for death!"

The two warriors who were on the same trajectory with Yang Zilei suddenly became furious when they saw that Yang Zilei suddenly surpassed them. They almost simultaneously stabbed their swords. Four sharp sword auras shot out violently, slashing towards Yang Zilei at a rapid speed Back.

"It is you who are looking for death!"

Yang Zilei snorted coldly. He was on guard for a long time. The tank spirit appeared behind him instantly. The domineering armor exuded vigorous spiritual power fluctuations, directly resisting those two sword auras.


When blocking the attack of the two warriors, Yang Zilei's heart moved, and the barrel of the tank suddenly flashed light, and immediately shot out a huge cannon light, violently shooting four people behind.


The two suddenly widened their eyes and hurriedly hurriedly. Although they each condensed their body protection spirit hoods in time, they were directly bombarded by the spitting blood of abrupt blast and flew out!

On the other hand, Lin Yuqing's side was naturally not so smooth, and it was also blocked by the two contenders.

Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, and he also took this opportunity to reach the bottom of the sword aura group, his figure suddenly jumped up and grabbed it.


And just when Yang Zilei was about to touch the sword spirit light group, an extremely strong spirit light pattern suddenly burst out from the left direction, which actually shook Yang Zilei's palm away.

Yang Zilei's face sank, and he looked around, but he saw the middle-aged man in the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm, who was standing not far away, staring at him fiercely.

"This sword spirit is something Lao Tzu looks after, don't lose your life because of greed!"

The middle-aged man said coldly with a grin, and rushed over quickly, holding a large sawtooth sword in his hand.

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, and he didn't see any softness in his shot.

At the barrel of the tank's spirit, aura quickly condensed, and suddenly shot at the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and the saw-toothed sword in his hand exploded with vigorous spiritual power fluctuations, and it swept out suddenly, actually resisting the bombardment of the tank spirit.

"This kind of martial soul, who is not degraded, can dare to use it to show its ugliness."

However, when the middle-aged man was proud, Yang Zilei had already lifted the bazooka and stood on top of the tank spirit.

At this moment, time is running out, and if there is too much entanglement with the middle-aged man here, the sword spirit will probably be preempted by others.

Therefore, after Yang Zilei took out the rocket launcher, he quickly pulled the trigger.

At the same time, the talent skills, Critical Strike, were also instantly opened!


Suddenly, the rocket launcher and the tank martial arts were launched at the same time, and two huge artillery lights, with an astonishing roar, fired at the middle-aged man one after another.

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