Then, Yang Zilei swept his gaze not far away, and found that Lan Shanshan from the Blue Cloud Martial Mansion was being stared at by a talisman puppet stone beast at this moment.

This little Nizi has a heart-felt heart. In order to protect several young low-level warriors, she used the vine martial arts spirit of the plant system to tightly entangle the limbs of the rune puppet stone beast.

However, the rune puppet stone beast with the strength of the Nine Tribulations Realm is so easy to be restrained. Under its support, the vine martial arts are already showing signs of cracks.

Yang Zilei's mind moved, and his hands began to change Yin Jue.

With the experience of the previous two times, his movements are now obviously proficient and a little faster.

Immediately after the rays of light surged, a rune imprint rushed out suddenly.

Yang Zilei took this opportunity to conquer the rune puppet stone beast that was about to split the blue Shanshan vines.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei concocted it in the same manner, condensing five rune imprints, and controlled all the remaining five rune puppets.

The sudden weird scene made Lan Shanshan and the others stunned.

Then a group of surprised eyes quickly turned, looking at Yang Zilei together.

I saw that the eight talisman puppet stone beasts that were extremely fierce and slaughtered just now were standing behind Yang Zilei incomparably well-behaved.


Such an unthinkable situation immediately caused everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly, and their faces were full of shock.

"How can you control these rune puppet stone beasts?"

Lan Shanshan Yinghong opened her mouth lightly, staring at Yang Zilei in surprise, and couldn't help asking.

"I have obtained the Nine Tribulations Pills from the master of the Tomb Mansion and his inheritance. I naturally know how to control them."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly. He still had a good impression of this beauty named Lan Shanshan, but he did not conceal the truth.

Of course, he also said this to the others present, so that they completely gave up their minds, lest these guys run to disturb the remains of Senior Wu Tian.

"Huh? Nine Tribulations Pill was first boarded by him?"

"And also obtained the inheritance of that Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse!!"

Hearing this, it was undoubtedly that the presence caused quite a stir, and everyone looked at Yang Zilei with surprise and jealousy.

But soon, this kind of unwillingness and regret completely dissipated, and everyone felt like a survivor, and ecstatic smiles appeared on their faces.

In any case, they are finally saved.

Compared with treasures, saving lives is the most important thing!

For a while, everyone looked at Yang Zilei with a sense of awe.

Don't say that the Nine Tribulations Pill and the inheritance, just by the powerful strength of these eight talisman puppet stone beasts, is enough to make him have a lot of confidence when he walks on the Tianyan continent in the future.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Lan Shanshan's beautiful eyes flowed, staring at Yang Zilei, and asked curiously.

Hearing this, the martial artists around immediately calmed down, staring at Yang Zilei one by one, obviously also very curious about what this mysterious guy was.

Yang Zilei glanced at the surrounding crowd, and said lightly: "Sorry, no comment."

"But the encounter is a fate, in order to thank you for explaining the knowledge of martial arts to me earlier, this pistol is regarded as a gift."

After that, Yang Zilei took out a handful of Desert Eagle.

"This is a gun?"

A trace of doubt appeared on Lan Shanshan's face, staring at the gun in Yang Zilei's hand, and she felt that it was obviously different from the "gun" he had known before.

"Well, the operation is simple, just click this."

While Yang Zilei spoke, the Desert Eagle in his hand directed a shot at the void.


The shocking sound of gunshots suddenly exploded in the quiet hall, shocking the crowd present.

Unexpectedly, such a short hidden weapon has such a terrifying power!

Lan Shanshan's eyes flashed, she immediately accepted the Desert Eagle, and said with joy: "Thank you."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, and immediately he didn't intend to stay here anymore. He moved and swept towards the main hall without looking back.

Behind him, the eight rune puppet stone beasts followed Yang Zilei and left here under the fearful gaze of everyone.

At this point, the ancient tomb group is completely over.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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