call out--!

Two hours later, the lightning flashed across the sky, and immediately slowed down gradually.

Yang Zilei sat in the driver's seat of the Thunder fighter, looking through Boli, looking far away, looking at the distant plains, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Because there, there was a building that seemed to be a sectarian site, appeared in his line of sight, vaguely, revealing an ancient and majestic atmosphere.

The ruin-like ruins, and the clusters of various temple buildings, the sheer scale of that is shocking, as if it were a sectarian empire.

At a glance, all kinds of majestic ancient buildings are endless, spreading directly to the end of the line of sight. The huge towers used for various cultivations stand on the plain, which is daunting.

In this terrifying relic of ancient sects, the super sects of Tianyan Continent are as small as ants.

A trace of surprise flashed in Yang Zilei's eyes, and he was also quite curious about the things of the ancient times and the prehistoric world.

"The area of ​​this ancient relic is extremely vast. Even though many sectarian disciples have entered here over the years, it should not have been thoroughly explored."

Looking at the huge ruins exuding ancient flavor, Yang Zilei muttered to himself.

After all, the sealed enchantment in this space prevents the disciples of the sect who have to enter here from flying.

Just walking with both feet, even the previous giant mountain range would be difficult to get out in less than half a month, not to mention the existence of various terrifying monsters that would sneak attack at any time.

The time limit for entering the ancient mystery is only one month.

Therefore, if there is no technological product that does not rely on aura to fly like the Thunder fighter, there is no extra time to explore other places.

After all, the area of ​​the ancient secret realm is comparable to the area of ​​the Tianyan Continent. If you want to understand this vast and unfamiliar terrain.

The time consumed must be too great to estimate.

Although over the past ten thousand years, I have experienced nearly a hundred treasure hunts in the ancient secret realm, and many people have already set foot on them. But for the hurried treasure hunt and all kinds of fights and fights, how can there be any time to get through this piece? Earth.

Therefore, in this secret realm, I don’t know how many rare and exotic treasures there are, waiting to see the sun again...

"Go to this place first and see if there are any little apes."

Yang Zilei muttered to himself.

Immediately after pulling the joystick, the Thunder fighter dived down and landed smoothly to the ground.

After a large number of pterosaurs chased and killed two days ago, Yang Zilei still has lingering fears.

Therefore, it is safer to stay low-key when visiting the ancient ruins.

If something is wrong at that time, it is not too late to use the Thunder fighter to leave.

Immediately, Yang Zilei's figure moved, stepping on Long Yingbu to face the vast ancient ruins, and quickly rushed away. The extremely fast body style set off wind and waves and rolled up the surrounding sand.

From a distance, it looks like a tornado and sand moving fast.

As he arrived at the ruins, Yang Zilei stopped abruptly, looking at the almost transparent thin light curtain in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Obviously, this light curtain should be a guardian light shield similar to the sect.

However, under the erosion of the long years, this layer of light curtain is already extremely fragile, as if it can be torn apart with a light touch.

Regarding this, Yang Zilei couldn't help sighing. Such a powerful ancient force was also annihilated in the long river.

I don't know how desperate the race war was ten thousand years ago.

After turning his mind, Yang Zilei took out a long sword and swiped it lightly against the light curtain.

Hearing the sound of ‘chih’, ​​the light curtain was cut directly by the tip of the sword, and Yang Zilei swept in directly.

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