
As the treasure chest opened, Yang Zilei's eyes appeared in front of a set of uniquely shaped red and silver steel armor.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a set of steel armor, armed with firearms, and miniature guide-bullet. 】

As the system sounded, an operation message using the steel armor poured into Yang Zilei's mind to help him better use this equipment.

After reading the operating information, he determined that this was the Iron Man suit invented by Tony in the previous Marvel movie!

Yang Zilei was immediately surprised!

With this steel armor, his combat power is undoubtedly greatly improved.

And the hope of saving the little dragon ape is no longer so slim.

"Tsk tsk, this place is so badly damaged."

At this time, Fu Zong's men and horses had already landed in the arena, looking at the martial arts platform that turned into a pit, Gu Qing showed a playful smile on his face.

"It seems that you should be the winner of the last match."

Gu Qing turned his eyes, looked at Yang Zilei who was standing next to the pit, and said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Are you interested in comparing it."

A hint of coldness appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth, deliberately provoking.


Hearing this, Gu Qing's eyes were dark, he looked at Yang Zilei coldly, and said lightly: "I heard it wrong just now? Or did you say it wrong?"

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, "If my hearing is not good, then forget it, I don't want to bully people who are lacking in nature."


Faced with Yang Zilei's repeated provocations, Gu Qing's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy at this moment.

"How dare you say that our senior brother is a form of heaven, are you tired of living!"

More than a hundred disciples of Fu Zong's team stared at Yang Zilei angrily.

At the same time, a tyrannical aura burst out in an instant, locking Yang Zilei's body murderously.

Seeing this scene, the audience was secretly speechless.

Isn't this kid crazy?

People who dare to openly challenge Fu Zong!

Moreover, the opponent was the most powerful one among the Fu Zong team this time.

Peak powerhouse in the spirit of the gods!

Yue Lingfeng and others were also quite surprised by Yang Zilei's arrogant behavior.

"Okay, really courageous."

Gu Qing squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Yang Zilei darkly, with a cat-and-mouse joke in his eyes, "But, do you think I have to accept your challenge."

"Since you want to die, then as you wish."

Speaking of this, his voice suddenly fell gloomy, "You guys, abolish his cultivation base, and cut off the muscles and veins of your hands and feet, and throw them here to fend for themselves."

"Yes, Brother Gu!"

When the voice fell, there were more than a dozen Fu Zong disciples who came out of the team, their expressions spreading hideously.

The directions in which they walked are extremely tacit, and vaguely, they blocked all the way out of Yang Zilei.

"Offend Fu Zong, this kid surnamed Yang is dead, maybe he will be made into a puppet."

Seeing the posture of Fu Zong who wanted to do something, the audience shook their heads secretly, with a little fear on their faces.

After all, it is worse than death, and that is to become a walking corpse-like rune puppet!

So under normal circumstances, no one dares to offend Fu Zong.


However, at this time, a cold shout suddenly sounded.

The person who spoke was Yue Lingfeng.

"Sect Master Yang is now a contestant in our arena, and no one is allowed to move him without participating in the fighting!"

Yue Lingfeng's voice was sonorous and powerful, and he looked directly at Fu Zong's Gu Qing and others.

In the Northern Territory, other forces are afraid of their Fuzong, but it doesn't mean that Xuanyuezong will also.

What's more, they set a gambling bank in the arena this time, and they were disappointed by the people from Fuzong who came to hit the field.

Of course, at a deeper level, Yue Lingfeng seemed to take this opportunity to give Yang Zilei a favor.

He faintly felt that Yang Zilei dared to provoke Fu Zong openly, but he was not quick to speak, he must have even more powerful hole cards hidden.

That kind of trump card, at least in the face of the encirclement and suppression of many powerful Fu Zong, there is still a way to get out.

If you can make friends with such hidden characters, there will be no harm in the future.

Youquan and Bai Mingxuan next to them turned their heads and glanced at Yue Lingfeng in surprise, and then a glimmer of surprise flashed in their eyes, as if they had guessed Yue Lingfeng's intentions.

Since the three parties are all in the same camp, they didn't say much about it, and they acquiesced to Yue Lingfeng's approach.

Anyway, I've seen Fu Zong's group of guys who rely on treasures to pretend to be upset.

Just take this opportunity to poke their spirit!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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