At this time, the fighting in the arena has ceased.

The Fuzong disciples who resisted stubbornly were all beheaded.

As for those who escaped by chance, no one was going to hunt them down, anyway, it was no longer a threat.

"Sect Master Yang is back!"

When Yang Zilei's figure appeared in the sky above the arena, Yue Lingfeng and others, as well as all the sect disciples present, looked up with shocked eyes.

With the powerful abilities shown by Yang Zilei this time, no one dared to take him any contempt, and there was a trace of jealousy and fear in his eyes.

"No wonder this guy refuses my invitation. It turns out that he still has such a powerful strength."

Huo Feng'er's eyes flickered, staring at Yang Zilei in midair, and she couldn't help but hum.

Although Yang Zilei was wearing a steel armor at the moment, he looked weird, but it vaguely gave people a cold feeling like metal.

Then, under the gaze of countless eyes, Yang Zilei landed to the ground and removed the steel armor.

At the same time, two ancient secret keys flashed out of his palm.


Seeing that there was an extra ancient secret key in Yang Zilei's hand, everyone's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Could it be that Sect Master Yang went to hunt down that Fu Zong disciple just now, just to **** the ancient secret key?"

Yue Lingfeng, You Quan and the others were suddenly stunned, and suddenly guessed the reason.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help showing joy, and countless eyes looked at Yang Zilei with admiration.

Fortunately, Yang Zilei went to regain the ancient secret key, otherwise, their ancient secret realm this time would lose such a great opportunity.

"This kid is really not easy. Fortunately, he didn't choose to help Fu Zong deal with him before."

Wu Cang of Poison Soul Sect's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

As for the two groups of people from the Fire Cloud Sect and the Spirit Devouring Sect, their faces were uncertain at this moment, and their eyes were all staring at Yang Zilei with a little fear.

If they had known Yang Zilei's abilities, they would definitely not be nosy, interfering in the private grudge between Fu Zong and the former.

"Sect Master Yang, this is the prize for this bet. Your three-component benefit."

Yue Lingfeng approached, took out a storage ring and handed it to Yang Zilei, smiling politely.

You Quan and Bai Mingxuan also walked over and looked at Yang Zilei with respect.

The rule of respect for the strong exists no matter where it is.

Although Yang Zilei's identity background is average, his abilities are worthy of a different look.

"Thank you."

Yang Zilei smiled and nodded, unceremoniously took away the storage ring, and the spiritual sense quickly swept in.

The dazzling array of huge wealth inside suddenly made Yang Zilei's eyes brightened.

This kind of gambling is really a shortcut to make quick money.

Immediately, Yang Zilei's gaze also looked at Yue Lingfeng and others in front of him. Seeing their blood-stained robes, it was obvious that they had exerted a lot of effort just now.

Although both sides are in a community of interests, Yang Zi feels grateful for being able to help this, and regards them as comrades-in-arms.

As for them.

Yang Zilei's biting eyes swept toward the many disciples of the various sects who were onlookers, as well as the Spirit Devouring Sect and the Fire Cloud Sect.

This group of guys, in order to win the gambling, even cursed themselves for being killed, or helped Fu Zong, standing in a hostile relationship.

Where is Yang Zilei's face.

"Now the ten ancient secret keys have all been gathered, and the resources of the ancient hall are limited."

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei looked at Yue Lingfeng and other super sect crowd, and said bluntly: "So I suggest that all sect forces without ancient secret keys should be kicked out. What do you think?"


"What a joke, you are going to kick us out!"

"We protest, this is simply a shame!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was no doubt that it caused an uproar in the scene, and voices of dissatisfaction and anger reverberated one after another.

The people of the seven super sects were slightly startled, looking at Yang Zilei in surprise, apparently they didn't expect that he would have such a courage and would directly kick out all other sects.

This kind of situation might arouse public anger and attack him.

However, from the perspective of interest, this is indeed the best method.

Otherwise, if so many people flood into the ancient hall, the resources they can obtain will be scraped away.

"I think Sect Master Yang's suggestion is good, and we agree."

The three of Yue Lingfeng, You Quan and Bai Mingxuan were clearly in the same camp as Yang Zilei at this moment, and they were all tacitly approved.

As soon as the words fell, the masters of the three super sects of Xuanyue Sect, Blood Shadow Sect, and Heavenly Sword Sect suddenly revealed their weapons, with a tyrannical aura.

"Our Poison Soul Sect also agrees."

Wu Cang smiled slightly.

"And our Wuzong in the sky."

Huo Feng'er smiled, naturally he agreed with Yang Zilei's approach.

Leng Yuyan's expression was cold, although she did not speak, she did not refute.

In her opinion, the ancient secret key was searched by various forces over the years, but those sectarian forces that did not contribute would also have to use the resources of the ancient hall, which is obviously unreasonable.

"We Fire Cloud Sect."

"We Spirit Devouring Sect."

"Also agree with Sect Master Yang's suggestion!"

Teng You and Kong Yuanyun glanced at each other, both nodded secretly, and said almost in unison.

Seeing that the seven super sects were all provoked by Yang Zilei, they even agreed to kick out the rest of the forces.

The disciples of the various sects present immediately blushed, and the shouts of curses continued to sound.

"How can this be done."

"Damn, this is too overbearing!"

"Fight with them!!"

In the heated curses, some violent-minded guys directly drew out their weapons, planning to break into the ancient hall by then.

"I want to see, who dares to break in by force!"

Wu Cang of the Poison Soul Sect gave a cold cry, and an extremely tyrannical aura suddenly burst out of his body.

At the same time, a thick dark green mist spurted from his pores, instantly forming a huge fog like a human face, grinning, weird and gloomy.

The disciples of the Poison Soul Sect also burst into a burst of poison in an instant, and the dark green gas that permeated the sky was filled with palpitating energy fluctuations.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of those sect disciples changed drastically, and they all backed away in fright, their faces full of fear.

Poison Soul Sect, as the name suggests, its martial arts practice is to use poison. The poison mist they release can not only injure the body, but also poison its soul, which is extremely terrifying.

"Can the soul be poisoned by this kind of gas offensive?"

Yang Zilei was slightly startled, staring at the poisonous mist that filled the body of the Poison Soul Sect disciples, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

It seems that to be able to rank among the eight super sects, there are indeed various powerful methods.

"The power I rely on is an ammunition weapon, so I should also have an ammunition school."

Yang Zilei moved slightly, thinking about going back when the time comes, and changing the name of the Sunset Sect.

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