After seeing the horror of the space cracks with their own eyes, the group of people like Teng You and Kong Weiyun, who set out first, suddenly changed their complexions and froze on the spot.

Their gazes swept around with vigilance, and their spiritual consciousness radiated out one after another. They didn't dare to take it lightly, otherwise, their lives would have to be confessed here.

"Little Ape, don't run around, just follow the boss."

Yang Zilei twisted his brows slightly, and asked the little dragon ape, and then took the lead.

As the Sky Tower is far away from here, he originally planned to fly over in a fighter jet, but now these space cracks have formed a huge obstacle and can only dispel that idea.

In the face of the danger, Yang Zilei was extremely cautious, and directly summoned the rune puppet and let it walk in front of him.

The predecessor of the rune puppet is the orc race, with a burly figure, leading the way. If there is any unexpected space crack or other danger, it can be used as a shield.

Little Dragon Ape obediently followed Yang Zilei's instructions.

Although it is a beast, its true identity is an ancient dragon and ape, no less intelligent than human beings.

The little dragon ape can see the hapless ones who were swallowed and strangled by the space crack just now, and naturally understands that the boss is protecting himself.

At this moment, a red shadow swept over and appeared behind Xiaolongyuan.

Yang Zilei turned his head and saw that it was Huo Feng'er, and he also pulled Leng Yuyan over.

"Don't mind if we follow you."

Huo Feng'er spit out a fragrant tongue at Yang Zilei, looking a bit mischievous.

"No problem at all."

Yang Zilei smiled indifferently, with two peerless beauties accompanying him, naturally he wouldn't mind.

Besides, one of them is the master of his daughter.

As for the others, they seemed to have the same idea, and were about to run over and line up behind the line.

However, Yang Zilei glared all of them back, and awkwardly dismissed them.

Zhou Jingchun actually wanted to go there too, but the aura between the two beauties, Huo Feng'er and Leng Yuyan, was really strong and she felt pressured, so she had to converge on her mind.

"Yang Zilei, you don't think your brain is bright enough to come up with this method."

Along the way, Huo Feng'er is like walking in a leisurely courtyard, following Yang Zilei in a sense of security, and exclaimed.

"The way I figured it out, only pigs who don't like to use their brains will sit back and enjoy the results."

Yang Zilei smiled lightly and said meaningfully.

"Pig? Sit back and enjoy the success?"

Huo Feng'er was startled, even if Xuan reacted, her pretty face flushed and said with an annoyance: "Yang Zilei, you actually said that I am a pig!"

Yang Zilei lightly shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't say that. If you take the seat right, I have no objection, haha."

"Hmph, you can say it!" Huo Feng'er snorted.

Although Leng Yuyan's personality is unsmiling, but at this moment, because of Yang Zilei's remarks, she couldn't help but chuckle, and her beautiful face showed a charming smile.

Feeling the different personalities of the twin beauties, Yang Zilei thought of it secretly.

Their sisters are hot and cold, and if they can have it at the same time, it can not be said that they are two heavens.

Of course, with this kind of thinking, Yang Zilei just wanted to have sex. It would be extremely tricky to get both of them at the same time.

Although the world doesn't care about polygamy, Leng Yuyan's cold personality and Huo Feng'er's coquettishness are the best in the world.

Immediately, Yang Zilei adjusted his mind and refocused his attention on the way forward.

Under his control, the rune puppets that opened the way in front were extremely careful to avoid the space cracks that appeared and hidden from time to time, and quickly passed forward.

Behind him, the little dragon ape held the Ruyi mysterious gold rod, and Leng Yuyan and Huo Fenger followed closely.

Although Yang Zilei led the way and the risk was much reduced, their vigilant gaze was still constantly sweeping around, guarding against sudden changes.

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