In the space inside the tower.

When he learned that Bai Yuzhe had been spying on himself in secret, Yang Zilei's mind suddenly became complicated and solemn.

After all, he has always been extremely careful and concealed with the systematic skill of devouring metal.

However, Bai Yuzhe can find out from it!

In this situation, Yang Zilei had to be more careful.

Perceiving Yang Zilei's solemn expression, Bai Yuzhe smiled and said, "I have lived for more than three thousand years and have seen countless people. You are the most unusual person I have ever seen."


Three thousand years? !

Yang Zilei was taken aback, his eyes widened suddenly.

Although he knew that the life of the martial artist would be longer than that of ordinary people due to the fact that his body was tempered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But even so, this was the first time he heard that someone could live to such a long age.

Three thousand years old?

This seems to be an old monster, but Bai Yuzhe in front of him looks like he is in his thirties at most.

Unexpectedly, he lived so long!

"Are you really over three thousand years old?"

Yang Zilei swallowed secretly, and couldn't help but be sure, he even felt that he had misheard or the other party had made a mistake.

"Well, that's right."

Bai Yuzhe nodded calmly and said: "It seems to be over 3,600 years old. I have forgotten how much it is."

After getting the confirmation, Yang Zilei took a breath.

Damn it!

It really is a thousand-year-old monster!

A guy of this level doesn't know how terrifying his strength has reached? !

Yang Zilei tried his best to calm down his restless mood, and at the same time secretly rejoicing that Bai Yuzhe's temper looked good.

Otherwise, if he just refuses to change to those old monsters with violent temperament, I am afraid that he will suffer some suffering and even be forcibly threatened, so he won't talk to you for a long time.

"In fact, when you reach the realm of the emperor, thousands of years are just a matter of seconds."

Seeing the surprise in Yang Zilei's heart, Bai Yuzhe said very casually, but Gu Jing Wubo's eyes were full of vicissitudes and unspeakable loneliness.

After all, for such a long time, the relatives and friends who used to accompany him have long been submerged in the long river of time.

Now he is alone and widowed, guarding the Tongtian Pagoda, and living like years. To him, the millennium years are indeed like a snap.

"Emperor Realm!"

Yang Zilei was slightly startled when he heard these three words.

After experiencing these days, he can roughly understand the top level division of the martial art realm.

Above the Spiritual God Realm, there is the Earth Sovereign Realm, then the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and finally the Emperor Sovereign Realm.

Having reached this level, it can be said that he is the most peak martial arts expert in the martial arts world of Tianyan Continent.

In the emperor realm, it is divided into five emperor veins.

As the tower guardian of the Tongtian Pagoda that the northern sect forces dare not get involved, Bai Yuzhe's true strength may have been cultivated to the fifth stage of the Emperor Realm!

With such a top **** standing in front of him, Yang Zilei guessed that only by using nuclear weapons could he pose a threat.

However, his current munitions mall has unlocked the armament of the fighter jet series. He doesn't even have heavy missiles. The light missiles equipped by those fighters can also deal with the masters of the land.

As for the martial arts powerhouses in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and even the Emperor Sovereign Realm, there is only one to escape.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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