澶х惣娴峰浗镄勫浗閮借湪涓 鍧楁棤鏁 鍧楁棤鏁 鐭 鐭 鐭 鐭 鐭 鐭 鐭 鐭 咕涓纴杩欓噷椋庢 咕涓纴杩欓噷椋庢 咕涓纴杩欓噷椋庢 ワ纴鍓冨垁涓 ワ纴鍓冨垁涓€镙风殑绀佺煶锷埚紑娴锋锛屽埗阃犱 锛屽埗阃犱 镞犳暟鏆楁祦婕╂ 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 夋殚绀佸煁浼忥纴 夋殚绀佸煁浼忥纴 large and small 镄勬 阆 阆 竴鐜涓 鐜纴闱 鐜纴闱 鐜纴闱 鐜纴闱 鐜纴闱 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 鍏 腑娴 腑娴 腑娴 腑娴 腑娴 腑娴 腑娴 瓑鎭跺吔婊嬬敓锛屽浜庢捣鑸潵璇达纴绠 鐩存槸鍣╂vi涓€镙风殑娴峰烟銆

椴涗汉铏界劧鑳芥劧鑳繁娴 纴 纴 纴 纴 闅愯斀锛屼絾 闅愯斀锛屼絾 闅愯斀锛屼絾 忓亸椴涗 忓亸椴涗 忓亸椴涗 忓亸椴涗 忓亸椴涗 忓亸椴涗 惫銆佹捣璞 惫銆佹捣璞 惫銆佹捣璞 惫銆佹捣璞竴镙 纴锽沧鍦ㄧ鐭 纴锽沧鍦ㄧ鐭 纴锽沧鍦ㄧ鐭 纴锽沧鍦ㄧ鐭 笂瀣夋垙锛屽吋涔嬫 笂瀣夋垙锛屽吋涔嬫 娴 娴 瘨榫欐伓铔熷 瘨榫欐伓铔熷 瘨榫欐伓铔熷 瘨榫欐伓铔熷 瘨榫欐伓铔熷 瘨榫欐伓铔熷嶆潅镫皬镄勫湴鏂癸纴旋兘兘兘

鍓崭唬锲 涔熸槸璐 涔熸槸璐 涔熸槸璐 涔熸槸璐 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒

Chen Ang 涔樼潃阃犲寲 戣埞鏉ュ埌杩欎竴鐗 崚绀佷箣鍓嶏纴鍙︼瑗垮 崚绀佷箣鍓嶏纴鍙︼瑗垮 崚绀佷箣鍓嶏纴鍙︼瑗垮 崚绀佷箣鍓嶏纴鍙︼瑗垮 掔殑涓 掔殑涓 澶勭暐骞 澶勭暐骞 澶勭暐骞 澶勭暐骞 澶勭暐骞茬粡钖戝晢浜哄紑鏀撅纴璁茬粡钖戝晢浜哄紑鏀撅纴璁鍟呜埞鍟呜埞滈潬鍦ㄩ偅滈潬鍦ㄩ偅岋纴鍗犳嵁浜嗕竴鐗崚绀佹惌寤崚绀佹惌寤崚绀佹惌寤ゼ阒侊纴钖戝ゼ阒侊纴钖戝鑸瑰彧鍏滃敭璐х墿銆

Chen Ang 涔熶笉绠¤ umbrella 浜涳纴鍙槸鍌姩鐣欑粰disciple 镄勭鍙纴涓嶆秷澶氭椂渚挎湁涓€澶存捣槌呬粠鏆楃姘撮死屾 屾 屾 潵锛屽仠鍦ㄤ粬璺熷墠锛屼笁 潵锛屽仠鍦ㄤ粬璺熷墠锛屼笁 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 Ang fully fully fully 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈 潵锛岀湅鍒癈鍙粠 埚 埚 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌 冧笅閰掑锛屼笌皹銆傗€

涓埘rincess 璁  勬 勬 勬 镄勪 浘娲楀幓锛岃嫢涓嶆槸 浘娲楀幓锛岃嫢涓嶆槸 浘娲楀幓锛岃嫢涓嶆槸 An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An屾棭灏卞帀澹 鏂ヤ 鏂ヤ 璧 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 潵锛屼 镞堕棿 镞堕棿 镞堕棿 鍏呰锛屼篃鏄渶绱 鍏呰锛屼篃鏄渶绱 鍏呰锛屼篃鏄渶绱 鍏呰锛屼篃鏄渶绱 鍏呰锛屼篃鏄渶绱 鍏呰锛屼篃鏄渶绱 佽椽锲 佽椽锲句韩鍙楋纴镊︻劧链夊宁镐汉鏁板崄 chain岖殑镞堕棿浜箰銆

鑻ユ槸瀵绘眰姝f灉锛屾棩镞ラ噷榛橀粯closed-door cultivation 锛屾椂闂存瘮宁镐汉杩樼揣杩竴浜涳纴鍝湁镞堕棿璧翠綘闾d粈涔堥 瀹 瀹 纻


杩栾埇鎯 锛孋 锛孋 hen Ang 渚胯濂 笂鏉ワ纴 笂鏉ワ纴 辩 辩 P P P P P P P P P P P P 阆 阆 阆 阆 阆 阆 阆 阆 阆挞亖鍏夛纴鍦ㄦ 阆 阆 涓亶鎯 涓亶鎯 涓亶鎯 涓亶鎯 氨 滃湪浜嗕腑搴箣涓纴锲涢 鍏 鍏 鍏 镄勪緧濂 镄勪緧濂 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒 姢鍗湅鍒

Chiseling P P Princess 鍙ソ绔椤湪鑸 笂 笂 枼浜嗘暟澹 枼浜嗘暟澹 枼浜嗘暟澹 嶆伃鏁殑璇稢 An Ang 杩涘幓銆

鍙槸涓 涓捣锲絇 涓捣锲絇 cess 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 槑鐜嬩 搴 搴 搴ぇ鏄庡ぉ瀛愶纴鎭愭€曚篃涓嶆暍鍦ㄥ悗瀹腑钀ラ€犺犺涓﹃涓﹃笉杩囧ぇ鏄庡ぉ瀛愰兘绌笉杩囧ぇ鏄庡ぉ瀛愰兘绌笉杩囧ぇ鏄庡ぉ瀛愰兘绌镄囧笣鍙€旷幇鍦ㄨ繛楗兘涓嶈垗寰楀悆锛屼笌涔嬬浉姣斾篃娌’粈涔堟剰涔夈€

Chen Ang gallium all around 锛宑oldly sai€said with a smile 锛气滀綘杩欑彔瀹お杩囩滀綘杩欑彔瀹お杩囩滀綘杩欑彔瀹お杩囩闄嬶纴瀹炲湪閰崭笉涓婃垜cipcip 镄勮韩浠姐傜傜湅鎴戜 浣犲镣 浣犲镣 竴鐣紒鈥濊缃 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四(1) 崕锏 嶏纴涓嶈阍 嶏纴涓嶈阍 嶏纴涓嶈阍 嶏纴涓嶈阍 瀹噷闱 瀹噷闱 瀹噷闱 一 一 一 一 一 一

鐪嬬殑浜哄 鎯婂姩 鎯婂姩 勶纴蹇 勶纴蹇 勶纴蹇 勶纴蹇 勶纴蹇 鎯婂姩

瀹屾瘯钖庡张瀵Silicon rin rin 璇 鈥滀 鈥滀 鈥滀 堣缮 堣缮 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 弸 siblings 锛屼綘铡 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦濊嚜宸卞厛璧 繘鐝犲锛岀鍧愬湪宸 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 镄勫浣崭笂锛宺 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 鎸ユInch 鍖栨垚 鍖栨垚 each and everyone 鍗 浠椤コ锛屽疀濡傜湡浜 浠椤コ锛屽疀濡傜湡浜 纴钀ラ 纴钀ラ 犲嚭浠椤澶╁ 犲嚭浠椤澶╁ 犲嚭浠椤澶╁ € €

凿 辩 P Princess 鍒 紑濮嬭缮 紑濮嬭缮 chain 変簺绮 鎭嶆儦锛屾 镐旵 镐旵 镐旵 Ang 鍙戜綔锛屼絾涔呬箙涓嶈浠栧懙鏂ワ纴蹇冮噷灏 湁浜涘畨瀹 浜涘畨瀹 笅鏉ワ纴 句 句 句 句 鍑犱 鍑犱 弸锛岄 弸锛岄 弸锛岄 渚胯涓娄袱浣嶆棫镞ラ噷 渚胯涓娄袱浣嶆棫镞ラ噷 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑 ㄧ殑

涓嶅镞讹纴瀹汉鍏峰凡缁忓埌浣嶃€傝彵绾卞皬蹇冩墦傝彵绾卞皬蹇冩墦忕潃Chen Ang 镄勮劯鑹诧纴涓嬮镄勮劯鑹诧纴涓嬮镄勫ソ鍙嬶纴镞镄勫ソ鍙嬶纴镞ㄧ湅鍒ㄧ湅鍒Dress up, dress up, shoulders, distinguish between rules and regulations嬬湅锛岀洰鍏夋墍鍙娄箣澶勬棤涓嶆槸绋€濂囩弽瀹濓纴寰€鏉ョ殑渚嶅コ鍗+锛屼篃閮介珮澶т繌涓斤纴瑙勭Irritated. 涓ワ纴绀 涔嬩紭 涔嬩紭 镶 镶 镶 镶 ° ° ° ° 潈锷涚殑 抽 抽 抽

褰 笅濂夋圹濂 笅濂夋圹濂 瘽涓嶈 瘽涓嶈 瘽涓嶈 瘽涓嶈 凿 凿 凿 凿 凿 凿 凿 P P P P P P P P P厜鐪嬬潃濂癸纴鍙堟兂涓婂幓宸寸粨锛屽粨锛屽镐曚涪浜嗛镐曚涪浜嗛瀛愩

Chen Ang 钀ラ€犵殑杩欎竴鐣皵姘涳纴瀹屽叏濂戝悎浜嗗宁窻oyal Family 鏉冭 镄勫 镄勫 鐞嗭纴濡傞唶閰掍竴鑸纴璁╀ 鐞嗭纴濡傞唶閰掍竴鑸纴璁╀镡忕啅鐒 €

凿 辩 P Princess 杩樼湡娌 °C湁浠€涔堟姷鎶楀姏锛屽垰寮 濮嬭缮鐭ラ 濮嬭缮鐭ラ 鐪婥 鐪婥 An An An An An An An An An An繘铡 纴鎶婃棫镞ュ涔犵殑瀹枟娉曢棬锛岀殗镞忎 纴鎶婃棫镞ュ涔犵殑瀹枟娉曢棬锛岀殗镞忎 鍙楁潈锷涚殑镙 鍙楁潈锷涚殑镙 ne ne ne ne after after after after after after after after afterや綅濮愬锛屼竴杈 鍙楃潃 鍙楃潃 鍙楃潃 鍙楃潃 鍙楃潃 ㄥ洿浜 ㄥ洿浜 ㄥ洿浜 ㄥ洿浜 ㄥ洿浜 ㄥ洿浜 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑変粈涔埚纾宁搞€

Chen Ang 佸ス瀹屽叏闄 佸ス瀹屽叏闄 叆浜呜繘铡 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 绗 绗 绗 绗 绗 绗 滀綘涓 滀綘涓 滀綘涓 滀綘涓 滀綘涓垙娉曘€傗€

鎻愰啋浜呜彵绾卞洖绁烇纴灏 湅 丆 丆 An hen Ang 寮 寚闂 寚闂 悡鍑 悡鍑 悡鍑 悡鍑 竴棰楁牪镙 竴棰楁牪镙 ぇ镄勯 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫 涓嬫冭惤鍦╦ade stone 鍦版澘涓婏纴蹇 borrowed from 湴涔嫔镄勪竴鍒囷纴鎼呬 湴涔嫔镄勪竴鍒囷纴鎼呬牳 掍 掍 鐝婄憵锛屾墦镰 鐝婄憵锛屾墦镰 简 简 fine fine fine fine j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j Negative annihilation

Seeing the diamonds and other people lost their souls, the shock in my heart can not be added.

A few monks and noble women saw the big jewels of the fists, the cat’s eyes, the agate, and the jade fell into the thunderballs and smashed them. They couldn’t help but scream and distressed. Surprised by them, Ling Yarn came back and hurried to Chen Ang.

“Do you know why the teacher said that the world’s monks do not accept the Royal Family as a disciple?” Chen Ang took the initiative and said indifferently.

Three Princess yarns trembled and screamed: “Disciple is wrong!”

“I would have liked to see how firm your temperament can be in the palace of wealth. In the cultivator, the endurance of honor and disgrace is the next product, the loneliness of being able to live is the middle class, and the endurance of being rich is high. Top grade. I want to come to your temperament enough for the top grade, even in the endless red dust, can not change the initial heart…” Chen Ang smiled at her, but made the Princess Princess more fearful, body and mind tremble.

Chen Ang coldly smiled: “It seems that you don’t have this ability!”

“If there is a heart that seeks to be divorced, if you see wealth as a cloud, do you know how to do it?” Chen Ang stood on the wreckage of the Pearl Palace, and this was particularly persuasive. The Princess Princess was on the ground and was The fragments pierced the blood and did not dare to wipe, and firmly said: “disciple knows!”

If it is his own disciplinary, Chen Ang will certainly not count this way, and there are infinite means to temper in the back, the means will not be so rough, but the diamond is only his spare test, as long as he does not waste his mind, let He just squandered his investment, and whether he can really achieve something in different days, he does not care.

Just like raising pigs, fat pigs don’t grow meat. It is a natural lesson. As for being lazy and not healthy, it is a trivial matter.

This kind of thing is enough for her to remember for a lifetime, trembling with fear, dare not give up cultivation, as to whether there will be any psychological shadows in the future, ambush Heart Demon or something, Chen Ang does not care. In the Buddhist family, it is a good thing to call for a head and drink. When you wake up, everything is fine. If you are beaten into a fool, you can only say that you are not able to make it.

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