“What you see is the result that is reversed from you after the transformation of the bloody realist!” Chen Ang said to the other members of the Nine Provinces team in front of the huge tentacle octopus: “It is called blood-sucking.” Originally a by-product of the blood-based biochemical experiment, it is a variant of my variation from the Indian Ocean shallow sea scorpion, a blood-sucking sputum that induces mutations in the blood group virus.”

The mimetic cell of the huge blood-sucking octopus shimmers with high-frequency blood light, and the twin-eyes glow like a human-like intelligence. It puts a long tentacle in front of Chen Ang, the end of the tentacle. The flower blooms like a tiny octopus with numerous tentacles in the numerous tentacles of the huge mouth at the end of the tentacle. It is placed in the hands of Chen Ang.

Chen Ang said with a smile : “It seems that it likes you very much. Please ask me to say hello to you.” Chen Ang lifted the bloody little octopus in his hand and said to Hong Fan: “It also serves for the compatriots who met for the first time. I have a gift. Hong Fan, from the blood-sucking species, you may be the only two blood-bearing lords who are still alive in the world! Do you want to say hello?”

Hong Fan’s face was stiff and he waved again and again: “No need! No need!” He indulged for a moment and asked: “Does it have an intelligence?”

Chen Ang without the slightest hesitation’s answer: “Of course! It is a higher species. Have you just seen the rapid change in the color luster on its surface? It is an optical signal, and the information transmission ability is tens of thousands of times the sound signal. With the blood-sucking speed of the blood-sucking, millions of bytes of information, it can be processed in only 0.01 seconds.”

“For example, if there are two individuals who are in the same race as vampires, they can talk about humans for a day in a second. If it is not too lonely, it is likely to be in a short time. The blood-sucking will develop a civilization that transcends humanity.”

Chen Ang said with emotion: “It was originally in the port of Cairo, a shallow sea scorpion species sold by sailors. After my induced variation, it became the only one of the hundreds of species in the experiment that successfully turned into a blood-sucking species. At the time, it already had a good IQ. But that was not enough, so it has always been the biological processor to clean up the dead bodies of the experimental losers, as well as the material for further research. I have always understood that it has great potential. But there is no mature development method.”

“And the blood-sucking is really a kind of orphan, its mutagenesis success has great contingency, it is almost impossible to copy. In this case, I am not willing to use it to do experiments. Fortunately, yesterday, to Hong Fan’s sample of the cursed blood family has been successfully traced to the source!”

“After verifying the maturity of the technology on Terence, I took out the last part of the curse energy that was intercepted that day, and made a curse traceability experiment to make it succeed in becoming a blood-sucking kind of God. Now it is a curse, variation The second ancestor of the three bloodline systems of the virus, the IQ of 300, can be said to surpass any of the intelligence creatures in the world except me.”

Here, Chen Ang is excited and excited: “The true nerve structure is very unique. It has two memory units, one is the brain, the other is the attached brain, and the attached brain is above the tentacles. It is exercise, logic, thinking organs, and even It has conceptual processing power, which means that its tentacles even have separate thinking ability. Although not as complex as the human brain, this structure is very similar to the structure of a biological computer. It has such a high IQ. It’s also because I converted a part of its nervous system into a biological computer. I originally wanted to cultivate a living biological computer to replace the existing scientific conditions…”

“And then? Are you successful or failed?” Hong Fan asked nervously.

Chen Ang regrets: “Failed!” Upon hearing this sentence, Hong Fan was sighed in relief.

“Because the transmutation of blood-sucking involves some occult factors, the consequences have shifted somewhat, causing the blood-sucking sincerity to form an inherent personality and the recognition of the intelligence creature, hindering the perfection of the underlying program and ultimately mutating the biological computer. Became its brain, in just three hours, produced its unique optical signal language and Loki ability, and spent a night, learned most of the biological knowledge I instilled for it, now Help me with my research!”

Chen Ang said with emotion: “It can be said that it is lost, and it is mulberry!”

“This kind of blood-sucking species has very strong potential. Their IQ is not only nearly double that of human beings, but also the neural system is completely compatible with biological computers. The information exchange ability and rational logic are stronger than human beings. The knowledge accumulation and research ability of this race is very terrifying!”

“Unfortunately, the variation of blood-sucking sincerity is completely unrepeatable. There is too much contingency. After becoming a blood-bearing lord, it loses its ability to reproduce. This blood-sucking is really the only individual of this species! It is a great pity in biological history. !”

“This is really a great fortune for mankind!” The reincarnation of the Nine Provinces team spoke in their hearts: “You didn’t make a bunch of such monsters, I really thank you on behalf of humans!”

“The Egyptians are a group of low-ranking human beings who believe in their brains, and they are ignorant and lazy. The education and cultivation habits they receive are not good enough. If they can’t use them to change them, the ghosts will believe in this cult. Civilization has confidence!” Chen Ang sneered and sneered: “These people should be replaced. I have prepared a 40-year sterilization and ethnic transformation plan, and finally phasing out the races here. In order to give me some confidence in creating a center of African civilization.”

When he said Chen Ang, he sighed: “If there is only one orphan in the blood-sucking scorpion, I have long proliferated a large number of blood-sucking sincerity, and created deep-sea civilization in the five oceans! When the time slain human beings, it is not the most The efficiency approach? At that time, the ghosts played intriguing with these lower humans!”

The Nine Provinces team thought about the tentacles of a octopus head in their minds, flashing their optical language, cruelly suppressing the way human civilization ruled the world, and thanked the Lord God for not letting Chen Ang succeed in this madman.

Chen Ang throws up the negative emotions in his heart, said sternly: “Don’t say that these abandoned ideas! I will take you to visit the breakthrough progress we have made in biotechnology since the last bloodline bloodline study. Let me talk about this little thing!” He mentioned the small octopus in his hand and showed it to everyone.

The reincarnation of the Nine Provinces team looked at the slap-out octopus, pulled out its half-human eight-toucher, bent and squirming, feeling hairy from the bottom of their heart, and they instinctively rejected this kind of thing with a strong Cthulhu style. .

Chen Ang explains: “This is a blood-sucking short scorpion. The sample is derived from a special small octopus. After the blood-sucking scorpion, you must know the source of it. – that is, the concept of blood sucking.”

“From the moment I got the bloodline bloodline, I had an idea – why is the object of vampire infection must be human? But then I found that the probability that the bloodline bloodline infected non-human success is really small, three blood races Whether it is a virus, or a mutated or cursed blood, it is very difficult to transmit to non-human creatures. Of course, this excludes bats and does not know why such small animals are easily infected…”

“Thousands of experiments, tens of thousands of samples, only a few samples that survived, blood is really one of them, and one of the most valuable ones. Later I realized that this is not a simple matter, So in order to distinguish humans, the non-human blood group was defined as ‘blood-sucking species’, and the a00138 plan was developed – ‘The Bloodsucking Research Program’.”

“This program, like other programs, requires a lot of support to make breakthroughs, but then I realized that the blood-sucking plan is probably only one key – that is, a non-human bloodline source, the blood-sucking kind of God. Sure enough, after the success of the bloodline bloodline traceability experiment, the blood-sucking plan has achieved a critical breakthrough, and the blood-sucking sincerity was born!”

“As the first ancestor of a blood-sucking species, it can infect non-human creatures and complete the blood-sucking plan, although the current invertebrate has the highest success rate, while reptiles and birds are second, mammals have a chance of success, and further research is needed. In the study of blood-sucking species, we have achieved practical results.”

At this time, the other people in the Nine Provinces team have already visited the laboratory. In addition to discovering all the obvious grotesque blood-sucking species, they are a lot of experimental data and samples that they can’t understand. After going through it, Zhang Ziqiang, who is confused, first asks questions. “The practical product you said will not be the one in your hand!”

Chen Ang raised a tentacle of blood-sucking shorts and looked at it: “Yes, it is one of the practical results.”

Chen Ang called a black clothed blood group to reveal his own spine, pointing to the human spine and all the people: “As we all know, the human brain and nerve reflex system have many shortcomings, compared to certain species such as octopus. Very complicated and slow, exercise balance system brainstem, nerve reflex system spine, they are very cumbersome in the process of running, octopus has a full function of the brain can respond, humans need the spine, brain stem, cerebellum, brain all Participate in order to react.”

“Compared to the octopus’s nervous system, the human nervous system has produced a high level of intelligence, but it is also known as a complex.”

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