In the port area of ​​Giza, Cairo, O’Connor has already been here. Evelyn and her big brother Jonathan have just arrived. Giza Port is the largest port in Cairo, flowing down the Nile River and choosing to be close to the Suez Canal. That waterway will reach the estuary delta, where there is Egypt’s densest port and the exit of the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean.

Several people are preparing to travel to Port Said, where they take a British ship from the Suez Canal and travel to the London Strait through the Mediterranean Sea.

There are British troops stationed along the Suez Canal. O’Connor’s forces that are still not in the eyes of Horus should not be expanded there. They are convinced of the strength of Britain. Even in the city of Cairo, the eye of Horus is already strong. Absolutely lawless degree. But O’Connor still wants to believe in the British government’s control over the Suez Canal.

Giza Port is located on the left bank of the Nile River, opposite the Pyramids of Giza across the Nile River. Evelyn looks at the three majestic pyramids across the river. In the central, the tallest Pyramid of Khufu, dozens of Horus The black-clothed person of the eye guards the top of the tower, and Evelyn faintly only sees a mysterious silhouette at the top of the tower.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. She always thinks that the person seems to be watching them.

“O’Connor!” Evelyn cried, “Someone is watching us!” “Where?” O’Connor pulled out the telescope in his arms and looked at the place that Evelyn pointed out. He saw Chen Ang standing at the top of the pyramid, and they were lightly smiled, and O’Connor put down the telescope and turned: “Nobody!”

“Let’s get on board!” He hurriedly pulled Evelyn onto the passenger and cargo ship.

Evelyn’s feelings of uneasiness were deeper. She kept looking at the Pyramid of Hufu and wondered: “Really? O’Connor, why do I feel that you are lying to me, there are people watching us…”

At the top of the Khufu Pyramid, Zhang Ziqiang hurriedly found Chen Ang: “The day before Imorton came here must have a reason!”

“The bracelet of death hides the coordinates of the Emshi Oasis, where the pyramid built by the konjac emperor is located. It is buried in the temple of the ancient city of Thebes. After being excavated by Immort, it passes through the Pyramids of Giza. The four places of Karnak Temple, Philae Temple, and Abu Simbel Temple have further coordinates to lock the Emshi Oasis.”

Chen Ang said with a smile : “When the day before the attack on the Pyramids of Giza, Imorton should have obtained another coordinate. Yesterday, the intelligence learned that Imorton and others dug out another buried temple, which should be a card. The site of another part of the Temple of Nak, now they should be rushing to Aswan City to find some of the hidden coordinates in the Temple of Philae, and we have to clean up the Suez Canal during this time, then in Ai In the Mush Oasis, Imorton confronted.”

Chen Ang sighed: “Without the trial spear in our hands, Imorton can also kill the konjac emperor, but if you don’t push for it, don’t you let go of a chance?”

Chen Ang pressed a hidden organ in the scepter, the tail of the scepter, a golden spear tipped out, the trial spear has completely changed the shape, and its top is inlaid with a round diamond. This is the head of the Sun God rod that hides the secret of the ark. This diamond seems to be condensed with endless sun brilliance, which is introduced into the tip of the spear.

Chen Ang’s wrist twitched gently, and the spear of the trial spear shot an incandescent ray, cutting a half-human boulder outside the severe hundred meters, cutting it into two sections, and carefully watching the spear of the trial spear. On the tip, it seems that the sunlight around the single hundred meters is concentrated in a place where only the tip of the needle is sized, and the ray of light under the ruth is the ultimate destruction.

“I left the black dynasty of the undead at the top of the Pyramid of Khufu. Imorton will soon let people take it. Don’t stop it. As for the trip to Emshi Oasis, he will wait for us…”

Zhang Ziqiang wondered: “Why did he wait for us?”

“Accurately, it is the spear of judgment in our hands.” Chen Ang explained with interest: “This is my tacit understanding with Immort, he knows what I want to do, he is also using me to complete His transformation, for this he will be patient for a while, until he is under my push, gaining enough power to face me.”

“The act of killing the gods is imperative. I am really tired of the stupid gods of this world. They are shrinking their heads, hiding their heads and showing their tails. They are like a scared tortoise, shrinking their heads into the tortoise shells. You should contribute your own strength. Let people who have more potential and more vitality.”

“I brought together the power of the Sun God rod and the spear of the judgment, and let this weapon, with the power of God, wait until the day that Imorton got it. This death is used to test his warriors. The artifact will pierce his own heart.”

Seeing that on the Nile, the passenger ship carrying O’Connor and Evelyn slowly drove out of the port, Chen Ang also ordered: “Get off! Deserve a good beating. Wake up the sleeping imperialists. I would like to see if the whetstone I prepared for Imorton has to sharpen the power of a god. I hope that the Empire will not let me down!”

On the other side of the Nile River, the Khufu Pyramid slowly raised a huge airbag, a white hull, all-round heavy fire weapons and huge hanging bins. When the airship of the airship rises from behind the Khufu Pyramid, The majestic body formed a shadow over the banks of the Nile, and on the opposite bank of the river, Egyptians stumbled on the ground.

Evelyn stared at the huge airship at the top of her head. This time she didn’t feel the familiar sight.

O’Connor waited for the airship to slowly turn in the direction, moved towards the downstream of their voyage, and left, they took the passenger and cargo ship behind, only to see the shadow of the airship reflected on the ground slowly, secluded go with.

On the airship, Chen Ang put away the spear of the trial, and Li Mingyi and Zhao Yingqi behind him handled the documents, and hundreds of black clothed blood families provided protection on the airship. The low-lying squatting in the distance came and took off at Cairo airport. Ten converted camel fighters, with airships as the core formation, escorted, and an aeronautical battle group flew toward the Mediterranean Sea at the Suez Canal.

On the ground, the fleet of Horus’s eye stretched for several kilometers, and a huge army was on an expedition.

In the distant Suez Canal Company, the British army that had changed its defense finally officially entered the military camp today, and handed over the garrison mission. The members of the Suez Canal Company, the accompanying British headquarters, officially started the handover and management work after more than a month of investigation. Begin to take over the control of the arsenal, checkpoints, and accounting documents.

It’s the day, the wind and rain are like a cockroach, and the cock is coming.

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