The Suez military base was shrouded in heavy rain under the night. O’Connor and others waded deep in the mud. After they disembarked in Port Said, they did not take a boat directly to London. Instead, they went to England in Suez. When the military base went away, O’Connor served in the military base for several years while he was a British officer.

He couldn’t watch the British officers here falling under the devil’s minions, so he hired a local carriage overnight, so he just arrived nearby, and there was heavy rain on the coast of the Suez Canal, so they had to abandon the car. .

Jonathan, who followed, complained: “I want to say that the man is a good man with words and trust. They gave us the one we deserve. We are already a rich man. O’Connor can do it in the UK now. Going through the life of the nobility, why come here to take risks? I hate taking risks… If we die, so much gold I won is not 1 all cheaper?”

“A good man who installed a bomb on your leg bones?” O’Connor said with a sneer.

“This is very excessive…” Jonathan snorted and nodded. “But compared to those who are greedy and ruthless, he is not bad… at least he gave us the promised gold, and let us go away.”

“Greed out? Are you talking about yourself? Big brother?” Evelyn struggled hard on the mud, skipping a pool of water with the help of O’Connor, and then stood back and said: “And he killed a lot. People! In Cairo, in Hamnata, throughout Egypt, what you said is so hearty, people I have seen may not have killed them.”

“So?” Jonathan spread his hand.

“So we have to warn the damn bureaucrats. There is such a terrifying force in Egypt. O’Connor said that he knows a lot when he is an officer in Suez. It may cause these people to be vigilant, and we can Here, I took a boat trip to London…” She said a strange look back at Jonathan: “You don’t think we can carry a lot of gold on the boat so easily?”

“They will check our luggage and wait until the sea. Those absolutely lawless sailors will sink us into the Mediterranean. Without O’Connor, we can’t deliver these gold. And we can’t sit and watch a lot of innocent in front of us. death.”

Jonathan looked at all around, especially vigilantly, and looked at the driver who led the way. O’Connor started in front of him: “Don’t watch, I chose a local person who can’t speak English. He can only understand us. Gesture!”

Jonathan whispered: “I know a lot of ways, I can get on the boat without checking my luggage. As long as we keep the luggage tightly, it’s okay! Let’s not get involved in those damn whirlpools! If I I have nothing, I don’t have any opinions, but we are rich now. I don’t want to bring a lot of wealth and confess to fall into hell!”

At this time, Jonathan found that O’Connor and Evelyn looked at him silently. Evelyn looked at him and shook his head slightly: “We can’t get rid of this vortex, because we have already penetrated it, and the fate is so. Even if we ran London, the high priest Imorton, and those people will still appear in front of us… Our struggles are just as ridiculous as trying to get rid of the shadows in the sun.”

“Because all of this comes from ourselves!”

Evelyn said that no matter what the Jonathan face was, he accelerated the speed and loomed a shadow of the Suez military base. Soon they came to the checkpoint at the gate of the military base. O’Connor went to the guard to explore. Evelyn and Jonathan stayed in the same place, they waited outside for a while, and someone came to pick them up.

A bearded officer yelled at O’Connor: “Hey! O’Connor, my old friend, I heard you retired?”

O’Connor introduced them: “This is Jacob, my comrades and good friends… Jacob, I need to take a boat to London here, and we have to warn you something! You know Is the symbol of the eye of Horus?”

Jacob’s face suddenly changed. He glanced back at the back, grabbed O’Connor’s face and held his neck, carrying the sentinel behind his back and whispered: “Damn, how are you?” I know this thing!… Listening to O’Connor, here every happens do not be able to say that name, the military camp is not in our control.”

“A group of aristocratic officers from London took control of the scene. Now I have no power! They are coming to deal with the organization you said. In my opinion, sooner or later, I will kill it! You should not get involved in this. Beach water.”

After listening to this shocking news, O’Connor was silent for a moment, and suddenly decided to start: “Where is the noble officer? You want to take us to see him…”

“Are you crazy? They kill people, whether you are British or not, and they don’t treat us as their own!”

“But we have something important to see him…” O’Connor started talking: “Things about the Eye of Horus, a lot of things about happening in Cairo, Hamnata. If you don’t stop these Tell them, you will be in a very dangerous situation, you don’t know enough about your opponents!”

After listening to O’Connor, Jacob looked at O’Connor’s eyes and saw a firm, helplessly said: “Okay! I will take you there. I hope you won’t lie down, that’s too People are sad!”

In spite of Jonathan’s protests, O’Connor took a few people and boarded a buggy to the camp where Baron Vermoy was. Jacob took them through several levels, but was eventually stopped at the gate of the camp. Later, he went to talk and looked at the army in the level of half a camp, and O’Connor was not optimistic about the outcome of his negotiations.

Sure enough, Jacob said back: “They let us wait here, and the baron will come out later.”

O’Connor heard fierce gunshots and screams from the camp. He was so depressed that he turned his head and looked at the Suez Canal. A large ship slowly descended down. At the bow, O’Connor seemed to be Seeing a familiar silhouette, he asked Jacob to ask for a telescope. When he really saw the silhouette of the ship, O’Connor screamed.

“Odd, no!”

He just wanted to go back and remind the people in the level. He saw that the cargo ship where Chen Ang was located turned around and slammed into the dam next to it. This move also attracted the attention of others. In their loud reminder, the bow seemed to Slowly and quickly hit the cement dam, steel and concrete collided, a huge deformation occurred, and the loud noise shook the entire camp.

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