Li Haitang and Wu Fu were nestled together. The master and servant covered themselves with a quilt, filling the small gap between them with the quilt to prevent the cold wind from entering. Only then did Li Haitang feel a little warmth.

"Go to sleep Wufu, let's try to reach the top in one go tomorrow."

Li Haitang took a deep breath, and then felt weak. Her current body was only supported by one breath. She was afraid that she would not have the strength to go down the mountain even if she completed the task and received the approval of the hidden guards.

Closing her eyes, she quickly let out a shallow breath.

That night, the cold wind blowing against her face made Li Haitang extremely uncomfortable. She woke up several times during the night. When she saw a little light coming from outside the cave, she sat up.

Wufu has a big heart and can sleep soundly no matter where she is. She felt her wife getting up and woke up instantly. She climbed up, rubbed her eyes and said, "Madam, is it dawn yet?"

She always felt that she had not slept for a while and was still tired. However, Wufu's stomach rumbled a few times, and she was hungry again.

"It's snowing outside."

Li Haitang stood up and came to the entrance of the stone cave. The cold wind was raging and snowflakes were blowing in her face. She touched her cheek with her hands, which was wet.

Seeing that the snowflakes were getting bigger, Li Haitang made a prompt decision and pulled Wufu up. He had to hurry up while it was snowing. The sky was dark. If it snowed heavily, it would be difficult to tell the direction. It would be difficult to find the location of the black water. More difficult.

"Madam, we have to wait for some hot water to warm up."

Wufu stood up, patted the hay on his body, put the water in the bamboo tube into a small pot, thought for a while, and put the dry and hard pancakes in to cook together.

At least I had a full meal, otherwise the master and servant would have starved to death if they were trapped in the mountains that day.

Li Haitang was noncommittal, but Wufu was right. She took a handful of the brown sugar she brought and put it into a small pot. Although the taste would be a bit strange while the pancakes were being cooked, it could at least replenish her physical strength.

After the meal, the master and servant continued on the road despite the cold wind. However, the higher they went, the more difficult it became.

At the top of Baishan Mountain, the terrain is quite steep. Every time Li Haitang takes a step, his legs are trembling. The five blessings around him are not much better. Slide down.


Wufu looked at the endless mountain top and fell into deep despair. The main reason was that she was hungry again.

She thought that she was still useless. If the master was here, he would have taken his wife to the top by now.

Thinking like this, Wu Fu stepped on the air, then lost his footing and fell down, rolling down the steep hillside.

Li Haitang was walking hard when she suddenly heard Wufu shouting. When she turned around, she was so frightened that her heart almost stopped beating.

Wufu rolled down too fast, and there was a cliff not far away. If he fell into the cliff, he would definitely be dead in the abyss below.

"Madam, don't come over!" Wufu was very scared and still hugged the package tightly. There was food in the package, as well as fire dumplings and iron pots. These were all necessary for survival in the wild. She wanted to throw them to Madam, but she resisted. Unable to control the speed of falling, I waited until I stabilized my body and reached the edge of the cliff.


Wufu closed her eyes. It seemed that she was hopeless.

Does she regret not being able to see her parents and eldest brother, not being able to return to her hometown in the North?

Wufu thought about it for a while, she didn't regret it, the madam was very good to her, but without her company, how could the madam climb up?

There is no food and there is heavy snow everywhere. Wouldn’t it mean that we will go hungry? Her body was almost to the edge of the cliff, and there was a slightly gentle step there. Wufu couldn't control her body, but used her last remaining consciousness to hang the package on a stone platform, but her body seemed to have been broken. The kite rolls towards the cliff

Fall down.

Within a few breaths, it was too fast for anyone to react. Li Haitang watched helplessly as his maid disappeared.

Before Wufu fell off the cliff, he thought about what would happen if he had no food, so he tried his best and left the package.

The wind continued to blow and the snowflakes continued to float. Li Haitang felt cold all over his body, and tears fell from his eyes because they were hot.

She grabbed the tree with one hand, wiped her tears with the other, and shouted hoarsely, "Five blessings!"

Li Haitang's voice was very low. Really, she had no strength left.

The master and the servant were climbing the mountain, and Wufu had to follow behind. Wufu said that if she walked too fast, she would not be able to care about the wife. If the wife fell, he could be a supporter.

For a moment, Li Haitang felt sorry for herself. If she hadn't brought the five blessings, she wouldn't have died!

Such a good maid only thinks about her. Even if she is too hungry to sleep, she will give her most of the food and then secretly say that she has eaten.

Two days ago, Li Haitang saw Wufu eating wild vegetables, but he told her with a smile that he no longer had to eat so much and his food intake was much smaller than before.

At night, she clearly heard Wufu's stomach growling, but Wufu didn't take it seriously.

When encountering difficulties, Wufu always reassures her that as long as it gets over, everything will be fine.

The White Mountain was still far away, and the Black Water was still missing. Li Haitang wiped her tears. Her cowardice had no effect.

Sadness and grief cannot bring back Wufu. All she can do is go down to the platform, carry the package left by Wufu after risking his life, and continue on the road.

Li Haitang knew that if Wufu didn't focus on the things in the bag, she would still have a chance to survive. It can be seen that the moment Wufu fell, she was thinking about how to keep the package.

After crying for a while and venting her emotions, Li Haitang walked down carefully. She didn't know how long she walked before she finally got the package.

At the foot of the cliff, the fog is thick and the place below is eerie. The chance of survival is basically zero.

Li Haitang was unwilling to give in and called out the Five Blessings at the top of his lungs, but received no response at all.

She carried the package on her back, wiped away her tears, and her exhausted strength was regenerated. She climbed towards the top of the White Mountain step by step.

It was hard to tell the time on the mountain. The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the snow was so deep that it soon submerged into Li Haitang's calf. She had half of her leg and she lost consciousness at all.

Dragging his numb legs, Li Haitang walked all day and night without rest.

When she finally reached the top of the White Mountain, she was shocked by what she saw.

In the middle of the white snow, there is a huge Tianchi. The water in Tianchi is different from the white mountain. It is the color of thick ink. I don’t know why the water is like this.

On the side of the mountain top, there were several rooms, and Li Haitang entered the first one.

There are murals painted on the walls, and the picture on the mural is a treasure map, and the treasure left by the ancestor of the Yu family is hidden under the black water. Li Haitang couldn't understand at all that hiding a treasure was so difficult. If she had been distracted in the slightest, she would have fallen off the cliff.

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