"Begonia, I'm glad you came to see me."

Liusu's mood gradually improved. She took Li Haitang's hand and talked about many things from her childhood.

Her parents favored boys over girls, so she had always been a poor little girl who was not taken seriously. At a young age, she had good looks. She was bought as a child bride, but she could not escape the beatings and scoldings. If she had not been rescued later, more than ten years later, The comfortable life, living in that small mountain village, must have some kind of ending.

"You should be happy."

Li Haitang patted Liusu's hand and talked about his unfortunate experience. Of course, it belonged to the original owner.

Her father was someone else, and her mother died of depression. She was sold by Mrs. Li to an old man who liked heavy food. If she hadn't escaped from marriage and resisted, she might not have met her savage husband.

Li Haitang secretly watched that member of the Qin family beat people with a whip. What was even more tragic was that she was sold as a slave under a death contract. When she was killed, the government would only turn a blind eye.

Fortunately, the suffering will eventually pass.

Li Haitang said this mainly to comfort Liusu. Life is so long, and there will be many storms and setbacks, so he can only grit his teeth and hold on.

No matter how big a thing is today, it will be a trivial matter tomorrow, and after a while, it will no longer be a big deal.

Although Liusu cannot give birth, she still has a lot to do.

The epidemic spread in the border towns, and many children lost their parents. Their relatives did not want another mouth in the family, and their noses were not noses, and their eyes were not eyes.

Sometimes, Li Haitang also understands. For poor families, food is the key to saving their lives. If one more mouth is opened to distribute food, the family will have to eat less.

The people in the border towns have no sense of security, so naturally they are unwilling.

This is not a lack of family affection. Who is not willing to do more good deeds within his own ability?

Li Haitang wants to set up a charity hall to take in homeless children whose relatives are unwilling to raise them.

Of course, it is not just as simple as giving them food, but training them from an early age so that they can study medicine so that they will be able to eat in the future.

Liusu nodded, listened attentively, smiled at the end, and praised, "Begonia, your idea is really good!"

With that said, she stood up and pulled out a small package from under the bed, which contained some fragmentary jewelry and gold and silver items. These things are her own private collection and have nothing to do with Yun Jinghong.

She carefully kept the things Yun Jinghong gave her in a box, and only occasionally took them out to look at.

"You, this charity, must count me in!"

Liusu pushed the package to Li Haitang, not allowing her to refuse, "It's a deal!"

Li Haitang tilted her head and thought for a moment. Liusu was indeed not short of money. Maybe there was something to do that could make her mood better.

When she came in just now, Li Haitang was really startled by Liusu's aura of old age, so she didn't refuse, but joked, "You said you wouldn't let me, and you worry too much, so you can't be a hands-off shopkeeper!"

The two sisters laughed and talked for a while before Liusu reluctantly sent her out the door.

After Li Haitang went out, he went directly to Yun Jinghong and asked him about his plan.

Tassel is like this because of him. As a man, he has to take responsibility, right? Responsibility is not a matter of words, everything depends on actions.

"Sister-in-law, I know all this."

Yun Jinghong wiped the sweat from his head with a handkerchief. He wished that he was the one who was injured. It didn't matter even if he died. But Liusu was like this, which only made him feel heartbroken.

Liusu didn't want to see him, and Yun Jinghong was afraid of irritating her, so he would talk to her at the door through the curtain every morning, and he would go there several times a day.

There was no war for the time being, so he was going to put aside the matters at hand and give Liusu a ceremony.

"Sister-in-law, I'm relying on your help for this. I've never been married before. I just feel that it's a bit wronging her to simply worship heaven and earth."

Yun Jinghong rubbed his hands. He killed people on the battlefield without blinking an eye. The man who commanded thousands of troops was a little nervous at the moment. He thought for a few nights and decided to invite his friends to let the army in the north of the city bear witness.

"The scene cannot be small anyway."

Li Haitang thought about whether modern wedding details could be incorporated, such as the arched door with garlands and the red carpet. She measured Tassel's figure and planned to sew a wedding dress by herself.

"You have to understand one thing."

Li Haitang asked Yun Jinghong that Liusu had a stronger temperament and would definitely not want to see any woman between them. In the words of this era, she was jealous. However, she could not give birth to a child. If Yun Jinghong wanted a child If you do, betrayal will only make Liusu more painful.

"Sister-in-law, I know this. Apart from me, the Yun family has many brothers in my family. We can adopt one."

Although Yun Jinghong wanted an heir, he knew Liusu's temperament, so he had already thought about it. In fact, the two of them were quite good.

At this time, Li Haitang finally relaxed and asked Yun Jinghong to accompany Liusu, so as not to overwhelm her.

After leaving the camp in the north of the city, Li Haitang went straight to Xipu in the border town in a hurry. After walking three or four times, she was almost turned upside down, but she couldn't find the right fabric.

Then, she remembered that Chun Niang had said that there was good material in the warehouse, so she went directly into Chun Niang's warehouse to look for it.

Xiao Lingchuan followed, and when he saw his wife covered in dust and disgraced, he could only retreat with the bean bag.

The lady's mobility is really...

Zhang Ruyi and Lan Yi went out and saw messy fabrics piled up in the yard. Li Haitang entered through the main entrance of the shop without informing them. They thought there was a thief in the house.

"Tassel wedding dress?"

Zhang Ruyi heard that Liusu was getting married and that the ceremony was grand, so she became interested and followed her to make suggestions.

The three of them got together, cleared out all Chun Niang's private possessions, and screened them one by one.

According to Li Haitang's idea, a wedding dress was worn for the wedding, and a red cheongsam was added as a toasting dress.

"This is great! Haitang, how about you add to the fun and do some stabbing?"

Zhang Ruyi had a bad idea. She had only heard about it but had never seen it. She really wanted to see the world.

Li Haitang was embarrassed. God knows how nervous she was last time. She wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

She could find several troupes to sing in operas, but she refused to perform.

"Okay, I'm just talking."

Zhang Ruyi was very excited when she heard that there was an opera troupe. If she could invite Xiao Taohong from De Quan's troupe, it would be a grand occasion!

"I have to think about the troupe."

Nowadays, most of the operas sing about people who complain and complain about injustice, or they are disloyal people, and there is almost no positive energy.

The soldiers were probably not very interested in this. She thought about it and thought of Hua Mulan joining the army on her father's behalf. She felt that this script was good and she could have it. However, she only focused on choosing a play, but she did not expect that it would bring serious consequences to the soldiers in the camp in the north of the city. Everyone was taking a bath and was often peeked at. They probably wanted to see if there were any women sneaking into the military camp.

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