"It's someone's happy day, why are you humming?"

Zhang Ruyi was sighing when she noticed a voice of opposition around her. She looked left and right and realized that it was Lu Erluzi who made the voice, and she suddenly became furious.

Both Lan Yi and Li Haitang stared at the top and lamented, he was the only one saying sour words, so what's going on?

"I did not mean that."

Lu Yuanqing's first reaction was to defend himself. He also felt that it was not very kind for him to disrupt the marriage by putting so much effort into a ceremony.

But being together for the rest of your life is not difficult at all. Do you need to say it?

When you meet a woman you are truly attracted to, others will naturally not be able to come in, so you have to say something solemnly. I always feel that it is a sign of lack of confidence and I force myself to do that.

And if I want to regret it in the future, I will have to restrain myself by thinking of what I have said in front of hundreds of thousands of people.

"Then what do you mean?"

Zhang Ruyi thought about getting married, so she acted hastily and looked at Lu Yuanqing with both nose and eyes.

Lu Yuanqing:......

It's none of his business when someone gets married, so why should he talk so much?

Li Haitang looked at the high platform thoughtfully. In fact, Lu Yuanqing's words still made some sense, although they felt a bit strong.

Some things don't need to be said, just like she and Xiao Lingchuan rarely talk about love together.

However, life always has a sense of ritual, anniversaries, birthdays, and many, many festivals. If the other person doesn't remember them, how can they show that they value you?

I'm afraid that even if I say a word of love, I feel that it is perfunctory and lacks confidence.

Besides, Liusu's situation was different from everyone else's. She had done too much for Yun Jinghong, and she didn't feel safe because of her past experiences.

Yun Jinghong said this and did this to express his heart and give her a sense of security.

Li Haitang knows very well how important this is to women.

If you don’t talk about love, how will others know? Even if there is a clear understanding, I am afraid that I will be too sentimental!

"You women are easily moved by flashy things."

Lu Yuanqing thought for a long time before saying such dry words.

This time, it was like setting off a firecracker, and Zhang Ruyi was even more furious! The bells and whistles? After all, there is something, but we can't let all women be like those scholars who like to recite poems and write poems all day long, be romantic, and pursue some illusory things.

I'm sorry, but it's really hard to deceive young ladies these days. Food, drink, and firewood, rice, oil, and salt are all free of charge, right?

When you ask for money and say someone is vulgar, do you want to take away the air? If you have the ability, why don’t you go and cultivate immortality?

Zhang Ruyi's barrage of attacks left Lu Yuanqing speechless. He admitted that he was a bit pedantic and always felt that women's clothes and jewelry were vulgar things.

According to what he thinks, the same goes for fame.

So, what hope do people have in life?

The couple exchanged words with each other, and Li Haitang shook his head, took a step back, and came to the side of his savage husband.

In fact, just now, Xiao Lingchuan's eyes had been on his wife. He carefully observed her expression, just to know what she thought of Yun Jinghong's words.

Some words should be expressed, but he is just stupid and always feels that what he says is not the same.

So many times, he likes to remain unknown, and he believes that Li Haitang has always understood him.

"Husband, I understand."

Li Haitang tugged on her savage husband's sleeves and winked mischievously. She was a master of details, so she understood it very well.

A person is afraid that you will be cold in winter and afraid that you will be hot in summer. He will cover you with a quilt every night. If your mood changes a little, although he will not say it, he will stay with you silently.

At the most dangerous time, regardless of my own comfort, I am willing to trade my life for yours. Such a feeling, if it is not love, what is it?

If you don't say it, don't say it. If you say something so precious, it may not be worth anything.

There are some feelings that cannot be expressed in words. Even though Li Haitang has given birth to Dou Bao now, she can still feel that she will always be the most important position in Xiao Lingchuan's heart.

The couple was silent. Silence was better than sound at this time.

On the stage, Yun Jinghong had already taken off his tasseled hijab, the two of them shook hands and were bowing to the soldiers.

A burst of thunderous applause sounded from the audience.

On weekdays, Yun Jinghong had a straight face. When the soldiers saw him, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. Today, he had no worries. He gave him blessings, jokes, and anything else.

In the corner of the square, the cooks were busy working in full swing. The order of serving dishes was very precise. Some fruits and cold dishes were served first, and then the dishes started.

Everyone gathered around the table, Liusu was taken back by Wufu and changed into a toasting dress, and walked through the crowd.

The soldiers did not dare to let the general's wife drink, but it was just a formality for the generals. We are all brothers who share life and death. There were not so many twists and turns every time, and the blessings were straightforward but sincere.

"The general and his wife are such a perfect couple!"

"That's right, I wish you two a long life together!"

Some people are rude and illiterate. They had proudly learned a few blessing words before, but when they are concerned, they forget the words and can only make up random words, "Blessings are like the East Sea, longevity is as long as the southern mountains, and pines and cranes are evergreen!"


Liusu was very nervous at first, but now she no longer had any worries. She thought that she would not be accepted because of her identity. Unexpectedly, the soldiers did not care about family status at all and kept praising her.

The pre-dinner snacks were served, the troupe started, and everyone in the Desheng Troupe was already on stage to prepare.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops spread across more than a dozen stages, and there are many other programs that everyone is enjoying. Among them, the drama about Mulan joining the army is novel, unique, full of laughs, and down-to-earth.

The soldiers stopped using their chopsticks to pay attention to the opera, and burst into laughter from time to time.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Li, you have thin skin and tender flesh, and your Adam's apple is not obvious. You can't be a little lady like that Hua Mulan, right?"

"Yes, there's the one from the Zhu family. Hey, he doesn't go shirtless even in hot weather. Hehe, he's so shy. Could it be..."

When everyone gathered together and saw the boy who couldn't tan, they quickly became suspicious. Some even imitated the slutty tricks and had their paws slapped away, making everyone laugh.

"It's true, I haven't taken a shower with Mr. Li yet. Let's tonight..."

The soldiers gathered together and winked. When the play ended, everyone responded with warm applause. They were extremely reluctant to part with it and wanted to watch it and listen to it again.

"What a pity, even one ant in our Chengbei camp is male!" Li Haitang couldn't help but laugh. She didn't expect that the show she prepared would cause chaos in the Chengbei camp. Those who look fair and tender can go out if they have nothing to do. When exposed to the sun, I'm afraid that I won't be able to tan, and will be treated like a little girl, and someone will follow me when I go to the toilet.

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