Li Haitang got on the carriage, opened the window, and suddenly realized that there were many things she wanted to say that she had not said.

"My cousin's temperament is really not suitable for taking care of a baby. I don't object to him going to Lushan Academy to teach on his own, but the little boy can't always stay in the mountain..."

There is also Ruan Pingzhi's marriage. If there is a suitable candidate, he must get married as soon as possible. In addition, the aftermath of Yue Hetang, the medical clinic in Lucheng, Li Haitang is a hands-off shopkeeper, but the doctor Zhao Baoshan may not be reliable, so he still has to Someone should supervise him and not be too prodigal.

As for Liusu, she should feel relieved. Li Haitang promised to open a charity hall with the money left by Liusu. However, if she wants to leave the border town, she may only be able to do it bit by bit.

But since she said it, she will definitely do it.

"I know all this, I am your sister, your business is my business, you can rest assured!"

Zhang Ruyi kept nagging for a long time, but in turn disliked Li Haitang's nagging and waved her hand away.

Lan Yi finally found a chance to interrupt, "Begonia, I know that the mountain behind Lijia Village is very important to you. Don't worry, I will ask my husband to clean it up regularly."

Especially in summer, the vegetation grows wildly. If it is not cleaned up in time, the surrounding weeds will be as tall as a person, and there are all kinds of insects and snakes in them. When Li Haitang comes back, he will not be able to enter the house.

When there is heavy snow in winter, the roof must be repaired in time, otherwise it may collapse.

"Then please look after Ji Qiu more, we will have to come back sooner or later."

Li Haitang thanked Lan Yi and asked Dou Bao to say goodbye to the fat boy from Lan Yi's family.

The baby is too young to know what separation is. The fat boy grinned and waved his chubby little hands to grab the bean buns.

Doubao leaned against the car window and patted the fat boy on the shoulder. It felt like a boss saying goodbye to his younger brother, which meant, "Have a good time and wait until I come back!"

The original sad mood of parting was diluted by the two little kids.

"Have a safe trip."

Zhang Ruyi said softly, and then she and Lan Yi watched the carriage and horse drive away silently. She turned around and wiped her tears with her hands, her eyes red.

The last time she left for Kyoto, Haitang sent her off like this, but the two of them were not too sad, because they both knew that they would see each other again soon, and since they were parting on this trip, she had a hunch that they would really see each other in a short time. Less than.

"It's getting late, let's clean up and go home tomorrow morning."

Lu Yuanqing really couldn't understand this kind of emotion, and it wasn't like he would never see it again. Why was he so sad?

As long as we are not separated forever, there will always be a time to meet.

His words of persuasion made Zhang Ruyi suppress his tears, making them look like broken beads. Thinking of every detail of his encounter with Li Haitang in Baita Temple, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

When good sisters are around, there is always someone to talk to when encountering difficulties. Now that we are far apart, we can only communicate through letters.

It takes at least two months to go back and forth from the North to Kyoto. After mailing the letter, she began to eagerly wait for Li Haitang's reply.

"Tsk, tsk, you have never done this to your husband."

Lu Yuanqing felt sour in her stomach and felt uncomfortable in her heart. When a woman gets married, the person closest to her should be her man, right? Looking at Zhang Ruyi, she didn't take him seriously at all.

"Aren't you right in front of me?"

Zhang Ruyi rolled up her arms and sleeves and was about to take action. Today, Lu Er, the idiot, didn't know if he was stimulated. Not only did he talk a lot, but he also didn't listen to it.

She was about to teach him a lesson. When Lu Yuanqing saw this, he quickly ran behind Ji Qiu with an expression that said you can't hit me.

"A gentleman speaks with his mouth but never with his hands. If you have something to say, speak it out!"

Lu Yuanqing felt bad when he saw that his wife was serious. The problem was that Zhang Ruyi never played according to common sense, and she was probably trying to tease him in other areas, such as sexual intercourse.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not a gentleman, I'm your wife!"

Zhang Ruyi smiled, holding Lu Erluzi's sleeve, and went directly back to Chun's house.

Under the oil lamp, she was wearing a middle coat, and more than a dozen kinds of whips were prepared on the table. These whips looked scary, but they did not hurt when they were struck on the body, and they were meant to add fun.

Lu Yuanqing covered his face because he disliked his wife for being uneducated and lacking in ink. As a result, Zhang Ruyi often went to the bookstore and didn't learn any other skills. There were quite a few crooked ways.

He shot himself in the foot, feeling that he shouldn't cause trouble for his wife, because in this case, he would definitely be the unlucky one.

"Bang bang!"

At nightfall, the street was quiet, but there was a rapid knock on the door.

The house where Ji Qiu lived was closer to the door. He got up and went to open the door, only to see a man dressed as an old farmer staggering inside.

There was an ox cart parked at the door, which showed that the old farmer had walked a short distance.

Zhang Ruyi put on her clothes and was stunned when she saw the person in front of the door.

In the middle of the night, the tenants of the family came to the door, fearing that something was wrong.

"'am, it's not good!"

When the old farmer saw Lu Yuanqing and Zhang Ruyi, he immediately cried bitterly, "A group of bandits came to our village, robbing things, and..."


Zhang Ruyi almost didn't believe her ears. She covered her chest with her hands and her face turned pale. "How's it going?"

It doesn't matter if things are lost, the main thing is whether people are safe. Her family's village was vast and her family had dozens of tenant farmers. Only one old farmer came to deliver the letter. She had a bad feeling.

"Wow, a dozen people died!"

The old farmer went to Lucheng to visit relatives and escaped the disaster, but some of his relatives also died.

After hearing this, Lu Yuanqing turned pale and his palms were sweating. He asked tremblingly, "Uncle, what about my mother..."

"Your mother...the old lady is gone."

The old farmer looked sad. He had no time to deal with his family affairs, so he left the city before dark to deliver the letter. He hurriedly and slowly arrived at the border town in the middle of the night.

Zhang Ruyi swayed and almost fell down, but Lu Yuanqing couldn't bear the stimulation and fainted first.

The scene was chaotic. Ji Qiu helped Lu Yuanqing into the room. Lan Yi gathered around Zhang Ruyi. She was holding her stomach with a look of pain on her face. She was startled immediately, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Lanyi, I... have a stomachache."

Zhang Ruyi said, with sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, there was a doctor living next to Chun's house. Hearing the noise, he came over to take a look, took Zhang Ruyi's pulse, and his expression changed, "Madam, it's fetal!"

"What, fetal air?"

Zhang Ruyi exclaimed, is she pregnant? When did this happen?

She was a careless person, and she was not careful when she was young. She didn't care much about the delay this time.

After being married for so long, there was no movement in her stomach, so she relaxed her mind because Li Haitang mentioned that the more anxious she was, the harder it would be to conceive. However, she still suspected that she heard it wrong. Why didn't she feel anything?

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