There are at least hundreds of thousands of people in the two cities. Compared to a few hundred people, this is a small probability event, but the bandits must have reaped a lot of benefits by causing such a big panic.

"Master Cha, that's it. My home is in Lucheng, and my relatives are also there. I just don't know where those bandits went to commit their crimes."

Li Haitang carefully thought about it. When bandits go to border towns to commit crimes, they go to villages at most. They don't dare to rant in front of the soldiers in the camp in the north of the city. So, Ruan Pingzhi and Xiao Wuzi are safe.

If it was Lucheng...

In the family shop, Dr. Zhao Baoshan, Lin Wanjiu's family, and Li Xia, the family's waiters, Zhang Ruyi, his wife, and Lu's mother were all unable to resist the bandits.

Now that things have happened, she can only hope that everyone is fine.

"We just received the news, and we are not from the North. How could we know such details?"

The official understood Li Haitang's eager mood, so he was not impatient and explained in kind words.

The inn has a total of two and a half floors. The so-called half floor actually refers to the bottom, which is similar to the structure of a basement, but half of the floor is exposed above, and a few breathable skylights are added for lighting.

The basement below is mostly a Datong bunk room, which is the lowest room in the inn. In one room, there are several beds stacked up and down, and there are locked cabinets next to the beds for storing personal clothes.

Rich people don't like to be crowded together with others. The general shop only costs 20 yuan a night and the price is cheap. Half of the people who choose this place are mostly salesmen and some traveling businessmen, or they have to go to the town from the surrounding villages and have no place to go.

Bandits have money, how can they still suffer? The official officer followed his own thinking pattern and questioned the people in Tongpu without paying much attention.

They came to search in the middle of the night and caused a huge stir.

Li Haitang and his wife opened the door and let the officials come in to search. Before leaving, the leader of the officials looked at Li Haitang in surprise and asked in a low voice, "Madam, I have a question, which may be a bit rude. Is that child your biological child?" "

"Of course, I was born in ten months of pregnancy!"

As a doctor, Li Haitang didn't think this question was too outrageous, but the gossip was true. Then she thought about it for a moment and understood immediately.

It’s the appearance that’s to blame again! There had been a misunderstanding before. When the other party saw that his savage husband had a stern face and scars at the corners of his eyes, he put him in the same category as bandits and gangsters.

Love comes from the heart, this sentence is very harmful!

There could not be only one or two bandits, but at least a dozen or more. Their brutality was evident in their brutality, and their ruthlessness was evident after they snatched things and silenced them.

If there are really bandits in the inn, then they are probably staying in scattered places. After all, dozens of people visiting the same inn are quite conspicuous.

There are dozens of rooms on the second floor of the inn. Except for some female relatives living in some rooms, most of the others were awakened and followed them out, standing in the corridor and watching.

"Is there anyone suspicious?"

When the leading officer saw his subordinates gathered together and learned that everything was normal, he had to go downstairs. They still had many places to search. It would be best to do a general cleaning before dawn.

Li Haitang was about to enter the room when suddenly his attention was attracted by the short man in the next room. The man was not good-looking and short in stature, but he looked very strong and his eyes were shining.

This kind of brilliance gives people a sense of cunning, but only in an instant, he changes into an honest and honest appearance.

Li Haitang sniffed and then frowned. The smell of blood was a smell that no one was more familiar with than her.

She has a skill, a particularly sensitive sense of smell, and can sometimes identify a person through their smell.

Even though there was no blood on the little man's body and his clothes were brand new, she concluded that this man had been exposed to blood, and it must be human blood.

The man seemed to notice Li Haitang's gaze, but said nothing, turned around, and closed the door. No one would have thought that someone could identify him as a bandit by identifying the smell of blood.


Li Haitang was a little hesitant. The official was about to leave. If he waited for others to leave, it was not impossible for the bandits to attack the people in the inn.

She has her own savage husband to protect her, but what about others?

Wufu, Nanny Yu and Bai Guo are still downstairs. If there is any accident, she can't bear it.

Not to mention myself, even the hundreds of innocent souls under the bandits cannot die in vain.

"I find……"

Li Haitang whispered in Xiao Lingchuan's ear, asking for his opinion. She only found something wrong with the little man next door. As for the rest, they were either too far away or didn't come out.

"Madam, please don't make any noise yet."

Xiao Lingchuan thought for a moment and realized something was wrong, but there couldn't be only one bandit in the entire inn. If he wanted to identify him, he had to gather the whole group together.

Just like this, the lady may be in danger.

"Then there's only one show left."

Li Haitang came up with an idea. She knew how to do two simple tricks. The only thing she couldn't worry about was Xiao Baozi.

In short, the bandits cannot be allowed to leave the inn's door, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

The couple briefly discussed the situation, and then explained the situation before the official left the inn.

"Is this true?"

When the official heard this, a vein in his forehead jumped. In other words, besides that person, the bandits might have accomplices.

"No joke."

Li Haitang was very sure, very sure, that the smell of blood on that man was not caused by the bleeding wounds on his body, but the strong blood.

Moreover, the man's sinister eyes made her full of vigilance.

Some people are innately sensitive to danger and instinctively defend themselves, and Li Haitang is such a person.

"But if you want to catch your accomplices, you have to call everyone out, which is a bit difficult."

The officer scratched his head. He had searched just now, but he couldn't go up again. Besides, he didn't have such a sensitive nose.

Another thing is that he always feels that this is something evil.

"You killed a chicken today, didn't you?"

Li Haitang pointed to a follower next to him and said firmly, "In other words, you are contaminated with chicken blood."

" did you know?"

The follower's eyes almost bulged out. The person in front of him couldn't be a fortune teller. Otherwise, how could he know about killing chickens?

"You smell like chicken blood."

Li Haitang also raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile to prove that what he said was true.

After she showed her hand, everyone who was skeptical just now immediately believed 99% of it.

"It's easy to find an excuse. I lost something, an emerald jade pendant."

Li Haitang was very calm, believing that the bandits would not know that she had this ability. Even if they had suspicions, they would not dare to expose her identity rashly.

"Okay, but don't cheat me." Out of merit, the official officer felt that the young lady in front of him was not a liar. Especially after she proved this to everyone, the official officer leader felt that he could take a gamble. If If he can catch someone, he will have accomplished a great feat and will be rewarded by the prefect.

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