"Let me tell you, the unlucky guy wanted to run away last night. His eyes flickered. He must have a guilty conscience. He didn't expect that he had two lives on his hands!"

Wufu took a bite of the big pancake and commented a few words from time to time. It was his wife Li Haitang. If a woman could be an official, her wife could at least be a Qingtian Grand Master who tried cases.

"Madam, so you can only help me this time."

The official leader frequently agreed with Wu Fu's words, and was about to continue saying good things when he was interrupted by Li Haitang. When the unlucky guy was taken out last night, Li Haitang guessed that he was not a bandit, because he had observed Li Youcai's hands and found that they were thin-skinned and tender. However, there was no doubt that the bandits might have people who could make suggestions, so for the sake of caution, he took the hand. He was detained, but unexpectedly he inadvertently solved an unresolved matter for the prefect.


The couple next door did it on their own, which was certainly annoying, but Li Youcai's approach was too cruel and extreme.

For this reason, she once again lamented the great sound insulation, especially when she lived in the city, where the houses were next to each other and separated by a wall. She couldn't be too indulgent when doing things at night, otherwise everyone around her would hear it.

But the good thing about this era is that there are not many women who shout so boldly.

Whether it is a town or a village, a large family lives together. Before the child is six or seven years old, he and his parents are almost always crowded into the same room. Some families have a large population and it is really difficult, so they just pull a curtain in the middle. That’s all.

The little ones will be woken up if they make the slightest noise, so parents often use the excuse that there are mice in the house as an excuse.

"I have something important to do, so I'm really sorry."

Li Haitang refused again. If there was nothing important, she would not waste time on the road.

The chief official tried hard to persuade Li Haitang, but he went back with a slumped head. What else could he do? He was asking someone to do something, so he couldn't put a knife on someone's neck, right?

Even if he did, he raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Lingchuan, feeling that the one who lost his head must be him.

Get rid of the entanglement of officials and continue on their way.

There were two carriages in total when we came out of this trip. Xiao Lingchuan and his wife took one with beanbags, and the maids and women behind them shared one. They slept in the mountains like this. The carriage was spacious enough to sleep for a night.

After hearing the news in a hurry, Li Haitang divided the carriage into sections according to his previous habits.

Above the head, a carpenter was asked to build a row of cabinets to store bedding and sheets, which would not take up space and be moisture-proof.

The bottom of the bench is also empty, with some cushions, clothes and small items placed there. The small table in the middle is divided into three drawers: upper, middle and lower.

Put some herbal tea and mint leaves on the top layer, food, dried fruit snacks and other items on the middle layer, and some commonly used pills on the bottom layer.

It was a hot day, and it was easy to get angry easily. She looked at the cakes and melon seeds, but she couldn't eat them.

After pouring a cup of herbal tea, Li Haitang gave it to her savage husband.

Xiao Lingchuan's back was already wet with sweat. He wiped the sweat with a cloth and took a sip from the tea cup.

After drinking herbal tea, the heat around the body is relieved a lot, and the anxiety in my heart disappears.

In the past, when I was a life and death escort, I carried a cowhide water bag with me. When the weather was hot, the water was also hot, so I could only take a sip, which was not comfortable with a lady by my side.

Seeing that Li Haitang was about to come out to accompany him, Xiao Lingchuan said quickly, "Madam, go in quickly. The sun is scorching right now, so don't get too hot."


Doubao shouted in the carriage, and Li Haitang had no choice but to shrink back when he saw this.

Even though the windows were open, it was still stuffy in the car. There were many red spots on Doubao's body, and he had prickly heat. When he felt itchy, he would scratch it with his little hands.

Li Haitang sighed and thought about finding a merchant to buy some ice cubes to put in the carriage, which would at least cool down the heat.

"Mom, draw."

Doubao played with the rattle by himself, heard two crisp sounds, and then threw it aside.

The little bun has a good body, but he is very active. He climbs up and down in the carriage. To prevent him from bumping into his head, the carriage table and the sharp points around the seat have been hemmed.

Little Baozi asked, and Li Haitang tried her best to satisfy him. She asked patiently, "Doubao, who do you want to see painted?"


Doubao thought for a while and replied.


Li Haitang found watercolors from under the car seat. These were among Beanbao's toys. She was afraid of putting Beanbao in her mouth, so she kept them away.

Her son asked her to take a self-portrait, and Li Haitang was very satisfied. Every time she painted a savage husband and the servants of the family, this time, it was finally her turn.

Spreading out the drawing paper, she thought about it for herself, and finally blinked and took it into consideration.

If you want to draw a portrait of yourself, you must make it beautiful and have a three-point beauty effect. At least, you must make yourself a goddess.

In the past, Li Haitang had never been so serious about drawing others. She took out the charcoal pencil from her purse and composed the picture on the paper. Where to draw the house, where to draw the swing, the garden, and the characters.

When she saw something inappropriate, she changed it again.

A painting of only herself always felt too monotonous, so in order to show her beauty, Li Haitang randomly grabbed five blessings to set off herself.

If you place it in the distance, just draw the back of your savage husband, which is more harmonious.

Thinking of this, Li Haitang started to sit aside and watch Doubao carefully. Then seeing that his mother was still unable to finish the work, he yawned and fell asleep.

Throughout the afternoon, the carriage was speeding along the official road. Fortunately, Xiao Lingchuan drove smoothly and none of the prepared watercolors were spilled.

By sunset, Li Haitang finally finished the work, and the carriage stopped at this time.

Even if it got dark today, he would not be able to enter the city gate, so he could only stay outside for the night, and Xiao Lingchuan was looking for a safer place.

It was noon, and dark clouds were approaching. It was expected to rain in the evening.

It is surrounded by stone mountains, and the raised stone walls in the mountains are used as eaves to block rainwater.

Li Haitang was dizzy, rubbed his eyes, took out his things, and lit a fire to cook.

The weather is hot and people tend to suffer from summer pain, especially when it rains and the air is filled with a stuffy smell.

"What should I have for dinner?"

Starting from the border town, Grandma Yu prepared some flour, japonica rice, and some mung bean noodles.

Xiaobaozi must have porridge and a bowl of minced meat custard, so eating for the rest of the group is a problem.

"There are mountains around. I'll go to the mountains to have a look."

Xiao Lingchuan thought about hunting two pheasants and roasting them with honey, or skewering the chickens and sprinkling a handful of chili powder on them.

"Make two portions and mix one portion of chili oil."

There happened to be wild vegetables around, so Li Haitang picked some, blanched them in water, and mixed them with mung bean flour, which was refreshing and refreshing. If there were large pieces of chicken skewers, they wouldn't feel greasy and would actually whet your appetite. Li Haitang curled her lips and said it would be nice to go out with her savage husband. If she were to do it by herself, she would probably have to eat some dry pancakes.

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