Bandits attacked and more than a dozen families in the village were killed. The remaining families who had no casualties had completely taken advantage of the geographical environment.

In the middle of the night, the dogs in the village barked like crazy, someone broke into the village and killed people, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves could be heard far away.

Every household didn't have many things, and they didn't bother to pack them away. They just rolled up two or three simple pieces of clothing and went out to the mountains from the backyard.

There are mountains around the village. The villagers often go to the mountains to collect firewood and are very familiar with every plant and tree. However, the bandits dare not enter the mountains and it would be unthinkable if they get lost.

The bandits are not locals and don't know much about the back mountain. No one knows how far they can get in. They are afraid that they will be trapped in it and won't be able to get out for a few days. However, those who escaped did not include Lu’s mother. When Zhuangzi went to the Gaomen Courtyard, he saw that it was the residence of a wealthy family. It would be fine if Lu’s mother hid in the cellar, but she loved the money. Those were the daughter-in-law Zhang Ruyi’s mother-in-law. If the dowry left by the mother-in-law is robbed by evildoers, the daughter-in-law will be more anxious and angry.


Because of this idea, Lu's mother was caught by bandits when she was hiding money. She refused to tell her where the things were hidden at home. The angry bandits slashed her neck with a knife, and then stabbed her several times in anger. Knives are just the thing.

Zhang Ruyi didn't know this. She had never suffered such a big double blow before, and she just felt like the sky was falling!

"Husband, what should I do? There is no way to continue like this."

Lan Yi couldn't sleep well at night, his eyes were bloodshot, and there were several bubbles on his lips because of the heat. At this time, the scabs were crusted, painful and itchy, and the scabs cracked immediately due to too much noise. There was yellow water mixed with blood inside, which was very embarrassing.

Her young lady had been looking forward to getting pregnant, but unexpectedly she suffered a miscarriage and couldn't turn around for a while.

Ji Qiu lowered his head and remained silent. His childhood sweetheart died tragically right in front of his eyes, and so did he. He still couldn't get out of the haze after many years.

People who have no experience can only say some high-sounding words of persuasion and talk about all kinds of big principles. That is just standing up and talking without hurting your back. Everyone understands the truth. But when you meet someone in the right way, it is not the case.

Seeing that Ji Qiu didn't speak, Lan Yi knew that he thought of that person and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Before getting married, she knew that Bai Yueguang's position in her husband's heart could never be replaced, because how could a living person compete with a dead person?

At that time, Lan Yi felt that she was lucky, because the man died, so she had the chance to be with Ji Qiu, and she would definitely be happier.

The couple would burn paper money for that person every year during the Qingming Festival and Winter Clothes Festival, but Lan Yi started to become stingy at some point. She hated Ji Qiu's past.

Perhaps, Haitang is right, the more people get, the less satisfied they are.

At this time, Lan Yi was restless. The trivial busyness of the past few days made her feel so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry. When she turned her head, she found that there was no shoulder to support her.

His son was left beside Liusu without anyone to take care of him. Lan Yi missed his son and couldn't sleep at night.

"I'll go talk to Lu Yuanqing and ask him about his next plans."

Lu's mother has been laid to rest, Lu Yuanqing can't stay in a haze, it's the man who has to cheer up, and Zhang Ruyi is still waiting for him to comfort her.

After Ji Qiu finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Lan Yi alone in a daze.

Nothing happened and everything was beautiful. However, in fact, those were just appearances. The human heart is so fragile that it is vulnerable to a single blow.

Lan Yi smiled bitterly. She should be content. After all, the missing woman who was captured with her had already been buried in a foreign land. But she survived, got married and had children, and her husband did his best for her. What else could she ask for?

I don’t know whose yellow paper money floated into the yard with the wind.

In the past few days, people in the village have been holding funerals one after another, and the atmosphere has been gloomy. Every night, people burn paper at the entrance of the village, and faintly muffled crying can be heard.

Lan Yi resignedly took the broom and swept away the paper money. After thinking about it, she threw it all into the stove and burned it to ashes. She wanted to take her lady away from here.

"Miss, would you like a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup?"

The Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup has been put into a casserole since the morning, with the addition of Tremella, wolfberry, lily, etc., which nourishes and clears the lungs. My young lady does not eat or drink. If she does not keep up with the nutrition, the little confinement child will be at the root of the disease, and the future heirs will have a difficult time.

Zhang Ruyi was dumbfounded, her eyes unfocused. She remembered that she had learned about Liusu Tiaoying and how she couldn't understand it. Only when it was her turn did she understand that the pain of losing a child was a big hurdle.

"Blue clothes."

Zhang Ruyi's voice was hoarse and her lips were dry and peeling. When she saw that Lan Yi was also haggard, she couldn't help but shed tears.


Lan Yi sniffed. She knew that the young lady was suffering, not only from the loss of her child, but also from the death of her mother-in-law. Lu Yuanqing seemed to be stupid, unable to do anything, immersed in his own world, and never said a word. .

"Lan Yi, was I too willful back then?"

Zhang Ruyi wiped her tears with a handkerchief, suddenly calmed down, and sighed quietly, "If my mother was still alive, I wouldn't be like this, right?"

As long as her mother was alive, she would be very kind to her. She would not ignore her, and she could not stand to see her marry into such a family.

Mother Lu is everything to Lu Yuanqing, so who are she and the child who has passed away in her belly?

His mother died violently and his family suffered changes. Zhang Ruyi understood his pain, but who would understand hers? Without a word of comfort, Zhang Ruyi felt chilled.

It wasn't that she wasn't sad, but this sadness was incomparable to the pain of losing a child.

When her father, Zhang Zheng, was appointed as the prefect of Lucheng, he mentioned to her that although the orphans and widowers of the Lu family did not love money and power, they were not a good match.

She only resented that after her mother's death, her father continued to be a vixen, so how could she even listen to a word of it?

She was wrong!


Mentioning the late madam, Lan Yi couldn't help it. Such a gentle person would definitely take the young lady into his arms and pamper her. Since marrying Lu Yuanqing, she has become as insignificant as a piece of grass.

The Lu family is a serious family, Lu's mother is kind, and Lu Yuanqing is talented and well-educated, but she always feels that something is missing.

As soon as Mother Lu left, all the hidden dangers were exposed, like a tumor being punctured, with blood and flesh flowing out.

"Lan Yi, what should I do?"

Zhang Ruyi asked gently, but Lan Yi knew that his lady was really chilled.

It is human nature to feel sad when a widowed mother dies, but why doesn't Lu Yuanqing think about the fact that he is a married person, and there is also a wife and a poor child who died before he was born...

"If Haitang is here, he will definitely give me some advice." Zhang Ruyi rummaged through her things. The banknotes and many things were there, but the Yu Ruyi left behind by her mother was gone. That was her longing. Gone.

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