There are fruits and melons on the table. If you can afford to eat melons and fruits in winter, you are definitely not an ordinary family.

But, she just heard that Miss Wufu called the other party Madam? Could it be that she is a servant?

The Peng family is not rich, but they have twenty acres of fertile land. The produce in the fields is enough for the whole family all year round, and there is still some leftover.

The third child is a bodyguard who goes out once a year and brings back a lot of money. He may have a lot of private money in his own hands.

With such a family background, it is not impossible to find a daughter from a well-to-do family in the village. If the other party is a maid, the living contract will be okay, but if it is a death contract, future generations will be inferior people.

When Chen thought about it, he was dissatisfied with Wufu again.

She sat in the car honestly, lowered her head and said nothing.

From the enthusiasm just now to the coldness now, Chen's attitude changed so fast that even Wufu, no matter how slow she was, could still notice it. But what she was thinking about was whether she could get her money bag back, without looking at Chen's face.

If this family is a cheat, how will she solve it? She could not prove that there was a money bag in her krathong, so Wufu was troubled.

Xiangli chewed melon seeds and secretly observed Chen's expression, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

If she could bring Wufu and Escort Peng together, would Wu Qi give up his mind completely? Then she has a chance!

Wufu looked down on Wu Qi, not because she wanted to rob him. Xiangli found a reasonable excuse for herself.

"Sister-in-law, you are carrying so much fabric, do you live not far away?"

Thinking of this, Xiangli took the initiative to get close to Chen and asked about the Peng family.

Li Haitang closed his eyes and was not surprised when he heard Xiangli speak on his own initiative. Women are always a bit mean-spirited when it comes to things like this. She knew exactly what Xiangli was thinking.

Even if Wu Fu doesn't marry Wu Qi, Wu Qi may not be able to like Xiang Li.

Xiangli was deeply involved in it without realizing it, and maybe her cleverness was mistaken for her in the end.

Li Haitang looked on coldly. She and Xiangli didn't have a good relationship and didn't intend to interfere.

"Not far away, I live in Pengjia Village outside the town."

Mrs. Chen was always talkative and deliberately kept her temper low. Now when she saw the beautiful young lady chatting with her, she started chatting.

Pengjia Village is on the outskirts of Beijing and has easy access to the city. The villagers often make some food such as steamed buns and pancakes and sell them on nearby official roads to earn a little money.

"These fabrics are not heavy. We women are used to farm work, unlike you, the delicate young ladies."

After Chen finished speaking, she realized that her words were inappropriate and sour, and she was afraid of being misunderstood. She continued to smile and said, "I didn't mean anything else..."

"Sister-in-law is outspoken and can say whatever she wants. I'm not a stingy person either."

Xiangli pointed at the fabric and saw that the color was darker, so she probably didn't buy it for herself. She praised Mrs. Chen as a filial person.

Nowadays, regardless of whether the families live together, each has his own ideas, and it is inevitable that there will be dissatisfaction. There are almost no daughters-in-law who can think about their mother-in-law. They are natural enemies of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"My mother-in-law is very easy to talk to."

Mrs. Chen is said to be filial, happy in her heart, and pleasing to the eye with fragrant pears.

The Wufu just now was a girl, and Xiangli must be a young lady. She might have a maid to serve her and give him a large dowry.

If the third child in the family married such a beautiful girl, the family would be even happier.

Although the body is weak and the wind blows it, it will fall over, but all men like this, it is painful. If the third child is reluctant to leave his wife, he will go out a few times a year and run less, which will solve all the problems.

Mrs. Chen focused on Xiangli and talked about some things at home.

"When the third child marries a daughter-in-law, the family will be divided. The third child and his wife will live alone without having to support their parents. From now on, they can just visit their parents from time to time every year."

The more Chen talked, the more enthusiastic she became, and she became very affectionate towards Xiangli. Wufu on the side quickly noticed something was wrong.

The Peng family was not far away. About half an hour later, the carriage entered the Peng family village.

Chen and Xiangli got off the carriage first. Wufu supported Li Haitang, pointed outside, and said mysteriously, "Madam, Xiangli is so enthusiastic about Chen. Could it be that she has fallen in love with idiot Peng?"

Anyone who owed her money was Wufu's enemy, and Wufu immediately gave Peng Laosan a nickname.

Li Haitang twitched the corner of his mouth and thought to himself, "You idiot, Xiangli has taken a liking to Wu Qi and wants to get rid of you, a big fool, so she asked roundaboutly about the situation of Chen's Peng family!"

In line with the principle of not getting involved, she asked, "What about you? Don't you like people like Peng Laosan who have muscles all over their bodies?"

"Madam, I said I like strong people, but I didn't say I like big fools."

Wu Fu pointed his finger. If his brain was broken and hopeless, could he still drill a hole in his head like Ma Bihe and her father, Mr. Ma?

Even if a hole is drilled, there will still be side effects.

"Besides, it's good for a gentleman not to take away from others. If Xiangli likes it, just give it to Xiangli."

Wufu didn't mind at all. She murmured in her heart that maybe the Peng family didn't want to return the money bag. If so, the character of this big family needs to be understood carefully.

It's hard enough for Xiangli, but if she relies on other people, she will become even more helpless.

"What kind of gentleman are you? You are a little girl!"

Xiangli was pitiful, but Li Haitang couldn't agree with her behavior.

Perhaps, everyone has to think about themselves, and there is nothing wrong with doing so, but she is partial, and she cares more about her maid Wufu than Xiangli.

The Peng family has five main rooms, which are spacious and bright. It is a relatively wealthy family in the village.

Today is the fifth day of the month, and Father Peng is smoking a pipe and cooking pot in the courtyard. Mother Peng and her second daughter-in-law are kneading dough and chopping stuffing in the kitchen, preparing for the whole family to eat dumplings in the evening.

Hearing the noise, Mrs. Peng rushed out first and saw a carriage parked at the door, with Peng Lao San driving the carriage. She immediately refused and said noisily, "Lao San, it's only the fifth day of the first lunar month, and you have to go out as a escort. Are you going to piss your mother off to death?"

Not getting married at this age and becoming the number one bachelor in Pengjia Village makes Mrs. Peng lose her face.

But the folks in the village all knew what her third son was like. He stayed away from home all year round. Every time the matchmaker came to the village and walked around her house, she was afraid of being entangled by her.

Mrs. Peng was very angry. Her son made a lot of money as an escort, and he didn't have any arms or legs. Why couldn't he tell her off? Why does the matchmaker always look like he can't harm other people's girls!

She can't delay this year. She is going to cry, make trouble, and hang herself. She must keep the person.

In the middle of the night last night, she heard movement in the third child's room and knew that he was packing his things and preparing to leave.

Mrs. Peng remained calm. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, she took advantage of the time to return to her parents' home and went to the city escort agency to inquire. She would not be escorting until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, which meant that there were still a few days left.

Her plans are going ahead!

"Mom, am I back now?"

Peng Laosan said sarcastically that he was not afraid of anything but his mother. He entered the door, opened the door of the woodshed, and looked for the strange-looking water lamp. He hoped that the water lamp was still there, so he quickly returned it. He didn't want to marry a girl who was stronger than him. He almost missed it with that pressure just now. Roll your eyes.

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