Chen Wanwan's family is holding a happy event. I heard that people from two villages were invited to watch the ceremony, and there was a big crowd.

Li Haitang was not familiar with the people in Kaoshan Village and did not want to join in the fun. She held a happy event for the villagers, and her impression always remained that not long after the news came, the scumbag grandson of Lijia Village got married, and the villagers looked sympathetic when they saw it.

"My dear lady, to tell you the truth, if you want to buy some souvenirs, you can only go to Chen Baiwan's house."

The Chen family originally planned to only invite people from the village they were relying on, but somehow, after adding up, they generously invited people from Caojia Village, the bride next door, to have a banquet with flowing water banquets, including old people and children. Warm reception.

The Chen family's decision was too hasty and they didn't have time to buy it, so they had to buy it from fellow villagers' homes. Almost all the pork, bacon, hens, eggs, and backyard vegetables from the village were sent to the Chen family.

"Husband, how about we go take a look?"

Li Haitang looked around and found that the terrain of the mountainous village was dangerous. The horse-drawn carriage going back and forth from the village to the town was too bumpy, so it was better to go shopping nearby.

"Go on, go on, I'll be there right away, you guys follow me."

The old man didn't walk very fast. As he walked, he introduced the customs and customs of the mountain village. At the end, he asked, "You seem to be from the capital. Why are you here?"

There was nothing good in the backcountry, so the old man was very puzzled.

The man was tall and scary-looking, making people shudder, while his wife was beautiful and looking at her belly, she was going to give birth soon.

The village is isolated and has no good things. It is rare to meet outsiders.

For some reason, Li Haitang didn't want the villagers to know that they had a house in the mountains. She remembered that in the past, the people in the Li family's village called her husband a savage, and they made up a lot of jokes about Xiao Lingchuan eating human flesh and drinking raw blood, which scared the baby to the point of crying every night. .

Also, their cabin is in the mountains, isolated from the world, and they don’t want this environment to be destroyed.

"Old man, that's it."

Li Haitang rolled his eyes and immediately thought of a good idea, "My husband and I have a child about to be born. To pray for the baby, we plan to open a charity hall in Kyoto."

Regarding the setting up of the charity hall, she explained one by one according to the discussion with Fang Shaoyao and others, that she wanted to help people who really needed help and do something good.

"Daughter, your idea is very good."

After hearing this, the old man nodded frequently, and then felt very emotional.

He had no children. In his early years, his eldest brother had just married and had a daughter. He went hunting in the mountains and never came back. When the villagers went into the mountains, they only saw blood-stained clothes.

His eldest brother died miserably and his body was not found.

The parents were extremely grieved, and neither of them could recover. They both followed the eldest brother away. The sister-in-law couldn't bear the poverty at home, so she abandoned her daughter and eloped with a salesman who went to the village to sell, leaving only the little girl who was waiting for food.

The old man kept a filial piety for his parents, and the marriage he had originally promised was ruined because his family was ruined.

"I don't blame anyone. In that situation, the family is poor and the innocent eldest daughter has to raise children for others when she gets married. I can't ignore the niece left by my eldest brother..."

The old man also held his breath, and more than ten years passed by. His niece was raised, married, and left home, leaving him alone.

When he was young, he was busy making a living. When his niece got married, he realized that he was past his prime, and it was even more difficult to get married and find a wife.

He simply lived alone, one person was fed, and the whole family was not hungry.

Hearing that Li Haitang wanted to open a charity hall, the old man was not moved. He thought that he could still plow the fields and have enough food and clothing, but if he was really sick and couldn't afford it, he would die at home.

His coffin board has been saved, and the villagers will send letters to his niece.

"You said the child has no parents, where can he find it now?"

The old man shook his head. As long as there are tribesmen, even if life is not good, there will always be food to eat and the tribesmen will take care of him.

A male child stands at the top of the family, and those who have no sons would like to take him away and raise him, but a female child, after being raised, can repay a large sum of money as a betrothal gift when she gets married.

Unless there is a physical defect, no father or mother will abandon their flesh and blood.

"Look at my memory. There really is such a family in our village!"

After the old man finished speaking, he patted his head and remembered something.


Li Haitang fell into deep thought and felt that what the old man said made sense. Before she could react, the old man took her off track.


The old man sighed, pointed to a house not far away, and said, "It's a pity that you came late. If it had been a few days earlier, the youngest son of Xu Keba's family in the village happened to need someone to take him away."

Seeing that Li Haitang didn't understand, the old man started talking.

Xu Keba worked outside and left his wife and son in the village. His wife was quite pretty, but for some reason, she was attracted by the second-rate men from other villages.

While Xu Keba was working outside, he sneakily climbed up the wall in the middle of the night and entered his house with the intention of raping his wife.

There was a big commotion. Xu Keba's daughter-in-law was a powerful character. She was carrying a hatchet and drove people away. During the chase, she also chopped and injured the second-rate man.

The second-rate son did not take advantage, but was injured instead. He harbored a grudge against Xu Keba's daughter-in-law.

"Alas, in this world, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!"

The old man recited something, those snarky old ladies in the village were secretly talking behind their backs, saying that Xu Keba’s daughter-in-law had been seen naked and taken advantage of by second-rate men, and she had long since lost her reputation.

No, someone came to the city to talk to Xu Kheba, and rumors were spread around, and somehow the story changed.

Xu Keba's daughter-in-law had an affair with a second-rate son for a long time. Not only was Xu Keba cuckolded, but he also wanted to be a father.

After Xu Keba heard this, he was furious and went to settle the score with the second-rate son. The second-rate son had a grudge against his wife and had no intention of refuting. Instead, he added fuel to the fire and described to Xu Keba the details of raping his wife.

No one could tolerate the fact that the daughter-in-law had lost her reputation and the son was not her biological son. Xu Keba believed it was true and returned to the village and beat his wife.

His wife was also a tough-tempered woman, so she immediately accepted the divorce letter and then left Kaoshan Village with her son.

"What about his wife and son? Have they returned to their parents' home?"

After hearing this, Li Haitang sighed repeatedly. The culprits were those gossipy ladies. They had no ill intentions, but they didn't know that it would cause such serious consequences.

People's words can be feared, and rumors are more powerful than tigers.

"Where is the mother's family? His wife's parents sold her to the Xu family. Otherwise, how could such a beautiful young lady end up with a violent and violent Kieba?"

The old man shook his head. A few days ago, someone from the neighboring village got up early to fetch water. They found the body of Xu Keba's wife by the river. To prove her innocence, her daughter-in-law threw herself into the river and committed suicide.

"What about my son?"

No matter how cruel a mother is, she would never take her son to his death. According to the old man's description, Xu Keba's son was two years old, with a sallow complexion and some deficiencies. He was similar to the baby Zhang Ruyi picked up. But, it can’t be such a coincidence, right?

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