Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 4 True and False Daughter

The Ning family lived in Building No. 4, and when she found it, there was a lot of noise in the corridor.

You old man, why don't you take out the money? If you don't give your grandson the money, is it possible that you want to make it cheaper for outsiders?

I'm out of money.

There was a snap, as if something had been smashed, and then the voice of the middle-aged woman sounded again: Who are you messing with? Salary is paid on the 3rd. Only a few days of this month have passed and your money can be spent. All gone? If you don’t take the money, I’ll beat you to death!”

The old man must have muttered something again, and then the old man's wailing came from inside.

009: [This old man is really pitiful, the host, why don't we help him. 】

Ning Yue: Well, this is still a kind system.

Have you ever heard of a word called nosy business?

There are six floors upstairs and downstairs, and there are three households on each floor. There are more than a dozen households and there is not even a single one to watch the fun. This shows that this is already the norm. What can she do as an outsider?

009: Yes, this host is a bit cold-blooded~

However, Ning Yue had already taken out her mobile phone, dialed 110, reported the address here, and asked the operator to listen to the begging voice of the old man being beaten for a while, and then hung up calmly. Telephone.

009: ...I'm speechless

After finishing the phone call, Ning Yue continued to climb the stairs. Ning's house was on the fourth floor, and she had to climb two more floors.

At this moment, the Ning family was in total darkness. The two couples sat on the sofa in a daze without even making dinner. The adopted daughter was picked up by the biological parents, but the biological daughter hadn't even seen each other. The two couples only felt that the future was at a loss... …

The sudden knock on the door frightened the two couples. Mother Ning got up, went to the door, turned on the light, and opened the door. Afterwards, she saw a little girl with exquisite short hair, wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag outside the door.

For some reason, Ning Ma's eyes were a little sore at this moment, because Ning Yue's appearance was six points like Ning Ma's, and the two mother and daughter stood together, and it was easy to see the blood relationship between them, You, are you ...

I'm Ning Yue, and if nothing else happens, it should be your daughter.

Ning's mother's tears fell in a flash, she moved away, and wanted to reach out to Ning Yue, but she was afraid of being rejected by her daughter, so she quickly withdrew her hand, Old Ning, Lao Ning, look, our daughter is back.

Father Ning's expression was a little bewildered. The eyes of a man in his forties were moist. He heard what his daughter said, and he could hear it clearly without his wife repeating it. This is his biological daughter~

Quick, come in quickly, the child hasn't eaten yet, so hurry up and cook for your daughter.

Ning's mother was full of thoughts, for fear of scaring her daughter, she was very careful about what she said: Do you have anything to eat?

This is a temptation, but it is not a temptation. When her daughter does not come back, she looks forward to her coming back. After she comes back, she is afraid that her daughter will not be able to accept her and her husband's being too ordinary. She is even afraid that her daughter will open the door the next moment. , leaving their too ordinary home.

Just do whatever you want, I'm hungry.

Mama Ning's eyes lit up instantly, and her voice was filled with joy, Okay, I'll do it now, just wait a little longer.

Ning's father had a simple and honest smile on his face. Without Ning's mother's order, he went straight to the refrigerator, took out all the meat from the freezer, and then washed the rice and steamed the rice. Yueyue, sit down for a while, watch TV, and have a meal later.

Ning Yue saw the discomfort of the two couples, Go and do your work, I'll watch TV.

Ning's mother helped Ning Yue turn on the TV before entering the kitchen.

After both of them left, Ning Yue began to look at the small house.

Two rooms and one living room, about 70 to 80 square meters, the decoration and furnishings are very simple, but it is very clean, the walls should be painted later, and they are quite white, and one wall of the living room is covered with Ning Qingqing's paintings. The style of the certificate, the TV sofa is a bit old, and the dining table is next to the sofa. It is foldable and can be put away without taking up space. Just put it down when eating.

At this time, the siren sounded downstairs, and the door of the West Room on the second floor was knocked not long after, and the system immediately paid attention to the movement downstairs.

It originally wanted Ning Yue to go down to watch the scene, but Ning Yue was not moved at all.

Immediately afterward, a quarrel broke out downstairs: Which rotten heartless person just blindly called the police?

I haven't taken care of the one-third of an acre of land in my house, but it's managed by my old lady!

When the old lady finds out that person, she must tear her mouth open.

You ask the dead old man, did I hit him?

The old man's cowardly voice sounded: No, no.

In this kind of thing, the parties said it was all right, and the police couldn't insist on saying that his daughter-in-law domestically abused him, and they had to drive away in the end.

Ning Yue, who had expected the result long ago, sneered, How dare you let me meddle in my own business next time?

The system shuts down immediately.

For dinner, there were four dishes and one soup. Ning's mother specially stewed braised pork for Ning Yue. The moment she brought it to the table, she regretted it. Her daughter grew up in Yan's family. .

Ning Yue waited for Ning's father and Ning's mother to move their chopsticks and started to eat. She tasted all four dishes. She couldn't say how good the craftsmanship was, and the level of ordinary home cooking, but she was never picky about food, and the food was quite delicious.

Seeing that Ning Yue had already picked up three pieces of braised pork, Ning's mother let go of her uneasiness. When Qingqing was at home, she never ate these greasy dishes. She said she had to keep in shape, otherwise she would not look good on camera. Don't let their husband and wife eat, saying that it is easy to get three highs.

The reason why Ning Qingqing learned piano and dance was because she wanted to be an actress. In short, she was a person who had ideals since she was a child, and she had a clear goal and never changed.

In her previous life, she was admitted to China Film Group when she was in her third year of high school, and as soon as school started, she took on the female third role in a play. Of course, this is a play invested by Young Master Gong, so she can be regarded as bringing money into the group.

And because of this drama, she officially entered the entertainment circle and became famous in one fell swoop. It took three years to become a first-line actress, and she was unparalleled for a while.

Ning's mother went into Yan Qingqing's room after dinner and put on new sheets and quilts, but she was very worried that her daughter would be dissatisfied, so she thought about going shopping tomorrow and changing her daughter's room again.

In the living room, Ning Yue planned to help wash the dishes after dinner, but Ning's father refused to let her rest. Ning Yue didn't insist, but sat on the sofa and watched TV.

The sports lottery is coming up.

Why does Father Ning’s daughter want to watch the sports lottery lottery, but he thought of one thing, her family life in Yan’s family for the past seventeen years must not be short of money, and now that she has returned to Ning’s house, she can’t be short of money to spend .

It's not one temptation, it's two temptations.

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