Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 583: Confined Space Syndrome

Xiao Jiuyuan said decisively.

"No, just thinking about the situation at the time, I still feel distressed, but I feel distressed for you. It turns out that something like that happened to you back then."

If there were no such mistakes back then, he would definitely take care of her.

She would not have lived so hard for so many years, and he would not become a cold-blooded person.

But it didn't matter anymore, because his knot was finally untied.

"I can rest assured that."

Yun Qianyu chuckled and got up, then turned to leave.

Behind Xiao Jiuyuan stopped her, "Yun Qianyu, can we live together peacefully now? Everything in the past will let him disappear."

Xiao Jiuyuan's handsome face was filled with a hint of clarity. Because of this hint of clarity, his outstanding face was as gorgeous as a warm jade. At this moment, he seemed to have become the boy with beautiful eyes like jade many years ago.

Yun Qianyu looked at Xiao Jiuyuan and slowly said, "If you learn to respect me, then we will live together peacefully in the future."

"This king will learn."

After Xiao Jiuyuan finished speaking, Yun Qianyu walked out, and Xiao Jiuyuan suddenly thought of something to stop Yun Qianyu behind him.

"Yun Qianyu, can I ask you to do me a favor?"


Yun Qianyu turned his head and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan, and found that Xiao Jiuyuan's face was darkened with a dark tide, and his pupils were dim. He walked towards Yun Qianyu and looked at Yun Qianyu condescendingly.

"Yun Qianyu, I was in the crevices of the cliff that day, and I kept falling, and then I was caught in the crevices of the valley. Because I stayed in the crevices of the valley, I felt it was difficult to breathe, I couldn't breathe, and even became very serious later. Trembling, and then passed out."

"Although I was rescued later, but I fell into a strange disease. I can't stay in a small and sealed space. If I stay in a small space, I will find it difficult to breathe, tremble, and become unconscious. Can you help me cure this disease?"

Xiao Jiuyuan's eyes looked at Yun Qianyu deeply, and there was a wave of light flowing under his pupils.

He wanted to work hard again and let Yun Qianyu accept him.

This is an opportunity.

Yun Qianyu raised his eyebrows, his face was unbelievable, closed-space syndrome?

How could someone like Xiao Jiuyuan have this disease?

Yun Qianyu was a little unbelievable. Generally, people with enclosed space syndrome are a bit inferior and cowardly, but she didn't see it in Xiao Jiuyuan, and she didn't hear any wind.

Xiao Jiuyuan naturally saw the suspicious cloud on Yun Qianyu's face, and he said in a low voice.

"In addition to me and Bai Yao, my mother and queen knew about this matter. No one else knew about it. There is still you."

What he said made Yun Qianyu stunned.

Xiao Jiuyuan's words meant to completely believe in her, so did he tell her such important things?

Yun Qianyu squinted at Xiao Jiuyuan. She saw seriousness in Xiao Jiuyuan's eyes. He didn't lie to her.

Moreover, Xiao Jiuyuan was disdainful of deceiving people, which Yun Qianyu was certain.

I didn't expect Xiao Jiuyuan to suffer from closed space syndrome. In the final analysis, this disease is a mental illness.

It was because of a psychological illness that occurred when he was desperate between the cliffs and valleys.

Yun Qianyu looked up at Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan suffered from such a disease, if it were let his opponent know about it, it would be fatal to him.

That's why he kept it hidden all the time.

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