Chapter 159 Simplified knot printing technique (2/4, please subscribe!)

Uchiha Akizuki has been floating above this boundless sea area for nearly three months.

Fortunately, the dry food was prepared before, otherwise Uchiha Akizuki’s trip will be doomed to return without success.

The terrain of the Water Country is simply fascinating.

There are hidden reefs everywhere, and there are countless large and small islands.

Uchiha Akizuki followed the direction of the map in his memory and set off all the way to the east of the Water Country.

It’s really far overseas

Uchiha Akizuki wondered if he was about to drift out of Naruto World.

Even with the map guidance, Uchiha Akizuki was lost for a long time.

He simply wondered what kind of mood Aburame Shosei had in the first place to complete his brain cramping task.

Of course, it was also because he was not in a hurry. After all, he had just had a battle, and Uchiha Akizuki needed to recuperate his body and mind.

Uchiha Akizuki remembered that when he first arrived at sea, he had also attracted a few sharks because of the strong bloody breath.

I don’t know how long it took before the strong bloody breath on his body gradually faded.

Thinking back to the battle three months ago, Uchiha Akizuki couldn’t help but sigh.

I am really a promising young man who loves the environment and protects nature.

After the murder, he took the initiative to cremate them.

If Uchiha Akizuki doesn’t cremate them, so many corpses are piled up, and they won’t fit.

This kind of spooky weather, when the time comes to rot and upgrade or something, it is inevitable that there will be a plague to spread.

And those Rock Shinobi, although they were not born on the same day and the same month in the same year, at least they were able to die on the same day and the same year, which is a wonderful thing.

With a little effort, it can be regarded as a little bit of kindness among the countless sins that Uchiha Akizuki has on his back.

That’s right, the black layer with bluish gray powder is the ashes

Ten thousand Ninja army, the whole army was wiped out.

After that battle, the system prompted Uchiha Akizuki to violently violently attack thousands of people, and then exploded a lot of things.

It’s not the first time I have seen any life strength, Chakra measurement, and facial perception.

Poisons, military ration pills, etc. Uchiha Akizuki is also very surplus now.

In addition, Uchiha Akizuki took a look and saw that the system burst out a bunch of weird and unheard things.

[Information Ninja Card] *10, Function: Know your opponent’s strength tricks. Each person is limited to one card and cannot be reused.

[Shadow Mask], function: the person wearing the mask can only be removed by the operator, and has the ability to restrict the behavior of the masked person.

[Mirror of the Moonlight], function: Ōtsutsuki Kaguya’s makeup mirror, which can be used as a collection of souvenirs.

【Seal Ball】*20, Function: To seal the ninjutsu of A-level and below, the ninjutsu inside can be released at the moment when the sealed ball is used.

Looking at Uchiha Akizuki, it’s so hot!

What the hell is the collection commemoration!

It’s just unscrupulous merchants, OK!

All useless things are exploded, it is simply that there is no professional ethics at all!

Who would want to collect a strange woman’s mirror as a souvenir!

Is it neurotic!

After Uchiha Akizuki spit in his heart for a while, he thought about it and put all the miscellaneous things into the system space. After all, the space inside is still big enough.

In addition to that bunch of weird things, Uchiha Akizuki finally has one thing to look at.

[Simplified knot printing technique]!

Function: It contains all the knot printing of ninjutsu and the principle structure of triggering ninjutsu. Through this set of rules, the simplest knot printing technique can be deduced.

Uchiha Akizuki’s eyes lit up!

This is not a simplification rule of ninjutsu, but a set of simplification rules in the operation principle of ninjutsu!

It is similar to Uchiha Akizuki’s ninjutsu stacking principle!

What makes Uchiha Akizuki feel happy is that this will be a new breakthrough in his battle!

After all, in the previous battle, he was more willing to use these tricks of blood succession limit, rather than the five elements escape technique.

Because Uchiha Akizuki does not need to print when using his Dead Bone Pulse and Magnet Style.

Compared with Namikaze Minato developed Rasengan this kind of ninjutsu, it cooperates with Flying Thunder God to launch an instant attack.

As long as Uchiha Akizuki uses Flying Thunder God with his Dead Bone Pulse, it is enough to achieve the same effect.

So Uchiha Akizuki has not learned how to use Rasengan until now.

Five-element escape technique has very long knot-yin technique in order to unleash powerful tricks.

This was too much time on the ever-changing battlefield.

Uchiha Akizuki has also done Jieyin speed training before, but there are 22 Jieyin styles in B-level ninjutsu such as Water Style-Water Dragon Bomb.

At the speed that Uchiha Akizuki reached the limit, it would take three or four seconds to complete.

Three or four seconds is enough time for one person to die three or four times on the battlefield.

If you can really simplify the five-element escape technique’s seal rule, it can be instantaneous

When Uchiha Akizuki thought of this, his heart couldn’t help feeling surging!

In his eyes, there was an irresistible flash of fanaticism!

Even the most basic five-element escape technique, it is possible to explode with power that is not weaker than the limit of blood inheritance!

So after Uchiha Akizuki saw this seal rule, he immediately became addicted to it.

In accordance with the above simplification rules, he constantly makes deductions for each of his own Kieyin ninjutsu.

In the simplified knot printing technique, it is not only the number of knot printing that is simplified, but there are even one-hand knot printing simplification and finger knot printing (good king) simplification!

Different ninjutsu simplifications ultimately reach different levels.

It took Uchiha Akizuki three months to finally try all his ninjutsu.

The most simplified one is Fire Style-Impatiens Claw Red Technique!

As long as Uchiha Akizuki gently hooks the little finger of his left hand, it can be released instantly!

This is a B-level ninjutsu!

After finally finishing all the work, Uchiha Akizuki let out a long breath.

Such results are really satisfying for him.

After a flat boat drifted in the vast sea for three days and three nights, Uchiha Akizuki finally saw an island through the mist.

His heart beat wildly, this time, he should have found no mistake!

Because on the edge of the pier, there stands a huge crystal mirror.

In the sun, it is refracted to the sparkling sea.

The country of mirrors!.

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