Fight the Giants

Chapter 867: eat at both ends

  Mu Yan's words stunned everyone in the conference hall and couldn't believe it.

   Donate 10% of the profits every year for the people of Yunnan? Is this really not a casual talk?

  According to the current degree of prosperity of the North-South Merchant Co., Ltd., it is underestimated to say that it is making money every day.

  According to the report from the city gate officials, the goods transported from all over the country by the North-South Cargo Company will enter the city through the six city gates almost every day. Based on this continuous purchase volume, how many goods can be sold in a day? How many can be sold in January!

  How much profit is there!

   Of all the people here, who hasn't been to Nanbei Goods Store? Now not only the common people like to go there, but even the vendors who also sell goods go there to pick up goods. It is said that before the shop closes every day, the guards of the North and South Merchant Co., Ltd. will drive several carriages to the bank to deposit silver.

  How much is the annual 10% profit! Is this really worth it?

   "Your Majesty, Nanbei Merchant really promises to donate 10% of its profits every year for the people of Yunnan?"

  Mu Yan nodded, "I said there was no need to do this, but my wife insisted on doing so. She said that it should be taken from the people and used for the people. I can't stop it."

  The proud expression of being proud of his wife made Mu Zhan furious.

  I wanted to beat Mu Yan to death to compete with the people for profit, so that he would lose the support of the bureaucrats and staff, and if he incited again, the businessmen outside would attack him, and Mu Yan would completely lose the support of the people.

  In the future, even if he wants to take power, he will be constrained everywhere. Unexpectedly, he turned around and reversed the situation.

Sure enough, the officials and aides praised Mu Yan and his wife one after another, "My son and wife are righteous. 'Take it from the people and use it for the people' is a good saying! If I am an official and a businessman in Yunnan, I always think about the people. Are you worried that this place is not rich and stable?"

  The subordinate officials who had opened their mouths to question Mu Yan's filial piety and unrighteousness stopped talking. He lowered his head and pursed his lips.

Mu Yan squinted at Mu Xi, "The commercial tax is not less, and it is only a lot more than before, which has calmed the hearts of the people. Do you think the emperor will reprimand you?" The emperor personally gave my wife "Yi Shang". There is this plaque hanging high on the gate, the third brother didn't see it?"

  Uh...Mu Xi glared at him angrily. He is not blind!

   "Then you write it down, in black and white, so you can have a proof!"

   “Why should I write it down?”

   "I'm afraid you will go back on your word!"

   "If you repent, you can repent, so what. If the business is good, it doesn't matter if you donate more. If the business is not good, why should my wife give it back?" It doesn't make sense. Besides, he regretted it, so who can do anything to him?

   "You! Everyone, look, he was just talking, and he didn't want to donate it!"

  Mu Zhan looked at him like a fool. With so many people watching in the chamber, can Mu Yan go back on his word?

  Mu Yan ignored the pair of brothers, and just glanced at the hall lightly: "Is there anything else to discuss?"

   If you have important matters to discuss quickly, if you have nothing to discuss, don't waste his time with some insignificant matters. I'm afraid it's too free to use the woman's management to make things difficult for others. Gotta find something for them to do.

  Just now when he spoke, the subordinate official was caught by Mu Yan's eyes, and he lowered his head again.

  Gong Qian took a look at Mu Yan, and seeing that no one in the hall spoke again, he said, "Then let's leave today."

  Mu Yan got up when he heard the words. Duke Qian had just spoken to Mu Ang and wanted to stop Mu Yan, but he had already disappeared.

  Hearing that the great-grandson in the conference hall failed to hold down Mu Yan today, Jun Xiangjie felt furious, and gave Aunt Jun a look of resentment.

  Although Aunt Jun knew that Mu Yan and Huo Xi were difficult to deal with, she never thought that this couple would be willing to give up 10% of the profits every year!

  As soon as the promise was made, not to mention that Duke Qian and other officials could not ask the couple to stop, even the people in the city refused to agree.

   This 10% profit can be roughly calculated to be several hundred thousand taels or more a year. And the total population of Yunnan is only over a million, of which hundreds of thousands are occupied by the garrison and military dependents. If the money is distributed to the common people, everyone can get one or two taels, right?

  With the support of the common people, how can the North and South Merchandise Store close down?

  Aunt Jun thought a lot for a while, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

  But the king's commandment is like a trapped animal.

  The business at home has not slowed down before. Now that the North and South Merchandise Store has opened, many businesses have had no customers for more than a month, and many of the staff and managers have been dismissed. If this goes on like this, once the shopkeeper and accountant are dismissed, the shop will really close down.

   Not dismissing so many people in vain, they can only go out but not in, and their flesh is throbbing with pain.

   What's even more hateful is that everyone has lost their business. When discussing countermeasures in the chamber of commerce, various merchants voiced their crusade, but when they were asked to come to question, they all shrank back.

   A bunch of cowards!

  Jun's has previously closed many shops in various states and counties. If the goods store closes again this time, there will not be much business left.

"If she is in the first grade of junior high school, don't blame us for doing the fifteenth! If she can open one north-south goods store, we can open two stores, four stores and eight stores. Can she still have a business!"

  Aunt Jun looked at the old father, wondering if he was mad. Or is it too old to turn your head around?

  Jun's business is very big in Yunnan, but it has no foundation in other places. It has no advantages in purchasing and distribution compared with Zhang, and she still has sufficient manpower.

  If Jun's fights hard with her, he also imitates her north-south goods store. The more they open, the bigger the stalls will be, and the more they will lose. At that time, if other businesses are dragged into the water, there is really no chance of turning over.

   "I don't believe I can't beat her!" Jun Xiangjie refused to admit defeat.

  Aunt Jun reached out and pressed her forehead, a little weak: "Father, we can't sell her in terms of price."

  Centralized purchases with the surname Zhang, the purchase of goods from the supplier is settled in cash, and the purchasers of bulk transactions are given monthly and quarterly settlements. In this way, she won her heart.

  Both the suppliers and distributors are firmly tied to her North-South Cargo Store.

  Small vendors who resell, get the goods from the North-South Merchandise Store, and don’t need to settle the cash in cash. They only settle the previous payment after the sale of the goods and get the payment. In this way, small traders with insufficient capital are given enough time to breathe, and the large transactions of the North and South Merchant Co., Ltd. are doing extremely well.

  Other businesses want to imitate her business model, but I'm afraid it won't work.

   Without her status, she couldn't suppress the small traders who owed money on credit. As long as there are small traders who dare to cheat her for the money, she has enough manpower to go all over the world to recover the money.

  The second is that she has the "benevolent merchant" calligraphy given by the emperor as an endorsement, so that the merchants who supply and produce can choose to sell their goods to her first among all the shops.

  If other companies want to imitate her business model and open the same goods store, I'm afraid they can't do it like her.

   Even if the Jun family gathers the strength of the whole family, they can't beat her.

  Now when Jun's purchases, it does not pay the suppliers in cash, but owes a payment period, and pays the merchants in cash. It's the other way around with the one surnamed Zhang.

  So the Jun family has no advantage.

  The one surnamed Zhang has an advantage in getting the goods, and is friendly to the small traders who distribute them, and is willing to let them pay on credit, and she has a fleet, a caravan, and a bodyguard, and the Jun family can't do her. The more shops you open, the more you will lose money.

   I don’t know where she got so much money. Aunt Jun gritted her teeth with hatred.

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