Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1110 Who can be safe with the Tathagata the Great Sun?

That past incident happened a few years ago.

It is said that there is a sword pool in Zhou Garden, and there are countless famous swords from previous generations in the sword pool.

The legend is true. Chen Changsheng discovered the sword pond in Zhou Garden and brought countless famous swords back to the world.

Famous swords with inheritance like Zhaijian were sent back to their respective sects in the name of leaving the palace, but there were still many swords left.

So on a very ordinary night, the National Education Academy held a spoils-sharing meeting.

Xuanyuan Po got the Mountain and Sea Sword, Zhexiu got the Demon Commander's Flag Sword, Luo Luo got a better gift, and later Su Moyu got a foil sword called Yu Meiren, and even Mo Yu got it from Chen Changsheng. I want a Yue Nv Sword.

Tang Sanliu did not change his sword, because his Wenshui sword was also a famous sword of the generation, and it was also a symbol of the Tang family.

No one knew that he actually asked Chen Changsheng for a sword. It's just that he didn't bring the sword with him. Instead, he inserted it into the hole of an ancient locust tree deep in a remote and secluded forest, and then used fallen leaves and rotten mud to disguise it extremely carefully.

Chen Changsheng didn't understand what this was going to do.

Tang Sanshiliu said it was to raise the sword.

Decades or even centuries later, a short student from a poor family was suddenly bullied by his classmates on an ordinary morning at the corner of the corridor, listening to southeastern slang and couldn't help but burst into tears and rushed into the woods without stopping. When he smashed a tree to exchange physical pain for mental comfort, he suddenly found that a famous sword from the previous generation that had been used by the previous generation of swordsmen suddenly fell out of the hole of the ancient tree. Burn...

The above is Tang Sanliu's description at that time.

He thought that what he did would become a legend in the Anglican Academy decades or even centuries later.

He did not expect that just a few years later, the sword would see the light of day again and return to Chen Changsheng's hands.

He had even forgotten that the sword existed.

But now it seems that it was this sword that saved Chen Changsheng's life at the most dangerous moment.

This will also determine the outcome of the dispute between the old and new state religions and the dispute between the courts, and determine the direction of the mainland in a few years.

In other words, the entirety of history will change.

This is all thanks to him hiding a sword here.

It doesn't matter whether he still remembers it or not, he hid this sword here after all.

What does it mean that every drink and every peck has a certain number?

What is the gray line of grass and snakes, spreading for thousands of miles?

Every move has a profound meaning, so there is no such thing as idle chess!

The more Tang Sanliu thought about it, the more proud and happy he became. His laughter became louder and louder, and his expression became more and more arrogant.

Chen Changsheng wanted to understand the cause and effect of this incident. Apart from being surprised, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

This feeling of destiny having its own arrangement is like picking up the lost time again.

But Wang Zhice and others didn't know that time or the story, so they didn't understand why Tang Sanliu was laughing.

To Shang Xingzhou, Chen Changsheng's smile was much more hateful than that sword.

You want to change everything with just a rusty sword?

He looked at Chen Changsheng with an indifferent expression and said.

His eyes were very light in color, like freshly frozen ice.

In the deepest part of his eyes, there was a spark burning.

He took a deep breath, and a strong wind rose in the woods.

The fire took advantage of the wind and burned extremely quickly, rising from the bottom of the eyes to the surface in an instant.

His pale eyes suddenly turned into the color of magma, looking extremely terrifying and extremely hot.

The strong wind blew up, blowing away all the clouds above the National Education College, and a black spot could be seen faintly disappearing.

The clouds dispersed, revealing the true face of the sun.

A breath fell from the sky, or to be more precise, it fell on Shang Xingzhou along with the sun.

This aura is not pure, but somewhat mixed, but it does not affect its power, it just adds a bit of violence.

With the arrival of this breath, the snow on the forest floor melted instantly.

The temperature in the National Education College seemed to have risen a lot.

Shang Xingzhou was still standing at the same place, but he seemed to be in the sky.

His figure looked extremely tall, giving people the feeling of filling the world.

In the eyes of Xu Yourong and others in the distance, he turned into the most dangerous mountain in the world.

In the eyes of Chen Changsheng who was nearby, it looked more like the white tiger that he had seen in Baidi City covering half of the sky.

What he saw at that time was Bai Emperor's soul, but what he saw now was Shang Xingzhou himself.

The accumulated water suddenly dries up, the water mist clears instantly, and the fallen leaves among the withered yellow frost grass begin to curl up at the edges.

The violent and hot breath came from the sun and from Shang Xingzhou's body, meeting at the gap between inside and outside.

With a bang, Shang Xingzhou's Taoist robe began to burn, and his two sleeves turned into countless butterflies and flew away, revealing his naked arms.

All the Taoist sleeves were burned to ashes, and the gash left by Chen Changsheng's sword naturally disappeared.

Shang Xingzhou held the sword with both hands. The muscles on his arms protruded, like a sail taut by the wind, or like a statue made of iron. It looked unreal, but at the same time it seemed like the most real existence, with the most powerful Fresh life force.

For a short time, he seemed hundreds of years younger.

He walked towards Chen Changsheng, definitely not like an old man.

When the clouds dispersed, the sun shone down, and the National Education Academy became three-thirds brighter, Xu Yourong thought of a possibility.

Her expression changed slightly, but it didn't change because Chen Changsheng had a sword in his hand and because Wang Zhice was there.

Obviously, Wang Zhice already knew the secret, so he was not moved at all.

Perhaps to those old people back then, this was no secret to begin with.

Yu Ren stood by the table holding his crutch, looking through his black hair and through the broken wall to the depths of the woods. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Tang Sanliu stopped laughing a long time ago and was too shocked to speak, thinking how could this be possible?

Burning Sun Technique?

Burning Sun Technique!

Who is using the Burning Sun Technique! Why are you so domineering and authentic! Who is it!

The changes in the atmosphere in the National Education Academy have spread to Baihua Alley, triggering a series of shocked shouts.

The dozen or so princes of the Chen family were even more surprised. It wasn't until they remembered that Chen Changsheng was also named Chen that they became quieter.

They had never regarded Chen Changsheng as a relative, but Chen Changsheng was of royal blood after all. When they thought about it, it was not unimaginable that Chen Changsheng could learn the Burning Sun Technique, because they did not know that when Chen Changsheng was still in his mother's womb, The life wheel has been destroyed.

King Zhongshan knew this secret, so his face was a little gloomy, I don't know why.

King Xiang opened his eyes, and the sparks in the deepest part of his eyes flickered away, did not burn, and quickly died out.

He knew that if it wasn't Chen Changsheng, it could only be Shang Xingzhou.

The problem is, Shang Xingzhou is not from the royal family, how can he practice the Sun Burning Technique?

What is the relationship between Shang Xingzhou and Emperor Taizong?

Suddenly, a sharp look flashed in Xiang Wang's eyes, and he shouted: What do you want to do?

There were countless sounds of metal friction and the sound of the Holy Light Crossbow tightening in front of the gate of the National Education Academy.

The atmosphere instantly became extremely tense.

Because at the moment when the clouds dispersed and the sun set, Wang Po made a move.

——raised eyebrows.

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