Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1129: Destroy Me Yanzhi Mountain

(Sharing three good news. First, old readers should know that I am a Milan fan. Although I have not watched football for several years, I am still very happy to learn the news today. Istanbul and Depor will be mentioned more times in the future. It will be less... Second, this chapter is 5,000 words. Have you been surprised a lot recently? Third, I have saved the manuscript. Although it is pitiful, it still feels very awesome. I don’t know how to be in this state. How long does it last? Try your best, Taeyeon, it’s your birthday, hmm.)

The rocky mountain shook violently, and countless rocks peeled off, hitting the ground, stirring up smoke and dust, and covering the figure of Yanzhi Mountain Man.

I don’t know how long it took, but the smoke and dust gradually subsided, and the rocky mountain was obviously smaller, but it still stood in the grassland under the night, without collapsing.

Mountains are still mountains.

Looking at the scene in front of him, disappointment finally appeared on Xu Yourong's face.

The saint's methods are indeed amazing.

Mountain Man Yanzhi's voice is still low, but if you listen carefully you may be able to hear the trembling and anger hidden in it.

Xiao Zhang stood up with his iron gun supporting his tired body.

The white paper rustled in the night wind, and the black hole was extremely deep.

Come again.

He said in a husky voice, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

Chen Changsheng said nothing.

A few miles away, the wind and rain swords were preparing to return.

Xu Yourong didn't say anything and took out the horoscope from his sleeve.

The starlight falls on the horoscope, emitting different shades of light along with the star path that circulates like running water, which is very beautiful.

She had deduced today's ending many times, but the results were very bad. The delicate little arrow also failed to achieve its goal, which made her a little disappointed. But since the battle is not over yet, it must continue. If the horoscope cannot calculate a good ending, then using it as a weapon to fight will make the ending a little different?

The iron gun blasted towards the rocky mountain with the power of heaven and earth.

The two sword lights met again, cutting open the world with a world-burning gesture.

The wind howls and the smoke rises again.

Across the sky filled with wind and sand, Xu Yourong stared at the black hole on the mountain, twiddling his fingers on the horoscope.

Yanzhishanren was seriously injured, and he felt even more dangerous at this time.

Whether it's Xiao Zhang's gun or Xu Yourong's horoscope.

What alarmed him the most was the world-burning aura emanating from the swords of Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong.

This reminded him of the extremely terrifying man from the human race many years ago.

The vigilance and danger, as well as the unbearable memories, made Yanzhishanren really angry.

The night cloud was torn apart by a roar and flowed towards the surrounding areas.

The mountains are like clusters, the grassland surface is undulating, and the waves are like angry waves.

The people of Yanzhi Mountain have cultivated themselves for thousands of years!

The gunfire was slightly restrained, and the sword light suddenly dimmed.

Xiao Zhang shouted angrily and struggled to hold on.

Chen Changsheng stood up and stretched his left hand towards the mountain in front of him.

At such a moment, Xu Yourong suddenly looked at the horoscope.

The star trails on the horoscope flow at an unimaginable speed, forming countless patterns that are extremely complex and difficult to understand.

She was a little confused.

So what happened?

More precisely, what will happen in the next moment to cause so many changes in this war and even the direction of history as a whole?

The night clouds were torn apart and then flowed away. The sky suddenly became clear and the stars were extremely bright.

Suddenly, a line of fire appeared in the night sky very high up.

In a short time, the line of fire came over the grassland.

That line of fire came from the south. Logically speaking, the Jingbo Mountain people and the Yichun Mountain people should be able to block the line of fire, but I don't know why they didn't take action. Or maybe it was because the line of fire posed no threat to both parties fighting in the field.

At the end of the line of fire, a Fire Yunlin appeared.

Huo Yunlin waved his wings, but there was no one on them.

Everyone knows that the second divine general of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Xue Xingchuan, was riding a Fire Yunlin. Could this one be that one?

More than ten years ago, Xue Xingchuan was poisoned to death by Zhou Tong in the palace. The Fire Yunlin disappeared deep into the palace and never appeared again.

Why is it here tonight? What exactly does this mean?

The grassland was silent.

This period of silence was brief.

To the Yanzhi Shanren who were present at that time, Xiao Zhang, Chen Changsheng, Xu Yourong and the two Shanren from the south, this period of time seemed to be a very long time.

It even seemed like years had passed in this silence.

The world is relative.

Location is relative.

Time is also relative.

The perceived time is longer than the real time, or it may be because the new reference object that comes to this fragment of time is relatively fast.

What came was a sword light.

From heaven.

This sword light is not very stunning, it is very calm and quiet.

Compared with the strong wind and gravel that have not yet dissipated, this sword light can be said to be very delicate.

Compared with the anger of Yanzhishanren, this sword light can be said to be very gentle.

But this sword light is really too fast.

If this sword light cuts flowing water, the flowing water will definitely break.

If this sword light cuts through time like flowing water, time will stop for a moment.

When people saw this sword light, this sword light had already fallen.

Rubbing, there was a soft sound.

The sword light fell on the cliff.

No gravel flew, no smoke rose.

The light of the sword seemed to be lost in the cliff.

Then, the mountain collapsed.

The ground shook.

That's the mountains moving.

Two low whistles came from the southern night.

The howl was filled with grief and anger.

Chen Changsheng felt that this whistling sound was somewhat similar to the language of the dragon tribe.

What follows should be a more difficult battle.

He stood up, ready to fight.

At this moment, a low roar sounded from the collapsed cliff.

That was the voice of Yanzhi Mountain Man.

This time Chen Changsheng heard it more clearly, and found that it was not the standard demon language, nor was it the ancient demon language that the princes and nobles in Xuelao City liked to use.

He looked at Xu Yourong, who shook his head gently.

Although they couldn't understand the specific meaning, they could vaguely understand Yanzhishanren's emotions at this time and the message he wanted to convey.

The people of Yanzhi Mountain are not angry, unwilling or resentful, but very calm.

The two mountains stopped, groaned several times, then headed west, gradually disappearing into the night.

The grasslands in the south have returned to peace, but with a little more sadness of parting.

Blood dripped down the edge of the paper. Xiao Zhang reached out and wiped it, feeling wet and disgusted.

He felt even more bored looking at the person next to him.

Such a great opportunity, why don't you hurry up and chase it! What are you doing here? Who do you expect to build a statue for you?

Being ridiculed like this, the man's expression didn't change much.

He'd heard that a lot over the decades, and he knew how to fight back.

If you are not injured or can still walk two steps, you can give chase.

Xiao Zhang's face looked ugly, but he couldn't fight back because it was the truth.

He was indeed injured, his injury was indeed serious, and he was indeed unable to walk.

The most important fact is that it was that person who saved him, whether he liked it or not.

The smoke gradually fell, and the sound of rolling stones could be heard.

Someone came out of the collapsed rock mountain.

The man was dressed in white, his beard and hair were white, and his body was also white.

This kind of white is not white like snow, nor is it white like paper, but there is a faint flow of light, more like jade.

The man's facial features were delicate and his skin was smooth. There was no wrinkle on his forehead or hands, as if he was not a living creature.

If it weren't for the magic horn on his head, he might have been regarded as a beauty statue carved from white jade by the master craftsman of the Mu Tuo family.

The legendary ancient strong man of the demon clan turned out to be so good-looking.

Chen Changsheng suddenly thought of the scene when he saw the Demon Lord for the first time in the Cold Mountain.

The devil is also a very handsome scholar.

Xiao Zhang snorted, looking a little dissatisfied.

I just don’t know if he is ashamed or disdainful.

The answer is not in the wind, but under the white paper.

This person is from Yanzhi Mountain.

The mountain is his demonic body.

This is his true nature.

If you really catch up, you will end up losing both sides.

Mountain Man Yanzhi looked at the man next to Xiao Zhang and said, Even if you are Wang Po.

The man was wearing a blue gown that had been washed until it turned white, with slumped shoulders and drooped eyebrows, like a shabby accountant.

Of course it’s Wang Po.

Senior's realm is unfathomable. The four of us can barely defeat him by joining forces, so we will never have any more delusions.

This is also true.

Xiao Zhang's arrogant marksmanship, combined with the combined swords of Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong, the sword array and the Tong bow, tried their best, but still could not defeat Yanzhi Shanren, and could only make him seriously injured, and then met Wang The battle was lost only after breaking the long-awaited sword from Tianwai.

Now that Xiao Zhang, Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong have no strength to fight anymore, it will be difficult for Wang Po to defeat the Jingbo Mountain people and the Yichun Mountain people together.

Of course, this inference also holds true in reverse.

Mountain Man Yanzhi said: So I stopped them from taking action and let them leave.

Wang Po said: Senior wants to preserve the survival of the Shanren lineage.

Shanren Yanzhi said: I have tried my best. Even if I see the great teacher after death, he will be embarrassed to say anything to me.

Chen Changsheng read Taoism thoroughly, Xu Yourong studied extensively, Wang Po and Xiao Zhang were knowledgeable, but they only vaguely knew that there was some relationship between Bada Shanren and Tunguska scholars.

Who is the great teacher that Yanzhishanren talks about? Could it be that he is a Tunguska scholar?

In this way, Bada Shanren is actually a student of Tunguska, which is really a secret that no one knows.

But why did he call Tunguska the Great Teacher? Because there is a big character in Tunguska's honorific? Or... Bada Shanren also has a little teacher?

Chen Changsheng and others' expressions changed slightly when they thought of other contents in the rumors.

Among the most secret rumors, it is said that the appearance of Bada Shanren is also related to His Majesty the Pope of that generation.

Could it be said that His Majesty the Pope is also their teacher?

Yes, we have two teachers.

The Yanzhi Mountain people confirmed their suspicions.

All monks know the relationship between His Majesty the Pope and the Tunguska scholar.

From marrow cleansing to star gathering, countless rules and knowledge that the world is now accustomed to come from the correspondence between the two.

If we talk about power and force, His Majesty the Pope and the Tunguska scholar may not be at the top, but when it comes to their impact on history, they are definitely qualified to be in the top three. When it comes to wisdom and knowledge, they are even further ahead. Ahead of anyone else.

The smartest geniuses often have the craziest ideas.

The Tunguska scholar and His Majesty the Pope actually managed to hide it from the whole world and secretly joined forces to do something.

It may be to verify the possibility of immortality, the continuity of the soul, cross-race information exchange, or it may be just out of boredom.

They created Bada Shanren.

Many details in this process have disappeared and cannot be examined. The Badashan people themselves don’t know. There is only one thing that can be confirmed. They are not demons, nor humans, nor mixed blood like Qijian, but a kind of race between the two races, maybe even above the two races. s life.

Any existence needs meaning, or existence will actively search for meaning and then give it to itself.

The Tunguska scholar and His Holiness the Pope passed away successively.

Bada Shanren left the orchard and came to the world.

They started thinking about it.

With their wisdom, they cannot guess the true thoughts of the two teachers, let alone touch the realms of eternal life and soul.

Eventually they came to a conclusion.

The two teachers created themselves to prove that humans and demons can and should live in peace.

They are the symbol of peace.

Yanzhi Shanren said: Our goal is world peace. Before peace is finally realized, we at least hope that neither the gods nor the humans will be too powerful, which will lead to the danger of annihilation on the other side, so when one side is powerful When the time comes, we will help the other side.”

Chen Changsheng said: So in those years you led troops to fight Emperor Taizong, but then you suddenly disappeared.

Mountain Man Yanzhi said: Yes.

Where were you when the demon clan was at its peak? Where were you during the siege of Luoyang?

Xu Yourong said suddenly, his voice was very cold.

Yanzhishanren said: At that time, there were still many strong people in the human race, and there was no danger of annihilation.

Xu Yourong said: As long as the clan is not exterminated and humans are abused like livestock and used as food by the demon clan, do you think it doesn't matter?

Mountain Man Yanzhi was silent for a while and said: As I said before, when we were children, we read many human story books and plays in Xuelao City. The latter was brought to the theater by the big teacher, and the former was sent by the little teacher. Coming here, there are still some differences between them after all.”

They were born and raised in Xuelao City, so naturally they have much deeper feelings for the demons.

Especially as time goes by, their sense of belonging to the human race will inevitably become weaker and weaker, although the human blood flowing in their bodies will not become weaker.

So your existence is meaningless. In the eyes of the demons, you are just a piece of grass swaying in the wind. After all, both the old demon lord and the current demon lord are extremely wary of you. I even think the old demon lord should kill you. There are several members among them, but to the human race, there is no difference between you and the black robes, they are all betrayers.

Xu Yourong's voice was calm, but his words were extremely lethal.

Wang Po and Xiao Zhang looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

It is the truth that hurts most.

It was obvious that Xu Yourong was right about what happened to the Bada Shanren in the Demon Clan.

Mountain Man Yanzhi said angrily: We are swaying, but that doesn't mean we are traitors! Don't compare us with Black Robe!

Xu Yourong changed the topic and pointed to somewhere in the north and said, What is there in the night there?

Yanzhishanren was startled and said, It's already now, why bother mentioning it again.

The corners of Xu Yourong's lips curled up slightly, and he said mockingly: At this time, the demon clan is still fighting among themselves. The immortal clan is really unreasonable.

Yanzhishanren's face looked a little ugly.

It's obvious that this is Black Robe's conspiracy, why do you have to cover it up for him?

Xu Yourong looked at him and asked, Is he the Demon Commander?

Mountain Man Yanzhi hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Xu Yourong nodded and said, I have nothing else to ask.

Only then did Wang Po understand what she was doing, and he was so impressed.

He turned to Yanzhishanren and said, You'd better let them go further.

He was talking about people from Jingbo Mountain and Yichun Mountain.

The war is ruthless and will surely spread across the entire continent, and even Daxi Continent may not be able to avoid it.

Mountain Man Yanzhi said: They will go to the distant abyss.

The story of Bada Shanren has truly come to an end.

The historical mission they assigned themselves has ended.

Yanzhishanren's words were an admission of failure.

It is not a failure tonight, but a failure of the entire demon clan.

He admitted defeat before the war even started.

If you want to conquer a mountain, you must first break the mountain.

This is what Xiao Zhang did.

The real power of a mountain lies in its momentum.

The gap between high and low cliffs and the changes in the undulating curves of mountain ridges are all trends.

The general trend of the world depends on the luck of each race.

Over the past millennium, the fate of the human race has gradually increased.

Emperor Taizong, the late emperor, and the empress Tianhai can all be called the masters of the Ming Dynasty.

The most important thing is that they all died when they deserved it, leaving only those good legacies to the Zhou Dynasty.

For example, the alliance with the demon clan, such as the construction of the seventeen-city connection of Yongxue Pass and Yonglan Pass, such as the merger of the north and the south.

The current emperor is still a wise king.

He does not leave the deep palace, but he is able to govern the world. The weather has been smooth and the seas and rivers have been clear for more than ten consecutive years. Do you really think it is God's mercy?

Compared with the human race, the demon race's luck in the past thousand years has been extremely bad.

The abilities of the previous generation of demon lords were also extremely perfect. They were truly heroes of the generation, and could even be called great.

If he had died earlier.

Unfortunately, this demon king lived too long.

He was older than Emperor Taizong, and he even once called him a brother.

However, Emperor Taizu died, Emperor Taizong died, Emperor Gaozong died, but he was not dead yet, and he still refused to die.

Only flowing water can prevent corruption. The demon king has ruled Xue Lao City for too long, and the entire demon clan has become lifeless.

What's even more frightening is that the old devil's body is still alive, but his spirit has gradually decayed.

Perhaps because he had been facing death for too long, he had no interest in political affairs and spent most of his time and energy on cultivating his demonic body and soul.

He wants to heal his old wounds, he wants to enter the legendary realm of great freedom, he wants... to live forever.

That's why he would venture into Hanshan and try to eat Chen Changsheng. That's why he fell into Shang Xingzhou's trap and had a shocking battle with Bai Di on the snowy field, and was seriously injured. That's why he exposed his loopholes and was overthrown by the black robe and the devil commander, and then was forced into the abyss by his own son.

In the end, he died in the snow ridge, not because of anything else, but because he wanted to live too much.

As I said before, it's a pity, it's really a pity, that he died too late.

If he died early like Emperor Taizong, the upper echelons of the demon clan would be replaced more naturally. Even if they would still become weaker, their revival would come much earlier.

It's all about fate.

This is the fate of the demon king and the fate of the demon clan.

Tonight is the demon clan's last chance. Bada Shanren wanted to change his fate against the will of heaven, but failed.

At this point, the general trend of the world has been decided, and the demon clan is gone.

Woman, woman...

Old man, old man...

The starlight shone on Yanzhishanren's face, which turned pale.

His lips were also white, quivering slightly, like snowdrifts about to collapse.

Destroy my Yanzhi Mountain and make me unhappy.

After saying this, he closed his eyes and died.

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