Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1171 The Origin of the Demons

The Demon Lord was silent for a while and said, Yes, but do you know why we lost?

This is indeed a difficult problem to solve, especially since the demons retreat so quickly.

Chen Changsheng said: I thought about it for a long time, and finally when I saw the tribal warriors outside Xuelao City, I remembered what you mentioned in your letter.

The demon race is in decline and has been surpassed by the human race in all aspects within a thousand years. The main problem is that the fertility rate is too low.

It takes too long for low-level demons to naturally evolve into high-level demons, and the fertility of high-level demons is very low. As time goes by, the number of demons with vast territories becomes smaller and smaller, until they are almost unable to gather together. With a sufficient number of soldiers, those tribal warriors were too low-intelligence to confront the human army head-on.

The Demon Lord pointed at him and said, Yes, you should remember the reason I told you.

Chen Changsheng remembered a piece of history that Demon Lord once told in a letter.

The Demon Lord said that it was the most authentic record about the world that he only knew after he ascended the throne.

The Demon Lord also said that only five people, including him and the Demon Clan's great scholar, knew.

After that letter, Chen Changsheng became the sixth one.

Chen Changsheng didn't understand why he told him, and naturally he couldn't determine whether it was true or false.

According to the Demon Lord, countless years ago, the five continents of this world were not as isolated from each other as they are now and could be connected at will.

The race that rules this world is the Gods, which are now the demons in Middle-earth.

As time goes by, the world structure gradually becomes unstable and undergoes many changes. The Kingdom of God and the Netherworld gradually leave the main continent, and eventually disappear into the endless flow of time, leaving only some extremely dangerous passage entrances. At this time, the Demon Lord The abyss behind him is one of them.

The disappearance of the Kingdom of God and the Abyss brought many terrible changes. The vitality of the Main Continent gradually disappeared and became more and more desolate. The gods and other intelligent life that ruled the world were forced to start migrating, and the Main Continent eventually became a piece of land. The wasteland is called the abandoned land.

The Gods went to the Holy Light Continent to continue their civilization, but found that the spark of civilization in the Kingdom of God was lost on another continent.

Those sparks of civilization are the Sky Book Monument, and that continent is Middle-earth.

The Gods sent an expeditionary force from the Holy Light Continent to the Middle-earth Continent through the Nether Passage, which was still barely passable at that time, hoping to retrieve these civilizational fires. No one thought that in the long period of time, the native races of Middle-earth would awaken through the fire of civilization and start fighting with the expeditionary army of the gods.

Those native races are humans and monsters.

That expeditionary force is naturally the current demon clan.

It turns out that until today, this war has not really ended.

People who heard this story were very moved. The wrinkles on Mr. Tang's face were a little deeper, and General He Ming was thinking about the meaning of war.

The war between us now has nothing to do with the ancient war.

The Demon Lord shook his head and said: At the height of the war between the two sides, the Netherworld continued to move away, and the continents were completely isolated. Whether it was the abyss behind me or the mountain peak in the Cloud Tomb, it was difficult to see it again. Returning to the Holy Light Continent, the commander of the expeditionary force made a very difficult decision.

That commander is my ancestor, the first-generation Demon Lord. The Demon Lord made a supplementary explanation, and then continued: He ended the war, temporarily reached a reconciliation with the human race and the demon race, and burned Everything related to the Holy Light Continent. Then start building your own city, which is your home, on this continent.

Xu Yourong was holding the little Taoist priest in his arms. He had been silent since the Demon Lord appeared. Then he suddenly said: Wise and timely decision.

The Demon Lord looked at her and smiled slightly, and said: Yes, our clan has lived in Middle-earth like this. Subsequent generations of Demon Lords and those great scholars continued the practices of their ancestors, using strict laws, and finally We successfully erased all memories related to the Holy Light Continent and turned this place into our hometown.

Mr. Tang said with emotion: Time has great power.

The Demon Lord said: Unfortunately, a serious problem occurred in the end. Those Demon Lords and scholars discovered that in an environment lacking Holy Light, our family's fertility declined very seriously. And by the time of the Tunguska Scholars, He has determined that this is irreversible deterioration.

The topic returned to the original focus of the discussion, why the demons lost this war.

The Demon Lord once vaguely mentioned this matter in a letter. Chen Changsheng didn't understand why he mentioned it, let alone the other aspect.

Divine General He Ming, Xiao Zhang and others also didn't understand.

Decreased fertility or even degradation will inevitably bring the threat of annihilation. When encountering such a thing, what the demons have to do is of course to find a way to reopen the passage and return to the Holy Light Continent. Why did the demon kings and Tunguska scholars in the past generations not Never thought about this?

Chen Changsheng asked: What is it about the Holy Light Continent that makes you so afraid? Would you rather watch the demon clan decline than go back?


The Demon Lord stared into Chen Changsheng's eyes and said, If the passage between here and the Holy Light Continent is reopened, we will all become servants of the gods.

At the beginning, people were surprised to find that Chen Changsheng and Demon Lord seemed to be very familiar, and Old Man Tang's eyes became a little dark.

No one believed that Chen Changsheng would collude with the demons, but they still found it strange, or weird.

But soon people were attracted by the conversation between Chen Changsheng and Demon Lord.

Shocking ancient legends, the historical truth hidden behind the shady curtain, it turns out that the demons are actually an expeditionary force from the Holy Light Continent!

But what are gods? Only those ignorant women and children believe in the existence of a unique and certain objective will?

There are no gods in Middle-earth, and the state religion believes in the Dao rather than the real objective existence.

The gods people talk about are just fictional images in legends and stories, or they are pure spiritual projections.

The Kingdom of God is above the sea of ​​stars and is the destination of everyone’s souls. It is just a symbol.

And do gods really exist in the Holy Light Continent?

After listening to the Demon Lord's words, people were silent for a long time, even Xiao Zhang didn't speak.

Isn't there no Kingdom of God?

No one expected that it would be the little Taoist priest who broke the silence.

He lay in Xu Yourong's arms, holding her neck, and looked at the Demon Lord curiously with his bright eyes open.

I don't know when he got rid of the fear and sadness and listened to this story completely.

The Demon Lord did not answer this question because he did not have an answer either.

The description of the gods and the indescribable are all words that can only be seen after he ascends the throne.

It can be seen from his silence what impact those words had on his spiritual world.

Xiao Zhang finally couldn't help it anymore and asked: Are gods so powerful?

The two battle angels who descended on Baidi City ten years ago were just servants of the gods.

The Demon Lord was silent for a while and said: We were once too.

We in this sentence refer to the royal family in Xuelao City.

Xiao Zhang was stunned and said, It's quite miserable.

The humans and demons who obtained the Tomb of the Book of Heaven and the fire were called fire thieves by the Holy Light Continent.

The first generation of demon kings were called fallen angels.

When he was in the Holy Light Continent, he was originally an angel and the leader of the angel army.

The so-called fall is because he was tempted by the devil and refused to return to the embrace of God.

The name of that devil is freedom.

No one wants to be a servant, not even a servant of a god.

That's why the first generation of Demon Lords resolutely stayed here.

Therefore, no one from the past demon kings or Tunguska scholars was willing to return to the Holy Light Continent.

I can understand that feeling.

Chen Changsheng said: After getting rid of the shadow of death, I feel that the whole world seems lighter.

The Demon Lord said: Compared to death, that is a more essential freedom.

Chen Changsheng said: Rather than the answer, why it is more important to ask this question.

This past incident was inspired by the question of the Demon King.

——Why did the demons lose to the humans?

What is the motive of the demon king in raising this question?

I haven't finished talking yet. There is another important reason for our clan's failure...that is, the military advisor wanted us to fail.

The Demon Lord's face became a little pale, but his lips became brighter red, as if he had just applied rouge.

He personally arranged all the arrangements for this war, and then he wanted us to fail. How could we not be defeated?

Several exclamations sounded in the Demon Palace.

The black robe is the demon clan's strategist and holds great power. The most important thing is that the demon clan's strategy and even specific tactics are all arranged by him.

If what the Demon Lord said is true, and Black Robe wants the Demon Clan to fail, the Demon Clan really has no reason to be invincible.

The question is why did the black robe do this?

No one believes the story of repentance and lamentation. There must be some hidden reason for this.

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