Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1174 I have been waiting for you for a long time

The two sword lights collided fiercely with an infinitely terrifying aura, and then never went out again. They became the sharpest lights in the world, drawing countless straight lines on the night curtain. From a distance Countless clouds have been driven in, and countless stars have been covered.

The wind howled, the grass branches broke, and the black obelisk shattered into pieces, turning into terrifying existences like arrows. Screams were everywhere in the cemetery, and both the noblewoman crying for her son and the numb nobleman woke up. , fleeing in all directions, but I don’t know how many people will be able to leave alive in the end.

I don't know how long it took, but the wind finally stopped. Countless dirt and gravel fell like rain, and the two terrifying sword lights never lit up again.

When the clouds in the night sky dispersed and the starlight illuminated the cemetery, I realized that the grassy slopes within several miles had settled neatly by several feet!

In the distance, the moon gradually rises above the horizon.

The Demon Commander stood at the highest point of the grassy slope. He was still so short, but against the backdrop of the full moon, he looked so tall.

The rusty helmet was torn in the battle and was thrown carelessly on the ground.

She had a braid that reached the sky and looked a little funny, like a girl, but her expression was so fierce.

Around the braid, some messy hair trembled in the night wind, looking like dead branches after the jackdaws flew away.

If you look carefully, you should be able to see the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and those white hairs.

Wang Po stood below. There was a very fine wound on the left side of his neck, and blood seeped out from it.

If the Demon Commander's knife had penetrated even an inch further, his head would have been chopped off like a ripe fruit.

Looking at the short figure on the top of the grassy slope, Wang Po was speechless.

Who would have thought that such a powerful and terrifying Demon Commander would actually be a woman.

The Demon Commander turned around and said to Wang Po: You may be stronger than me in the future, but you are not as good as me now.

When she said this, her expression was indifferent and cold, without any emotion, because it was just a statement.

Wang Po said: Yes, there is still a gap between you and me.

He did not hide his respect for the demon clan's number one master.

In front of Nuorilang Peak and Xue Laocheng, the two sword fights between Wang Po and Mo Shuai can be said to be the two most important time points in this war.

In these two encounters, the Demon Commander always kept him on edge.

Although it is a very thin line, it is as insurmountable as a natural chasm.

In the last encounter tonight, Wang Po won because her injuries were far more serious than his.

A few days ago, Xiao Zhang used Shuangyu's magic gun to leave a bloody hole in her chest, and it didn't get any better until tonight.

Wang Po said to the Demon Commander: Senior, please tell me where the black robe is.

The Demon Commander sneered and said, Why should I tell you?

Wang Po said: This altar is obviously a scam. Black Robe brought the demons to this end. Don't you hate him?

The Demon Commander laughed like crazy and said: Hahahaha! You male animals always look down on us women. How could you know how powerful the military counselor is? She killed all the elder brothers I didn't dare to offend, and she toyed with the entire continent. How could I hate her for a hundred years? I would only admire her.

Wang Po didn't know what to say.

The Demon Commander turned around and looked at the moon in the distance.

Just when Wang Po thought she might recite a poem, he suddenly heard her say a curse word.

a bunch of idiots.

The Demon Commander looked disgusted and said: If you have to follow the human race and use starlight to replace the holy light, there is no way to use the moonlight! The Southern Cross Star Sword, the name sounds stupid, huh!

A proud voice.

The short figure dispersed just before the full moon.

Golden blood fell from the sky, covering the entire grassy slope like petals.

Xue Lao City was looming in the magic flames, and the location of the cemetery was very clear because it was very dark there.

Suddenly, two extremely thin lights appeared in the dark area, and then gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked at somewhere in Xue Lao City and saw the golden light that illuminated the real night.

When a strong man like the Demon Commander dies, the world will naturally react. Everyone in the Demon Palace felt it and couldn't help but remain silent.

She is my aunt. She is an amazing woman...well, she is just not tall.

The Demon Lord looked at Nan Ke and said regretfully: Teacher and I originally hoped that you would become the second her in the future, but you are too honest and will be deceived into the abyss by your father.

After Nan Ke followed Chen Changsheng and others to the Demon Palace, he remained silent and looked very helpless, like an injured little beast that couldn't find a home.

The Demon Lord quickly got rid of his sad mood, looked at Chen Changsheng and said calmly: The altar has been destroyed, the agreement has been made, can I leave?

Everyone present knows that the word go in this sentence does not really mean go, but has another meaning.

Chen Changsheng did not answer, looked at Demon Lord and said seriously: I don't know whether I should admire you or sympathize with you.

This sentence is not about leaving or surrender, but about the Demon Lord's mental journey these days.

When the human race is approaching the city, what should the demon race do? Accept it silently or make a crazy last ditch effort against their ancestral precepts?

I believe that Demon Lord must be in great pain these past few days.

He's not in pain.

A voice suddenly rang in the Demon Palace, but it was unclear where it came from.

Many years ago, the old city of Xue was surrounded by soldiers surnamed Jie. I suggested building an altar and using Star Kill to reopen the space passage, but Xingshandong disagreed. Your Majesty is just like his father, so he is not in pain. , and even he will get some kind of pleasure from martyrdom.

The voice disappeared for a while and then reappeared.

I didn't perceive that god, so I don't understand where their fear and paranoid pursuit of so-called freedom come from.

The sound is very beautiful, like spring water falling into a quiet pool, or like strings being plucked by fingertips, and those hands must also be beautiful.

The black magic flame circulated again, like a dead tree growing in a swamp, gradually revealing a corner of his clothes.

The clothes are also black.

The legendary demonic flame that can burn everything in the world failed to ignite that piece of clothing.

It was a black robe.

It turned out that he was hiding in the abyss behind the magic flame. No wonder the human army could not find any trace of him in Xuelao City.

Zhizhi suddenly said: They all said that your voice is unpleasant. It seems to be a misinformation.

Caring about this issue at this time can only show that her way of thinking about the problem is indeed somewhat different.

Mr. Tang said: This is her original voice.

Looking at the black robe, even his eyes changed a little, and the well water rippled.

The black robe ignored them, looked at the Demon Lord and said: Although Nanke is my student, you have always treated me as a teacher, and I do have a rare pity for you. It is a pity that after the destruction of the clan and the ancestors, I struggled with training for many days, but in the end you were still unwilling to listen to my opinion.

The Demon Lord was silent for a while and said, That's because I love you and I don't want you to become uglier.

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned. They didn't know whether the word he said was about respect and love for the teacher, or...

The Demon Lord looked at Xu Yourong, smiled and said, I love you too.

Speaking of the most famous and sensational affair between a man and a woman in mainland China in recent years. The only thing that can be compared with the marriage letter that Chen Changsheng took out at the Ivy Banquet more than ten years ago is probably the only declaration that the Demon Lord made to the entire continent when he was still a teenager - I really want Xu Yourong.

Xu Yourong was very quiet in the Demon Palace tonight, and the Demon Lord did not say a word to her. Many people thought that the rumors were just rumors and that they were not true. The southern invasion of the demon army in the first year of the New Kingdom was just to cover up the weakness of the demon clan. It was not really because the demon king wanted to marry Xu Yourong.

Then, they heard these words.

Chen Changsheng did not interrupt Demon Lord, nor was he even angry.

In his opinion, this is a matter of course.

How could someone as great as the Demon King not like Yourong?

But I love the military advisor more because the military advisor is a weirdo.

The Demon Lord looked at Xu Yourong, apologized, and explained seriously: I am also a weirdo. I feel powerful when I stay with weirdos.

Thank you, I thought you would never say it.

The voice in the black robe was still so beautiful. It was not deliberately graceful, but it was charming in its own way.

The Demon Lord said: It's all over, and I always have to leave what I want to say.

It's not over yet.

The black robe looked at him with pity and said, Xing Shan Dong doesn't even know what I really think, so how can you possibly know?

The Demon Lord smiled bitterly and said, I have already killed the starry sky to them.

That thing is in my hand.

Mr. Tang said to Heipao: Even if you wanted stars back then, people in Luoyang would be willing to pick them for you. Unfortunately, it's not that time anymore.

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, no matter what, he will not kill Xingkong.

The black robe looked at him and said with a smile: At that time, there were no small characters like you and Shang in my eyes.

Mr. Tang said with emotion: Yes, you were surrounded by the most brilliant person in the world at that time.

The black robe corrected him in a serious tone: Not only at that time, but until now, he is the most brilliant one.

Mr. Tang said: But even if he comes back to life, he can't take that thing away from me.

I don’t know where Xingkong Sha was hidden by him. Maybe he has a special space magic weapon on him.

The sarcasm on the lips of the black robe became even stronger: Who said I want to kill in the stars?

The Demon Lord said: You once told me that position is relative, and our continent is always moving in the sea of ​​stars.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Changsheng naturally thought of Wang Zhice's notes and the scenes he had calculated in the Tomb of Heaven's Book.

The Demon Lord continued: Even if you use the altar to send the message, Holy Light Continent cannot determine our location, how can we open the channel?

The meaning of this sentence may seem complicated, but it is actually very simple and clear.

You are standing on the grassland and hear someone calling you. You can only roughly judge which direction it is coming from, but you cannot determine the specific location of the other person.

Unless you keep in touch with the other party, gradually narrow the scope of error through constant exchange of information until you find the other party.

Without Star Kill, how could Black Robe establish a stable connection between the two continents and maintain it for a period of time?

The black robe said: I said, I don't need to kill in the stars.

The Demon Lord said: This is impossible. All the classics clearly record it. This is the only way to open the space channel.

Black Robe said: I know there is a way for Holy Light Continent to determine our location.

The Demon Lord was slightly surprised and asked: What method?

The black robe looked at Chen Changsheng and said, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

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