Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 165 A new rain washes away the old dust

The clear water slowly poured out from the gourd and fell into the gray pottery basin. The green leaves were beaten by the water and kept bouncing.

After pouring the water, the Pope threw the wooden ladle back into the pool and walked out of the temple with his hands behind his back, as if he had done something very ordinary.

The soil in the pottery pot became moist, and the slightly wilted green leaves returned to their original state, their edges no longer curled, their veins became clearer, and a drop of water rolled gently on the surface of the water like a dewdrop.

Many days ago, the Pope and the Bishop had a conversation here. At that time, the Bishop said that maturity requires rain and sometimes more pressure. Now, that green leaf has endured too much pressure, or it is... It’s the time when rainwater is needed.

Xichen Building is in Qingye World.

Chen Changsheng's body was extremely hot, his face was red, and the blood on his clothes had long been evaporated.

His aura is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the dryness in the building is getting stronger and stronger.

Mo Yu stood by the window, looking at the young man who was suffering from pain and pride. His expression was still indifferent, but his hands in his sleeves were already clasped together.

Can you ask him to stop? King Chen Liu glanced at her imperceptibly, and then asked.

Mo Yu remained silent. Chen Changsheng was at the critical moment of his first exposure. Not to mention that he had his eyes closed and was unaware of what was going on outside. Even if he could communicate with the outside world, he could not stop the burning starlight in his body. If he could do it, why would he enter now? Such a dangerous situation?

The only thing that can interrupt this process and save him from the brink of death is an outside force, and it must be a very powerful, even legendary force.

In Kyoto, there are only two people with this power, the Pope and the Holy Queen.

The problem is that Chen Changsheng and the National Religion Academy are the symbols launched by the old national religious elders and those old-school forces loyal to the Chen family to challenge the existing order. How could the Holy Queen and the Pope take action?

The temperature in the washing building is getting higher and higher, and the sound of cicadas outside the building is getting louder and louder. This is the reaction of Qingye World.

Chen Changsheng still underestimated the danger of Burning Starlight after all, because his physical condition was unique. Since the advent of the Book of Heaven, his situation has never appeared in this continent, and there is no similar record even in the Three Thousand Daozang. , he really might die, or be burned into a fool.

Who can change this? Who can extinguish the invisible fire in his body and lower the temperature of Qingye's world?

At this moment, a drop of rain suddenly fell in the blue sky.

Then, there are thousands of raindrops, ten thousand drops of rain, and a heavy rain.

Wow wow wow!

The majestic heavy rain fell from the sky, falling under the black eaves of Xichen Building, falling on the yellow sand, and also fell on Chen Changsheng.

There was no sound except the rain.

People looked to the sky and looked at the rain column, shocked, speechless and full of awe.

A flash of fear suddenly appeared in Mo Yu's eyes, and he was also a little confused.

There were no clouds, but it rained.

This rain naturally comes from outside the world.

A church bishop looked at the rain falling from the sky, the expression on his face kept changing.

As one of the six giants of the state religion, he naturally knew where the rain came from.

But as a close aide of the Pope, he didn't understand why there was this rain.

Why did the saint help the boy from the National Education Academy?

Rain can wash away the dust of the world and also take away the temperature.

The rain fell on Chen Changsheng's body, and when it came into contact with his hot skin, it instantly evaporated into water vapor. At the same time, his body temperature also dropped sharply.

The temperature in the washing building is also dropping rapidly. It seemed like it was still midsummer before, and the heat was unbearable. After a rain, it was late autumn, and the chill was gradually rising.

Zhuang Changyu suddenly felt a little cold.

Just at the previous moment, he heard a cough coming from the second floor.

He didn't know who was coughing, but he knew that that person was reminding him that he had to take action before the autumn rain ended.

Although it is not clear what is happening to Chen Changsheng, don't give any chance of an accident happening.

But he didn't move.

Because this autumn rain was so majestic, it broke out ravines in the yellow sand, which made him feel awe and did not dare to cross.

But that doesn't matter.

Because he is the pride of Tiandao Academy, he is very proud.

He originally wanted to prove to the entire continent and His Highness Luoluo that Chen Changsheng was inferior to himself, so defeating Chen Changsheng when he was at his strongest was the best thing.

An autumn rain and a cold.

The building gradually became colder.

The heavy rain gradually became lighter and drizzled.

Chen Changsheng opened his eyes.

His eyes are very clear, like raindrops, and he can clearly see the hidden pictures in this world.

The yellow sand floating around him has fallen, and all the overflowing true energy has been collected into the body.

He took the first photo again and successfully crossed the border. He was now at his peak.

He raised his dagger.

A sword intent enveloped the entire Xichen Building like an autumn rain, and instantly arrived in front of Zhuang Changyu.

The first style of Zhongshan's Wind and Rain Sword turns pale yellow!

Zhuang Changyu's face turned pale instantly.

He did not expect that such a short period of time had passed, as if it was just a heavy rain. When Chen Changsheng closed his eyes and opened them again, he would become so strong!

The sword intent like autumn rain was condensed to the extreme, and the true energy contained in it was also extremely powerful.

His mind was slightly frightened, but he did not respond and was at an absolute disadvantage.

The condensed but unreleased sword intent was like the autumn rain that was about to fall. It was less than a foot away from the center of his eyebrows.

Tick ​​tick tick, the rainwater on the black eaves slowly fell and hit the ground.

The yellow sand has been washed away by the rain, revealing the bluestone slabs underneath.

The rain beat against the bluestone, and the monotonous sound made the atmosphere in the venue extremely tense.

Chen Changsheng did not continue to draw his sword.

His sword was the first after breaking through the realm. His mental sword power was at its peak. Zhuang Changyu was temporarily distracted and was very likely to be defeated by one sword.

But he didn't.

He waited for Zhuang Changyu to wake up.

Because when he sat down and closed his eyes, Zhuang Changyu gave him time.

Whether it was because of the gully created by the autumn rain in the yellow sand that made Zhuang Changyu afraid to step forward, or because of pride, in short, he gave Chen Changsheng a chance.

Therefore, Chen Changsheng now wants to return this opportunity to him.

There was silence in the washing building.

A boy's battle is really different.

Someone on the second floor said with emotion.

If you are an adult, you will never give your opponent any chance in an important competition like the Grand Examination.

Only young people would do this.

It may be because they have experienced less things and have not been stained with too much dust, or because the autumn rain has washed away the dust on their bodies. In short, compared with adults, they still believe in fairness. Maybe this It's very innocent and childish, but it also represents a certain kind of vigor and confidence.

You can't beat me now.

Chen Changsheng looked at Zhuang Changyu and said, Admit defeat.

(That’s it for today.)

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