Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 192 The light in history

The eighth portrait in Lingyan Pavilion is of Wang Zhice.

Anyone who knows a little bit about history knows very well that Wang Zhice is a real legend. He was born in poverty and had no cultivation qualifications, but he was able to successfully enter the Tiandao Academy to study. During the reign of Taizu, he served as an ordinary scribe in the court until the Fourth Period. When he was more than ten years old, he suddenly realized the Tao overnight, and the starlight projection fell on the entire Chang'an City, directly opening up the secluded world from the marrow, and then became a strong man of the generation.

What is even more impressive is that Wang Zhice has learned from both the north and the south, and is also good at military planning and formation. He followed His Majesty Taizong on several northern expeditions, and eventually became the deputy commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. He led the army to defeat the main force of the demon clan, and even brought a spirit He rode through the snowfield and reached the foot of Helan Mountain, less than 800 miles away from Xue Lao City!

If we only count military achievements, or only consider the importance to that war, Wang Zhice is the most dazzling star among those bright stars, the only one who can be ranked alongside His Majesty Emperor Taizong. With his illustrious achievements, he is certainly qualified to be ranked eighth in the Lingyan Pavilion's portraits of heroes. Even according to popular opinion, he should be ranked higher, at least in the top three.

He is ranked eighth in Lingyan Pavilion. The reason is very simple. It is because of his military exploits and his status among the people. During the Yuan Incident, he did not express his attitude in time like Zhao Guogong, Chen Gong, Qin Chong, Yu Gong and others, and firmly stood on the side of His Majesty Taizong. Because of this, no matter how many achievements he made, He still could not gain the absolute trust of His Majesty Taizong, and his loyalty was always doubted. For this reason, after the war, he retired and returned to the government, and never participated in political affairs.

Standing in front of the portrait, looking at the middle-aged man with a peaceful expression and a jade ruler in his hand, Chen Changsheng was silent for a long time, and then continued to look at the portrait below.

Next, he saw the portraits of Qin Chong and Yu Gong. These two divine generals who accompanied His Majesty Taizong back then had unparalleled power and now also have unparalleled fame, because now both in the palace and among the people Their portraits will be posted on the doors, which are exactly the same as those in Lingyan Pavilion.

These two god generals are just like the previous sages in Lingyan Pavilion. They are still humans and have become gods.

Chen Changsheng's footsteps moved slowly, his eyes moved slowly, the jade-like torch was tightly held in his hand, the light and darkness on the gray wall changed slightly, and the people in the portrait seemed to have a lot more emotions.

The people in these portraits are just like Wang Zhice, they are all legends of the past, and each has his or her own legend. The atmosphere in Lingyan Pavilion is very solemn and solemn, but the people in the portraits are not like that. They are different, and some people look very different. Some people are frivolous, such as the god general Cheng Mingjie, and some are extremely serious and cold, such as Zheng Guogong.

It didn't take long for Chen Changsheng to finish reading the twenty-four portraits on the east wall. These were the heroes who were the first to be rewarded when Emperor Taizong built Lingyan Pavilion. Then there were dozens of portraits, of the heroes who successively entered Lingyan Pavilion during the reign of the late Emperor and the Holy Empress.

Chen Changsheng became increasingly silent. From Taizu's reversal of the previous dynasty to Taizong's establishment of the country and then to the Holy Queen's ascension to the throne, many major events have happened in the long history of thousands of years. These people in Lingyan Pavilion are all involved. They are real big figures in history. For example In a word, they are history.

Walking in Lingyan Pavilion is walking in the long river of history. Those portraits have the vicissitudes of history, and even more, the weight of history. Countless secrets follow the deceased without a trace and are silent, but those secrets are among them, carrying countless earth-shattering pasts. If the sages in the portraits could come back to life, or leave some information that could be understood by future generations, scholars who study history would have no regrets.

After reading all the portraits in Lingyan Pavilion, it took about half an hour. Chen Changsheng walked back to the futon in the building, stood there, and began to think about something.

After a while, a bell rang. The bell came from the ground and was a bit far away, so it seemed particularly quiet. However, it only woke him up from his meditation and made him unable to meditate.

With the sound of the bell, the torch he had been holding in his hand was instantly extinguished, and the Lingyan Pavilion suddenly became pitch black. Not a trace of light penetrated through the gaps in the doors and windows.

Chen Changsheng looked around at the darkness and understood something. The first place winner in the Great Examination spends a night meditating in Lingyan Pavilion. The first thing he must do is the word Jing. There are no external objects disturbing the mind in Lingyan Pavilion, and the sound of the bell is quiet. It is even harder to see things at this time. There is nothing else to do except sit quietly on the futon and think.

The Great Zhou Dynasty hoped that these portraits in the Lingyan Pavilion and the original breath could be close to the breath of the people who meditated in the pavilion until they were in tune with each other, and strengthened the spiritual concept of serving the imperial family and the Holy Queen.

The first place in the Great Dynasty Examination in the past few years was not only a disciple of the Lishan Sword Sect but also a southerner. He did not have much sense of belonging to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Moreover, after entering the pavilion, he was naturally resistant to that powerful aura, so it was naturally difficult for him to do so. As the person who first designed this rule thought, solidify your own spirit.

Chen Changsheng was from Zhou Dynasty, so it was really possible for him to fulfill the original intention of the designer of the Great Imperial Examination System. However, since he entered Lingyan Pavilion, he could not calm down at all. His thoughts could not focus on the future of the nation and the unification of the human world. It can only fall into a more subtle or personal place.

Time passed slowly and silently, and still no light appeared.

Chen Changsheng did not sit on the futon and spend the night quietly like the previous top leaders. He took off his dagger from his waist, held the scabbard in his left hand, and stretched it into the air in front of him. In the Lingyan Pavilion, which was as dark as night, he could not see his fingers, nor could he see the dagger. However, since he left Xining Town, the dagger rarely left his side. He was very familiar with it. He raised his right hand and held it accurately. hilt.

The two hands slowly separated, but the dagger did not separate from the scabbard. What he pulled out was not a sword, but a ball of light. Just like the rising sun, the Lingyan Pavilion was instantly illuminated.

A round luminous pearl appeared in the palm of his right hand.

The soft light illuminated the gray wall, and also illuminated the floor through the gaps between his fingers. Behind him, a long shadow was dragged out. As the night pearl became brighter, the shadow gradually faded away.

He confirmed that no light would leak through the cracks in the doors and windows of Lingyan Pavilion, so he was not worried.

He held up the luminous pearl and walked towards the portraits.

Walking in the silent Lingyan Pavilion, the night was driven away by the light in his palm, and the truth was gradually revealed. He looked at the people in the portrait and felt that the people in the portrait were looking at him.

He suppressed this strange feeling and came to Wang Zhice's portrait again.

He held the dagger and thrust the sharp tip of the sword into the seam of the green bricks next to the portrait, slowly and carefully advancing forward. The hands holding the hilt of the sword trembled slightly and the fingers turned white.

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