Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 195 The Three People of the Past (Part 2)

The second person who is suspected of succeeding in changing his destiny is His Majesty Emperor Taizong.

Emperor Taizong has many titles, such as the Mingjun of the Eternal Age and the Hero of a Generation. Looking at the history ahead, there are few kings as outstanding as him. Among his achievements in life, the most outstanding and most praised by all people are naturally He led the coalition of humans and demons to defeat the powerful demons.

With the passage of time and the deliberate operation of the Zhou court, people only remember that under the leadership of His Majesty Emperor Taizong, the two tribes' coalition forces went to the north several times, and the demon soldiers they fought fled in all directions. Except for those who were determined to study history, Very few people still remember the time when the Great Zhou Dynasty was founded, when they humiliated themselves and sued for peace before the demons invaded, and how they struggled to survive. The famous Fallen Willow Alliance in people's memories has long been completely different from the true content of the original alliance.

In the third year after Emperor Taizu ascended the throne in front of the Tianshu Mausoleum, the demon army invaded the south brazenly. At that time, the war in the Central Plains had just stopped, the people's livelihood was in ruins, and the national power was weakened. It was impossible to resist. Emperor Taizu had no choice but to declare himself a vassal and pay tribute. Later, the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty gradually recovered, and they tried to truly incorporate the southern border into the territory. The three sons of Taizu led the army to fight in the south, leaving only Emperor Taizong, who was still the king of Qi at the time, to guard Kyoto. The demons took this opportunity to invade the south again, Taking Tianshui County in one fell swoop, the vanguard will reach Luoyang, threatening the entire human world. Emperor Taizong was forced to set up a conspiracy, and personally led the generals and advisers of the Prince of Qi to Luoliuyuan in the north of Luoyang to meet with the Demon Lord. It is said that the Demon Lord saw the Zhou army in order and mighty appearance, and it is also said that Zhou Dufu quietly appeared in Wuke. Liuxia, in short, the war has not started. Emperor Taizong presented a large amount of property and once again expressed his surrender. The two sides sacrificed pure white unicorns and concluded an alliance. The demon army began to return north.

The Alliance of Fallen Willows is a humiliating alliance under the city.

In the history books, Emperor Taizong can be called a perfect man, he appointed people on their merits and accepted advice with an open mind. However, he was destined to be a heroic leader of course, and he certainly had his own pride. How could he forget this humiliating history? Three years after the Baicao Garden Incident, Emperor Taizong and those legendary ministers and generals finally began to prepare to regain their glory and human dignity from the demons, and a magnificent war began.

Under the governance of two generations of Mingjun, the Great Zhou Dynasty worked hard and its national power was already strong. It happened to be the second outbreak of the spiritual world in a thousand years. Countless legendary figures like Wang Zhice continued to emerge. In addition, Emperor Taizong formed an alliance with the demon clan. With this strong support, the coalition's first Northern Expedition achieved gratifying results.

In the following decades, the flames of war on the northern grasslands have never really been extinguished. His Majesty Emperor Taizong and his amazing legendary strongmen continued to attack the demons. After the third Northern Expedition, the two sides finally After the victory was determined, the demons were defeated miserably and retreated to Xue Lao City, not daring to take another step south!

There are countless reasons for humans to defeat the demons. For example, as mentioned before, the kings are wise and the country is strong, and strong men emerge in large numbers. However, if you look carefully at this period of history, no matter how many reasons, it is difficult to explain why in just a few dozen In the past years, the arrogant demon clan that once dominated the northern part of the continent was defeated in this way. Why did the strength of the two sides reverse so decisively? It was like there was a power in the dark protecting Emperor Taizu. It seemed at that time There is also a force in the dark that protects the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty and constantly reduces the morale of the demons.

What is that kind of power in the dark? Is that the power of destiny? Emperor Taizong changed his own destiny and the destiny of the human world?

The third person who is suspected of succeeding in changing his destiny is still alive.

She is the master of the human world today, the Holy Queen.

Perhaps it is precisely because she is still alive that there are the least rumors about the Holy Queen's success in changing her destiny against heaven. Not many people dare to talk about it, even in their own beds.

But many people are speculating this way.

To rule the world as a woman and become a king on the imperial throne, how could the Holy Queen achieve such a great change that has never happened before without changing her fate against the will of heaven?

Taizu, Taizong and the Holy Empress are the three people who are rumored to have succeeded in changing their lives against the odds. They are also the three most successful people in this continent for thousands of years. In Chen Changsheng's judgment, there was not even the word suspect, because before leaving the old temple in Xining Town, Master Ji Taoist had clearly said that only three people had successfully changed their lives.

Although it is only used, it is an affirmative description.

If you want to change your destiny, you must change the position of your destiny star in the night sky. Chen Changsheng came to Kyoto, participated in the imperial examination, and entered Lingyan Pavilion to find a way to change the position of his destiny star. That method should be the secret method rumored to be used secretly by the first generation of the state religion pope and Emperor Taizu. Emperor Taizong and the Holy Empress should also use that method.

What Chen Changsheng was a little puzzled about was that since it was a secret method of the state religion, why did his master not let him find a way to enter the Li Palace to inquire about it, but instead asked him to find a way to enter Lingyan Pavilion and come to Wang Zhice's portrait. No matter how legendary Wang Zhice was, There is no such thing as changing one's fate against the will of heaven.

At this moment, there was a soft click in the bluestone wall.

He woke up and looked into the wall, only to see that the complicated and unspeakable copper wires on the surface of the box had turned into a completely different pattern from the original ones, and the positions of those delicate little copper buttons had also changed. , the middle spring retreated to both sides, and the box was actually opened.

The solution to the seventeen pairs of linked sets was very complicated, and I didn't even know if it was correct until the end. He only used it once to solve it. I have to say that this was a very lucky thing.

He took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips. He reached out to the box and suddenly discovered that those copper pillars and wires... were actually the same as the stars in the night sky. Having those invisible lines between the stars is the same thing, but simpler.

Only occasionally thinking, he did not continue to think, reached out and took out the book in the box. Lingyan Pavilion blocks out sound and sunlight, and this book is hidden deep in the bluestone wall. Hundreds of years later, the edges are slightly brittle, but the pages themselves are still as white as new, and the ink characters look like they were just written.

There are no words on the cover of this book. The first words Chen Changsheng saw were written on the first page. The handwriting had no edge, but was round and clumsy, like an old stone in the mountains, with its own flavor.

Position is relative.

Looking at these six words, Chen Changsheng was stunned and had no idea what they meant. After thinking about it seriously, he found that he had no clue, so he continued to read down. The second page was densely filled with words. The handwriting was elegant and graceful but not frivolous, nor did it deliberately seek to be clever. After seeing this page, he finally confirmed that this book was indeed Wang Zhice's notes.

(Next chapter before five o'clock.)

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